Administration Zone

Articles and Resources for Leaders and Administrators

So, you're in charge of the Children's Ministry?! HELP IS HERE!

Whether you are a Children's Pastor, Director, Coordinator, or Hold-it-all-together-er, the fact is you need ideas, and you need them fast!! If you're looking for a sample policy manual, or permission slip, or other administrative help, this is the place!

If you have a question or issue you would like to see addressed here, please contact us. We have a team of veteran children's ministry administrators ready to help.

ALSO: We would be interested in any contributions you may have for this section.

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All Access 3 Things You Can Read to Become a Better Leader

Here are three things you can read to become a better leader. Hint: It's not what you think!

Investing in Yourself
Free 4 Reasons The Kids In Your Ministry Are Misbehaving

How do you handle discipline in your ministry? Not just punishment, but maintaining control before it gets out of control? Here are some tips to help you run a smooth Sunday morning (or Wednesday evening).

Discipline, Relationship, Leadership
Free 4 Things Every Decision Needs

Here are four things that every decision needs before it can be considered a real decision.

All Access 4 Ways I React When A Volunteer Leaves

How do you honestly feel when you get that dreaded email/call or hallway encounter where your volunteer is sharing with you that they are departing?

Volunteers, Shepherding
All Access 4 Ways to Promote Your Church's VBS

Helpful ideas to help you so that you can invite your whole neighborhood to VBS.

VBS, Outreach
All Access 4 Ways To Think Big But Act Small In Your KidMin

We all want to do big things in our ministry. We want to cast a big vision and see a big God bring big results. That’s the way most of us think, and that’s good! But thinking big often results in missing what’s really important – the little things that are the real fruit of our ministry. The little things that make a big difference and, when added up, bring the big impact.

Vision Casting
All Access 5 Leadership Don'ts You Should Do

We often hear about the leadership "do's." What about the leadership "don'ts?" Read about 5 that you can apply to your ministry today!

Leadership Don'ts
All Access 5 Must-Have Values for Leading Volunteers

Many leaders face challenges with high rates of turnover and frustrating results. Others seem to enjoy strong teams and ministry effectiveness. So what makes a leader effective in building teams of volunteers?  

All Access 5 Reasons To Appreciate Your Lead Pastor

A list of reasons why you need to be showing appreciation to your Lead Pastor

Pastor Appreciation
Free 5 Spiritual Lessons to Learn from Riding a Bike

Spiritual lessons from riding a bike? Of course!

Leadership, Growing in Faith
All Access 5 Steps to Build Relationships

Relationships matter. Even though ministry has its ups and downs, ultimately relationships continue holding everything together. Here are some tips to help evaluate and refine your relational existence.

Relationships, Evaluation
All Access 5 Things Children's Ministers Wish Their Senior Pastor Knew

An open letter from those who serve in children's ministry to their senior pastors.

Free 5 Things Every Ministry Leader Should Be Doing With Their Family

Is your family involved in children's ministry? If so, are you excited about it, or do you need a reminder as to why you serve? Read these 5 tips for keeping the spirit of serving alive in your family.

Serving in Kids' Ministry
All Access 5 Things Leaders Should Do Every Week

Regardless of what field you are in, leadership is demanding. It’s often messy, especially in ministry. It can take it’s toll on you as an individual, on your family, and on your ministry team. Here are 5 things I try to do everyday to help combat the demands of leadership.

All Access 5 Things No One Told Me About KidMin

There are a lot of things you will learn once you begin your job as a KidMin. Here are a few that were learned the hard way. If only someone had told me first...

Leadership, Team Building
All Access 5 Tips For A Successful Training Meeting

Make your volunteer meetings relevant and succinct. They will appreciate you for it.

Volunteers, Leadership
Starter 5 Tips for Lining Up Summer Volunteers

Try these 5 tips to help you line up volunteers for your Sunday programming this summer.

Summer Volunteers
All Access 5 Ways That Kids Can Serve in Kid's Church

Kids are not the church of the future. They can be the church of today!

Service, Volunteers, Discipleship
Free 5 Ways to Beat Burnout

Summer is unique in that it is usually one of the toughest times of year for those in children’s ministry. In fact, no matter what ministry you serve in, the top threat to your ministry is GUARANTEED to come knocking at your door during the summer. What threat is that? The answer is: BURNOUT.

Burnout in Ministry
All Access 5 Ways to Engage Church Leadership in Children's Ministry

Here are 5 ways that you can engage church leadership in children's ministry.

Church Leadership, Children's Ministry
All Access 5 Ways To Make 2013 Your Best Leadership Year Ever!

I’m not much for New Year “resolutions”, but there’s a time for renewed commitment to the things we’re pursuing. The New Year is always a good time to step back and evaluate, and to look ahead with renewed energy. Here are a few thoughts on how we can “lead better” in 2013.

All Access 5 Ways to Make Visiting Families Feel Welcome

Here are a few ways to make sure that new families feel welcome at your church and ministry.

