Easter Resource Guide

We know you use Kidology for great ideas, such as those found in our Easter Zone.  If you are looking for more resources, such as helpful curriculum, here's a guide to some of the Easter products you should explore! Find more Easter resources in the Kidology Easter Store!

The Great Rescue! 4-Week Easter Series

THE GREAT RESCUE - Jesus, the First Responder! is a 4-week Emergency-themed series that teaches how Jesus saved us from our sin!

INCLUDES HUNDREDS OF DOWNLOADS - videos, handouts, game files, screen images, customizable graphics, and more! We give you the tools you need to be AMAZING!

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The Great Escape! Super Sunday

THE GREAT ESCAPE - A Kids Church Escape Room Experience is a super fun, interactive experience for elementary children.

This event will take kids through nine stations, each exploring a phase of Jesus' life where they will learn a key phrase from that stage and complete a challenge or participate in a fun activity. For each completed phase, they will receive a puzzle piece.

Once they have all nine puzzle pieces, they will complete the puzzle, tape it together, and turn it over to discover the phrase that will allow them to "ESCAPE" and win the game! That same phrase contains the secret to escaping the consequences of sin and entering heaven! (John 14:6)

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EGG OLYMPICS Easter Outreach Event Planning Kit

EGG OLYMPICS EVENT encourages kids and families to invite friends to church on Palm Sunday for a day of fun games and prizes and then to invite them back on Easter Sunday.

Not only are the kids coming to church (and registering for follow-up), but the parents actually attend the adult service and therefore are more likely to return on Easter Sunday as a family.

Watch set-up walk-through and highlight videos!

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Miraculous! 8-Week Easter Series

MIRACULOUS: Marveling at the Miracles of Jesus is an 8-week Easter series teaching kids about the miracles of Jesus and showing that Jesus is still doing the impossible today!

INCLUDES HUNDREDS OF DOWNLOADS - videos, handouts, game files, screen images, customizable graphics, and more! We give you the tools you need to be AMAZING!

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Undefeated! 4-Week Easter Series

UndefeatedYOUR KIDS WILL LEARN POWERFUL CHRISTIAN SKILLS as they study under the Master Jesus. They will learn the skills that enabled Jesus to defeat any foe He faced: Patience, Perseverance, Purity, and Peace.

OVER 75 DOWNLOADS - videos, handouts, game files, screen images, posters, customizable graphics, and more! We give you the tools you need to be AMAZING!

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A FUNtastic! Easter Activity Book

FUNtastic Easter Activity Book! is the perfect gift to distribute to kids to share the true meaning of Easter while inviting them to your church!

A FUNtastic Easter Activity Book is a TEMPLATE with a customizable back cover to promote your local church ministry.

This original kid-sized book is a fun, interactive, and non-threatening way to share the true meaning of Easter. Give it away to kids in your ministry when they visit or at your Easter outreach events. 

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Resurrection Clue Hunt Game

Resurrection Clue HuntResurrection Clue Hunt is an adaptation of a classic deduction game. Ideal for use in small groups facilitated by a leader, this lesson-based game helps to uncover the many aspects of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection story.

You and your fellow explorers are searching for clues that tell the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. However, 3 clues are missing!

To win this game, you must discover which PEOPLE clue is missing, what LOCATION clue is unknown, and which OBJECT clue is needed to complete the set.

During this adventure, as explorers hunt for clues, companion devotional "Fact Sheets" feature Bible verses, discussion questions, and teaching applications. This process illustrates how the clues fit together to shape the resurrection story!

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Easter Bingo

Easter BingoAre you looking for a quick and easy activity for Easter Sunday? Try Easter Bingo, by Susan E. Harper, author of our popular The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Curriculum.

Ideal for kids who know the Easter story, as well as those who don't, these fully reproducible sheets are ready for your printer.

Includes 35 different reproducible Easter Bingo Cards, reproducable Master Cards, Grade School Word Version, Preschool Picture-Only Version, and Suggested Lesson Plan.

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So What Is Easter Anyway? Video Lesson

So What is Easter Anyway?So What Is Easter Anyway? is a 14-minute ToyBox Tale featuring a retelling of the Easter story through the use of action figures, with an introduction featuring Karl Bastian's crazy antics. Great for use in transitional ministry situations or as an introduction to teaching about this important time.
The video explores the various things associated with the holiday, from eggs to rabbits and beyond. Utilizing the time travel storytelling narrative of Mr. Peabody & Sherman, kids will discover Jesus just as he was coming out of the tomb!
Includes a 2-page PDF Companion Teaching Guide, featuring teaching ideas, small & large group games, & discussion questions.   

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The Truth About Jesus Single Lesson from DiscipleLand

The Truth About JesusThe Truth About Jesus is a SINGLE lesson from DiscipleLand's DiscipleTown #16: How to Know the Truth series, written by Karl Bastian.

It will help kids understand the significance of who Jesus was and what He means for their lives both now and for all of eternity.

