The Kidology Way: The Four Pillars

The Kidology Way

Inside The Kidology Way, you'll learn the Four Pillars of Children's Ministry that will ensure a ministry where kids become fully devoted disciples of Jesus. Trends come and go, but a ministry that is built upon this foundation will turn out solid kids who can stand strong through the storms of life.

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This 50-page eBook is available FREE to Kidology Starter and All Access Members. At its core are time-tested principles of children's ministry rooted in Scripture, which match up with the weekly realities of children's ministry as experienced by those in the trenches week in and week out.

The Kidology Way doesn't offer shortcuts, easy solutions, or prepackaged ministry. However, as its Mission declares, it does seek "To Equip and Encourage Those in Children's Ministry," while upholding some principles that are the underpinnings of a solid, biblical children's ministry.

This book could transform your ministry!

A Successful Children’s Ministry Must Be:

Child Centered.

God loves every child and therefore we accept them and love them, just the way they are. Children who need special attention are lovingly welcomed. Our environments are kid-friendly, engaging and educational. Our volunteers strive to understand a child’s perspective and strive to make the message of Christianity relevant to the life of a child. We have “fun,” but it is fun with a purpose! Therefore our teaching is creative and engaging and connects with the world of kids in order to help them connect with God.

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 1 Corinthians 9:22

Highly Relational

We strive to be relational, not just informational. While we creatively teach important spiritual truths to our children, we understand that building relationships with children is the most effective tool. Throughout all of our programs we seek to connect children with loving adults who know and love Jesus - understanding that this will be more effective than any program, product or lesson ever will be.

As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; Luke 24:15

Gospel Focused

We believe that children are important and matter to God. Not only can children come to faith in Jesus Christ, but God commands adults to come to Him with the simple faith of a child. We present the Good News of salvation through Jesus often, clearly and provide opportunities for children to invite Him into their life as their Savior and Friend. If resources lack the Gospel message, we will be sure to include it, for we believe that without saving faith in Christ, no other Bible lesson truly is applicable nor has eternal consequence.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Discipleship Driven

We recognize that Jesus gave one primary command when He returned to heaven: go and make disciples. However, we further recognize that making disciples ought not be something that happens haphazardly in the course of church attendance. It should be approached with intentionality and strategy and with a focus on the individual. After the Gospel is accepted, children need a solid biblical foundation laid that will enable them to grow in wisdom and knowledge and character in a manner that will last a life-time. Empowering parents and others to intentionally disciple children is a critical component of developing life long devoted followers of Jesus.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Just One of Many Replies from Readers...

This book is foundational to everything I know and do in kids ministry. When I first read it I thought, "This is who I am," - "This captures how God has equipped me for ministry," - "Karl read my mind." There are so many golden nuggets of kidmin truth in this book that even on my 5th-6th read through I am mining things to jot down and things I am being convicted to look at again in our ministry to kids.

I presented this book to my lead team. My team agreed wholeheartedly and today I am putting the logo on our website and linking to this book! Our team and kidmin are catching the vision and running with it!

It is with great excitement that we can do this because Kidology is such a big part of who I am and now who this ministry is and will become. Thank you Karl for all that you do for kidmin!

Doug Olson


If you agree with these FOUR PILLARS and commit to strive to implement them in your ministry, as prayfully and as creatively as possibly, post this logo on your website and link it to to encourage others to do the same:

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