Administration Zone

Articles and Resources for Leaders and Administrators

So, you're in charge of the Children's Ministry?! HELP IS HERE!

Whether you are a Children's Pastor, Director, Coordinator, or Hold-it-all-together-er, the fact is you need ideas, and you need them fast!! If you're looking for a sample policy manual, or permission slip, or other administrative help, this is the place!

If you have a question or issue you would like to see addressed here, please contact us. We have a team of veteran children's ministry administrators ready to help.

ALSO: We would be interested in any contributions you may have for this section.

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Level Title Topic
All Access Developing a Ministry-Wide Strategy for Making Disciples

Everywhere around us, we are hearing a growing call: The spiritual formation of children must be done by parents, not for parents. The church’s role is shifting from one of serving and supporting parents to one of empowering, equipping, and encouraging parents. How can children's ministry leaders respond to this call?

Church Wide Discipleship Focus
All Access Disciplers and Specialists

The Acts 6 Model makes it possible for a local Family of God to provide a ministry to children that meets each child’s individual needs.

Discipleship, Church Leadership
Free Do You Have Cliques in Your Children's Ministry?

“Two are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT

Families, Programming
Free Hitting the Mark and What to Do When You Don't

Learning the skill of writing effective goals will go a long way towards accomplishing them. Janelle Hoos of the Well Equipped Volunteer blog provides a strategy of writing goals, accomplishing them, and knowing what to do when you fail to hit your goals.

Leadership, Goal Setting
All Access Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Volunteers?

Learn 4 mistakes many Children's Pastors make with their volunteers and how to avoid making them

Volunteers, Encouragement, Gifts
Free Do You Suffer From #Kidmin Tunnel Vision?

Do you have tunnel vision when it comes to your kidmin? Follow these tips on how to stay connected with the rest of the ministry teams!

Focus, Staying Connected
Free Do You Want a Better Children's Ministry? Capture Everything

Do you want a better children's ministry? Create a process for capturing everything.

All Access Does Curriculum Lose its Value When It Becomes Dated?

When does curriculum for children's ministry become outdated?

All Access Effectively Starting A New Ministry Position Will Keep You Out of Trouble

Advice on how to jump start your new ministry position.

Success in a New Job
All Access Evaluate, Evaluate, Evaluate

When looking at your ministry make sure you evaluate everything. The 3 easy elements are friendliness, cleanliness, and follow-up.

Evaluation of your ministry
All Access Expectations

Taking control of our expectations and responses, by not putting expectations on God.

Expectations, Taking Control
Free Family Ministry: Single Parents

There are many single parents in our world today. How do we, the church, help those parents to raise their kids? We can do these two things.

Ministry to Children with Single Parents
All Access Five Back to School Safety Fundamentals

Read these tips on how to protect you and your kids as they go back to school. 

Back to School
Free Five Habits of On Time Leaders

Time is precious. Sadly, too many leaders waste MUCH of the time they are given. When you waste time, it can have a negative impact on your leadership and your relationships. I challenge you to adopt the five habits of the On-Time Leader.

Time Management
All Access Five Myths About Children's Ministry Coaching

In this article I have shared my opinion about five common myths concerning coaching. Don't be fooled by these commons mistakes!

CM Coaching
All Access Five Questions Every Communicator Must Ask Before They Teach

Everytime someone teaches, there are questions they must answer as they prepare their lesson. To those who teach children, these questions are even more crucial, because children will readily believe what you teach them.

Free Five Tips to Instantly Improve Creative Output

Creativity is an elusive thing. For most people, it doesn’t just happen. Although every one of us has enormous creative potential, there are definitely times when creativity just doesn’t seem to flow. Here are some helpful tips.

Improving Creativity
All Access Five Ways To Create a Fun Kidmin Environment

Ideas on how to make your kidmin space fun for kids!

Fun, Kid Environments
Starter Five Ways to Participate in National Child Abuse Prevention Month

What can you do to help with child abuse prevention?

Child Safety and Security
All Access Five Ways to Save Money When Improving Child Safety

Five Ways to Save Money When Improving Child Safety

Child Safety, Saving Money
All Access Four Basic Steps for an Effective Kids Service

Take these 4 steps to help run an effective kids ministry service. 

Kids Church
Free Free and Inexpensive Ideas For Volunteer Appreciation Gifts

If you’re like me, you know how important volunteers are to Children’s Ministry. It is a true partnership: we cannot accomplish the work of our ministry without our dedicated volunteers; they cannot effectively accomplish the work of our ministry without a leader at the helm. How can we show them we truly appreciate them?