Jesus: Good man, prophet, myth, or Savior of the world? This lesson will help children understand exactly who Jesus is and is not.

The most polarizing man in human history was far more than just a man — and He did much more than just become the central point of our calendars.

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Jesus is Real 4-Week Curriculum

Jesus is RealTadpole Tails brings bring you a 4-week, sitcom-style video series featuring the news team from Breaking Action Daily News. This small-town newscast is dead last in the ratings until the skeptical producer, Bentley, orders news anchor Walter Riley to report that Jesus is a fake.

With the help of a young boy and a mysterious janitor, Walters investigative reporting leads him to a pastor, professor, physician, and printer. Each episode sheds new light on the fact that Jesus is real! While this may be "good news" to Walter, it causes lots of tension with the B.A.D. news team.

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Been There, Done That! 1-Week Curriculum

Been There, Done That!High Voltage's Been There, Done That! downloadable 1-week Easter curriculum teaches kids all about the Easter story and how Jesus has "Been There, Done That!" for each of us!

  • Lesson Intro Video - Booma Shockalacka interviews Badger Brockingham about his daring experiences
  • Character Skit - Complete comedy script featuring Wacky Wally
  • Game Time - Easter Egg Hunt
  • Illustrated Message - Includes animated illustrations, object lesson, teaching script, and more
  • PowerPoint Slides - Graphic slides to enhance every part of the service
  • Brain Drain Review Game - See how much the kids learned

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How Do I Get There? 1-Week Curriculum

How Do I Get There?High Voltage's How Do I Get There? downloadable 1-week Easter curriculum teaches kids all about the Easter story and how Jesus is the ONLY way to get to Heaven! Inside you'll find:

  • Lesson Intro Video - Kayla tries to figure out how to get to her Grandma's church
  • Character Skit - Complete comedy script featuring Wacky Wally
  • Game Time - Egghead Relay
  • Illustrated Message - Includes animated illustrations, object lesson, teaching script, and more
  • PowerPoint Slides - Graphic slides to enhance every part of the service
  • Family Devotion - Take Home sheet for parents to reinforce the lesson
  • Graphic Artwork - Promote the Easter Sunday lesson)
  • Review Questions - See how much the kids learned

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Flipped Over 2-Week Easter Curriculum

KidTOUGH Filpt Over Easter SeriesFlipt Over, a 2-week Easter unit from KidTOUGH, focuses on the unique and counter-cultural thinking of Jesus. This series helps kids to better understand how Jesus flips our thinking, challenges are paradigms, and calls us into a new and lasting adventure with Him.

This K-5th grade unit consists of the five traits in T.O.U.G.H.

  • Trust: I can count on God to be there for me
  • Obey: I can stop, pause and make the right choice
  • Unite: I can connect Jesus to every part of my life
  • Grow: I can allow the Bible to shape my life
  • Honor: I can put God and others first

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X-treme Feats 4-Week Easter Curriculum

X-Treame FeatsX-treme Feats, a 4-week Easter unit from River's Edge, can also be used any time of the year. Explore John 3:16 in a fresh new way as kids learn about Jesus' birth, Nicodemus and spiritual birth, and Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Kids will walk away with not only a deeper understanding of John 3:16 but will learn how belief in Jesus transforms their lives.

The lessons include Plungerman (drama), X-treme Feats trivia, X-treme Feats performer story, Bible Story, Prayer, X-treme Feat (illusion/science experiment), X-treme Stunt along with optional activities - craft, snack, comic strip, Bible memory activity, small group questions. A one-page X-treme Feats Herald is included for kids to take home. The Herald gives parents ideas for discussions and activities to do at home.

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CSI Jerusalem 4-Week Curriculum

CSI JerusalemCSI Jerusalem is a 4-week Easter unit from River's Edge. Through fun, hands-on forensics science activities, explore the events surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection. Investigate the lives of those who knew him well and their reactions to the events.

As we learn about Peter, Mary Magdalene, John and Judas' actions and reactions, we are challenged to not only believe in Jesus but to allow him to transform our lives through his forgiveness and his love.

The lessons contain drama, puppets (optional), interactive Bible stories, forensic lab activities, object lessons, games, crafts, snack ideas, Bible memory activities and parent take home pages.

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The Hunt is On 1-Week Curriculum

The Hunt is OnWhenever we think about Easter we often think about hunts.

Kids look forward to Easter egg hunts filled with brightly colored eggs, colored plastic grass tumbling out of baskets, chocolate smeared faces, peeps mashed between fingers and surprises tucked into plastic eggs.

This Easter get kids to think about how they view Easter hunts. Could they possibly be missing what the real hunt is all about?

The Hunt is On! from Rivers Edge includes drama, game show, Bible story, Walk Through Easter Morning sensory event, craft, game, memory verse activity, snack, small group discussion, and take home paper.

