Online Training

Kidology Online Training


What is Kidology Online Training?

Kidology Online Training is your ticket to affordable, at home, kidmin training. Every children's ministry leader will benefit from these courses in what it takes to successfully lead a Children's Ministry.

These sessions are designed for the intentional children's ministry leader who would like to be equipped to take their ministry to the next level of excellence.

Kidology Online Training offers practical training on a wide variety of topics from a vetern leader who who served in small, medium and large churches from mobile church plants to established churches in the inner-city and suburbs. Look over the topics and choose what best meets your church needs, but be sure to also choose topics that will challenge you to grow.


Just a few of the series available:

Many more videos on a wide variety of topics can be found in the Video Training Zone.



Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Girl FUNtastic Bible Activity Book 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 11 - How to Discover Gifts The Kids Church Cooking Show - Episode 5: Stories Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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