Appreciation Gifts
All Access Gaming Addiction and Kids of Divorce

Excessive use of video games can become a trap (an addiction) kids get caught in as they try to escape their emotional turmoil.

Divorce, Addiction
All Access Get to Know ME Middle School Version

An easy form for getting to know your Middle Schoolers.

Getting to Know Preteen
All Access Give It Back To God

When you stress over your ministry, you have taken the ministry away from God and have made it your responsibility to solve its problems.

Stress in Ministry
All Access Glad You Found Jesus - Goodbye and See You Around

Once children accept Christ, what does your ministry do in order to keep them growing in their newfound faith?

All Access Growing Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns

Discover the root problem that the Church is experiencing and find your children's ministries identity.

Childhood Discipleship
Free Having a Successful Children's Ministry, Is It Really as Hard as We Make It?

Allow me to offer up some of the things that I see in common between the most successful ministries.

Children's Ministry Models
All Access Healthy Leadership Self-Talk: It's Not What You Are Called, It's What You Answer To

Learn to live with brokenness, not in it. 

Healthy Leadership
All Access Helping Kids to Honor Their Dads

As children's ministers, we must help kids honor their fathers. Here are some ways that kids can honor their dads, and ways that they don't honor their dads.

Father's Day
All Access Helping Ministry Volunteers Connect

Fun ways to help your volunteers get connected with each other

Leading, Community, Volunteers
Free 'Hire Me' Resume!

You can put together a plain 'ol résumé, or you can create one that demonstrates the creativity and effort and zeal that you will put into your ministry once you are hired!

Job Hunting and Resumes
All Access How Divorce Affects Children

Here is a list of some ways that divorce affects children.

Effects of Divorce on Children
All Access How Divorce Affects Infants and Toddlers

Infants and toddlers are affected by divorce in several ways. They don’t know what is going on, but they do sense something is wrong, and they show this in several different ways.

The Effects of Divorce on Infants and Toddlers
All Access How Divorce Affects Preschool Age Children

The signs that we should look for to see the effects of divorce on preschoolers.

Effects of Divorce on Preschoolers
All Access How Does A Church Family Night Work?

Discover the purpose of having a family night

Family, Events,
All Access How I Turned My Ministry into a Family Ministry

When the church and the home are working together, we will have more success in making disciples of our kids.

Family Ministry
Free How Is Your Getting?

In our pursuit of recruiting volunteers for our children’s ministries, many people would say that they are not getting volunteers. I think we need to look inward before we begin to talk about how people just don’t volunteer in our ministries.

Volunteer Recruitment
All Access How People Get Into KidMin

From my vantage point and experience of getting to know many children’s ministry leaders, I have concluded that there appears to be five typical ways or scenarios that people use to enter the profession of Children’s Ministry or Kidmin Jobs. Which one of these Entry Scenarios describes you?

Children's Ministry
All Access How StuMin and KidMin Can Partner Better

How can your church transition kids from the children's ministry to the student ministry?

Children's and Student Ministry Partnership
All Access How Things Work in Your Church

Every church culture requires a leader who can understand How Things Work. Here are few things to watch for that might assess How Things Work in your Church.

Church Systems
Free How to Approach Delegation

Too often delegation is poorly executed, frustrating both the person delegating and the person being delegated to. There should be a benefit for both parties, but often one or both parties feel dissatisfied.

All Access How To Become An Effective Team Member

Use these tips to become a better team member that will benefit not only your team, but the kids in your ministry.

Team Work
All Access How to Build an Incredible Team

What makes a ministry team incredible? These five principles will help you build an incredible team for your children's ministry.

Team Building
All Access How to Catch a Vision

Stop battling with other leaders and ministries, instead catch the vision of your leaders and fight on the front lines together.

Leadership, Strategy
Free How to Choose What To Delegate in Your Children's Ministry

Steps to learn what to delegate and which team members to delegate to.

All Access How to Confront a Team Member

Sometimes our team members make mistakes. When we address these times of failure, we can gain a benefit for the church, and most importantly, for the individual worker.

Confrontation, Resolution
All Access How to CRUSH your Goals This Year

6 ways you can succeed in reaching your goals, any time of year!

Goals, New Year
Free How to Decorate a Sunday School Classroom

Learn how to decorate your Sunday School Classroom and leave a even bigger impact on your kids.

Decorations, Classroom
All Access How To Derail Your Ministry

What can you do when your pastor asks too much of you? When you feel like you’re overwhelmed with ministry work? When you’re not able to focus enough attention on important stuff? The challenges we face blanch in comparison to the one situation that will absolutely derail your ministry: dysfunction between you and your pastor.

Ministry Relationships
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