Welcoming New Families
Free 5 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Volunteers for a Year of Hard Work

Your volunteers work hard and deserve some appreciation! Here are 5 ways to show appreciation to your volunteers for a year of hard work.

Volunteers, Appreciation
All Access 5 Ways To Teach Kids Thankfulness

Thankfulness goes beyond the words and phrases we use. 

Free 50 Great Ministry Apps

I value any technology that can enhance my ministry skills and/or save me valuable time, so that I have more time to spend with people. Here is a list of 50 of my favorite apps that can help you in ministry.

Ministry Apps
Free 6 Pitfalls Every New Children's Pastor Should Avoid

Avoid these pitfalls that new pastors make. 

Pastor Pitfalls
Free 6 Places to Find Teaching Inspiration

Get creative ideas on where to look for inspiration as your begin developing your next lesson and planning how to more effectively reach your kids.

Teaching, Inspiration, Ideas
All Access 6 Questions To Ensure Your Ministry Outlasts You

How well prepared are you for when God calls you to move on? Have you prepared others to pick up where you left off?

Leadership, Preparation
Free 6 Ways that Boring Forms Provide Essential Insight into the Pulse of Your Ministry

It's easy to become overwhelmed with forms in your ministry. And it's easy to ignore that stack of papers on your desk. But there is so much value hidden within those lines. 

Administration, Forms in Ministry
All Access 7 Basic Precautions for Children's Ministry

Important steps you need to take in your ministry to keep you, your volunteers and your kids safe.

Saftey, Security
All Access 7 Characteristics of a Healthy Leader

Are you a wise and spirit-filled leader? Paul gives 7 specific qualities in the book of Ephesians to strive for.

All Access 7 Deadly Sins of Kidmin Pastors

Do you want to be in kid's ministry for the long haul? If you do, here is a list of sins to avoid.

Leadership, Administration, Pastoral Advice
Free 7 Questions You Can't Ask In Church

Do you know God's commands for your life? Or are you just misunderstanding them? 

Humor, Questions
All Access 7 Reasons Leaders Fall From the Cutting Edge

Some leaders keep expanding, making a contribution into old age, while others make the 'Great Compromise,' settling into a comfortable mediocrity.

Leadership, Innovation
Free 7 Surprise Requirements to Become a Children's Pastor

Seminary will give you the education required to be a pastor and leader. But what else is required to be a great Children's Pastor?

All Access 7 Things to Include in Every Volunteer Meeting

Make your next volunteer meeting a roaring success with these tips from SuperChurch!

Volunteers, Meetings, Training
Free 7 Things to Remember When a Parent Expresses a Concern

7 tips to consider when addressing concerns in your ministry.

Safety, Communication, Parental Concerns
All Access 7 Tips for the Most Productive Planning Meetings Ever

Don't lead the same ho-hum meetings. Learn tricks to engage your team!

Meetings, Administration
All Access 7 Ways to Reach Ministry Goals

I have used the B.H.A.G. for years – it stands for Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Too often we simply allow life to happen around us day-to-day. When we take the time to set goals and see them to completion, we feel a sense of accomplishment and achieve more. With B.H.A.G.’s in mind, I thought I would share 7 Ways you can reach your GOALS.

Ministry Goals
All Access 7 Ways to Simplify Life

We live in a world of bigger, better, faster, stronger. Some would even add “excessive,” and while I don’t believe there is anything wrong with having nice things or many nice things, generally speaking more stuff equals more stress. I’m sure each of us could use a little simplicity in our family life.

Simplifying Life
All Access 8 Ministry Improvements You Can Make This Weekend!

Do you ever feel like you’re buried under the “to do list” pile, or feel like you’re not making enough progress in your ministry?  Here are eight ways that are simple and easy to implement that will make a difference in your ministry THIS WEEKEND!

Improving Your Ministry
All Access 8 Signs Your Volunteer Needs a Break

Watch for these signs that your volunteers need to take a break from serving in ministry. 

All Access 9 Bad Things Happening When You Forget Ministry Vision

What happens when you lose the vision for your ministry?

Free 9 Habits of Highly Productive People

Here is a list of habits you may want to consider incorporating into a New Year to become more productive.

Productivity, Leadership
Free 9 Tips for Choosing a VBS Program

Here are 9 tips for choosing VBS material and evaluating your options.

Choosing VBS Material
All Access A Delegation Question

An answer to a delegation question about expectations and standards

Delegation, Leading, Expectations
All Access A Kidmin Bargainologist

Do more ministry with your money by using these thirteen creative ways to spend less and get more. Make a small budget go far!

Money, Discounts, Budget
All Access A Kidmin Giant?

Learn how to set reasonable goals for YOUR ministry, instead of just emulating others.

Ministry, Setting Goals
All Access A Reminder from Your Future

Children's Ministry is difficult, so take a look into your future...

Future, Endurance
All Access A Revolutionary Ministry Strategy

A document once thought lost forever in the archives of the Kidologist’s vast children’s ministry vault of hand written resources from before the dawn of the computer has recently been uncovered. Could it reveal a ministry strategy that will revolutionize your ministry today?

Ministry Strategy
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