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Jesus is Alive 1-Week Curriculum

Jesus is AliveHigh Voltage's Jesus is Alive downloadable 1-week Easter curriculum teaches kids all about the Easter story and includes the following:

  • Lesson Intro Video - Cherith talks about how hard it was for the disciples to lose Jesus
  • Character Skit - Complete comedy script featuring Wacky Wally
  • Game Time - Crazy version of an Easter Egg Hunt
  • Illustrated Message - Includes an "illusion", object lesson, teaching script, and more
  • PowerPoint Slides - Graphic slides to enhance every part of the service
  • Family Devotion - Send home for parents to reinforce lesson
  • Graphic Artwork - Promote the Easter Sunday lesson)
  • Review Questions - See how much the kids learned

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My Awesome God: The Easter Story Book

My Awesome GodEaster Sunday is typically a high attendance day in church and Sunday School. DiscipleLand's My Awesome God: The Easter Story is a new and creative way to help your children and families focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • 7 Easter stories help children embrace what the Bible says about God - who He is, what He is like, and what He does.

  • Each story is crafted to engage younger children, and is faithful to the Biblical text.

  • Vibrant art, bursting with rich detail, fills every page

Every young child, parent, and grandparent needs a copy of this 16-page Easter Storybook. Kids will love having these seven beautifully illustrated, easy-to-read Easter stories – seven stories that will take them from Palm Sunday to Jesus’ glorious resurrection.

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Airborne: The Building Zone 5-Week Curriculum

AirborneAirborne: The Building Zone
is a 5-week Easter unit from River's Edge, part of the Imagination Factory series.

Airborne is a place where kids design, construct and test devices that fly, glide or fling through the air. While investigating and tinkering with these fun activities, kids will be introduced to and captivated by Jesus' names and come to understand not only each name’s meaning but also how it applies to their own lives. By learning about the details surrounding the name, kids will have a deeper understanding of who Jesus is, what He came to do and the relationship He offers them.

Each lessons elements of Planning (Gathering the information about the name),
Constructing (putting together what God says about the name), and Testing (applying the name).

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Sonrise 1-Week Curriculum

Sonride from RealFunRealFun's Sonrise downloadable 1-week Easter curriculum is your chance to put your best ministry foot forward for those Easter visitors. Features a lesson outline, PowerPoint presentation, graphics, and artwork. Lesson elements include...

  • The Big Idea: Ever since they discovered that Jesus was gone out the of the tomb, there has been people trying to prove that the resurrection never happened  Evidence will show us that it is true.
  • Spice Things Up: Use a stick of cinnamon to teach about the women in Luke 24 anointing Jesusʼ dead body
  • Object Lesson: Use a boomerang to teach about Jesus' great "comeback"
  • Memory Verse: Luke 24:6
  • Memory Verse Activty: Scripture Egg Hunt
  • Memory Bible Story
  • Game Time: Paper Towel Twirl

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Trapped! 1-Week Curriculum

Trapped! Easter LessonHigh Voltage's Trapped! downloadable 1-week Easter curriculum features another way to illustrate the Easter story.  It includes the following:

  • Lesson Intro Video - Naje talks about Jesus' death and resurrection
  • Character Skit - Three complete comedy scripts featuring Chuck Foo
  • Game Time - Crazy version of an Easter Egg Hunt
  • Illustrated Message - Includes object lesson, teaching script, and more
  • PowerPoint Slides - Graphic slides to enhance every part of the service
  • Family Devotion - Send home for parents to reinforce lesson
  • Review Questions - See how much the kids learned

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Palm Sunday 1-Week Curriculum

Palm SundyPalm Sunday is a stand alone lesson from River's Edge that looks at the events taking place on Palm Sunday. Learn how Jesus came as a king not to conquer a country but to conquer sin. Send kids home with their own mini-egg hunt to do with their families during the week before Easter. This hunt will help families keep their focus on the real reason for Easter.

The lesson includes Bible story of the Triumphant Entry, object lesson, craft (take home family egg hunt), snack, bible memory activity, game, small group questions, and take home paper.

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I Spy Butterflies 4-Week Preschool Curriculum

I Spy ButterfliesI Spy Butterflies is a 4-week unit from River's Edge aimed at preschoolers and kindergartners. As children watch how a butterfly develops from a little egg, they learn of how Jesus wants them to also grow into something beautiful. Using pretend play, the classic book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, crafts, snacks, Bible stories, nature and games, children will forever remember that Jesus changes us into beautiful creations.

Lessons Include:

  • Jesus Knows You. Judas betrays Jesus
  • Do you know Jesus? Peter's Denial
  • Jesus is Alive! The Tomb is Empty
  • Jesus Makes Us Free. Peter and His Friends Fishing

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One Amazing Easter 4-Week Curriculum

One Amazing EasterChildrensChurchStuff presents their One Amazing Easter Series.

For 4 weeks leading up to and including Easter Sunday, you'll walk with the disciples and enjoy getting to know their hearts.

For those kids that hear the Easter Story every single year, this series will make them sit up and listen all over again.

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PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl 2025 Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 19 - Memorization Next Steps for Kids Kidmin Talk Podcast
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