Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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All Access Donkeys on Parade

Be sure to carry Jesus with you as you go about.

Matthew 21:1-16, Witnessing
All Access Don't Chuck The Doll In The River

Poor Jack is quite confused about the story of baby Moses and why his mum put him in a basket then floated it down the river. Read the script to find out why Jack has his sister's doll tied to the end of a rope!

All Access Don't Forget the Batteries

Even today, thousands of years later, we can still worship God just like those men did back then.

Christian Living
All Access Don't Make a Mess Out of Your Life

You are never too old or too young. Nor can you do it too much. We all need to seek Jesus' cleansing.

All Access Dressed for A Wedding

God invites each of us to learn more about Him through Jesus. God invites us to be a part of His family by believing in Jesus.

Matthew 22:1-14, Salvation
All Access Drop the Oars

Are you struggling to save yourself? It won't work. Trust in Jesus today.

Luke 18:9-14, Salvation
All Access E.A.S.T.E.R. Skit

The real message of Easter is Jesus.

The Real Meaning of Easter.
All Access Easter Outreach Skit

Easter’s not about us. It’s about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross.

All Access Easter Puppet Sketch

Our kids love this puppet sketch!

All Access Eat and Live

Jesus is our life; He is our joy; He is our hope.

All Access Egg Hunt Puppet Script

This is a pupet script that I used at our 04 Egg Hunt.

All Access Eh! What Did You Say?

We are so blessed to have God there to help us whenever we call out to Him.

Psalm 4, Prayer
All Access Failing Christmas

Little Johnny failed a test at school. Will he fail the Big Test?

All Access Fall Feast Main Skit

A child is confused about how his religions holidays are celebrated.

Fall Feast
All Access Fess Up

It is best not to get into trouble, but once you do, you need to fess up.

Psalm 32:1-7, Confessing sin to God
All Access Filthy Garments to a White Robe

How God changes the filthy garments of sin in our life to a white robe of redemption and righteousness when we accept Jesus into our heart.

How we are changed when Jesus comes into our life.
All Access Fishing

Wise old Fisherman Sam teaches a young puppet named Billy about why you need to use patience when you go fishing to get the best out of it. Billy doesn't want to wait and goes to the fish shop, but there's a big surprise he misses at the end!

All Access Food for Thought

God is pleased when you listen to things that are uplifting and that help you grow spiritually.

Psalm 39:1-5, 23-24, Think on Godly things
All Access Foolish Preacher

And we have a great preacher who we really appreciate. One that I know does not take himself too seriously, because he knows it is God who does the work of salvation, but it is us who must remain faithful.

Christian Living
All Access Forgotten Schedules

Do you often complain about having to do things on schedule? Would you rather put things off? Working with family and friends in an organized way makes life much smoother.

Eccl. 1:8-11, Priorities, Schedule
All Access Frankie Controls His Temper

Frankie is given the opportunity to get into a fight on two ocassions. He takes the first opportunity, but then he listens to his heart (Spirit) which reminds him of the Word of God...

Self Control, Living By The Spirit
All Access Freedom from Sin

Gracie helps Sam discover that he is a slave to his "stuff"

Galations 5:1/4-5
All Access Freezerburn

A newly created snowpuppet finds out that he's a little different...or is he?

He Created Us All
All Access Freezerburn II: The Wrath Of Snowcone

In Freezerburn, our hero learned about self-acceptance. Now he faces an ever greater challenge: the jealousy of his snowpeers.

Hearing God's Message
All Access From Calvary to the Serengeti

A true story about an African that comes to Jesus Christ.

Missions, Blood of Jesus, Evangelism
All Access Get Out of the Dump

Remember, the temporary things will be burned up, the eternal things will last.

All Access Gettin' Ready For Quittin' Time

When Jesus talked about the future, the time to come, He said not to worry about the future because God would take care of us.

Luke 21:25-31, Trust in God
All Access Gift or Giver

We should seek the Lord Himself and not just the blessings or gifts that He gives us.

Luke 17:11-19, Thankfulness
All Access Go Ye Into All The World

Not all of us can leave and be missionaries, we stay behind and help with all kinds of gifts and supplies to help the missionaries do their work far away.

Mark 16:15, Missions
All Access God Has Plans For Little Frisco!

A little boy learns a special message about who to really lean on in a crisis!

God's love
All Access God Loves Everyone

Billy betrays his friend and then feels so guilty that he thinks God could never forgive him and he will be doomed. He learns that although God doesn't like the bad things we do, He still loves us no matter what.

All Access God Sends And Instructs

This is part of a series of puppet scripts that can be used for VBS or a theme during Children's Church. The theme is ALL GOD'S CREATURES. We used water bottles during the script, which made for a lot of fun for the children.

All Access God's Eraser

Are you trying to ignore a sin in your life? Jesus wants to forgive you and erase it. But you have to confess.

Psalm 32, God's Forgiveness, Lying
All Access God's Magic Slate

If you repent of your sins and confess them to God, He will erase them.

Psalm 51:1-10, Lying, Forgiveness
All Access Goggles, Feathers, and Wigs

What does it take to become a friend of God, and where do you find out the truth about this? Well, it's certainly not from a cereal box!

Eternal Life
All Access Gold, Franklincents and Firs

A family share a Christmas tradition

All Access Gone Fishin'

Friendship can be the bait, God's Word can be the hook and line. Be a fisher of men, rather than just an ordinary fisherman.

Mark 1:14-20, Witnessing
All Access Good for Evil

God instructs us to bless our enemies and return good for evil, giving every opportunity to change the enemies into friends.

Matthew 5:43-48, Friendship
All Access Good For Nothing Butch

In heaven, you will be rewarded for the things done for nothing.

Matthew 5:13-16, Being a Helper, Serving Jesus
All Access Good Intentions

The Bible says that your actions are what is important. If we say we will do something, let's do it.

Matthew 21:23-32, Obedience
All Access Goodbye Gramma!

A young boy learns to say goodbye to his beloved Gramma with a little help from Dad.

A lesson from Psalms 40:7.
All Access Goodbye Lothar

Mortis gets a wake-up call from his Christian friend, Paul.

All Access Grad-Gee-Ation Time

When a person receives salvation, they are beginning the first day of the rest of their spiritual lives. It's so simple.

Growing as a New Christian
All Access Grouch

Oscar's (from Sesame St) Australian cousin "Aussie Oscar" learns that you're much better off if you're nice and friendly to people instead of being mean all the time.

All Access Growin' Up Blind

Zachary is afraid to grow up, Grandpa helps calm him down.

All Access Growing Up

Growing in the Lord is one of the best things in the christian walk with God. It will help in life.

Spiritual Growth
All Access Happy Birthday

Jesus doesn't guarantee an easy, happy life, but He does promise to be with us.

Psalm 138, God is always with us
All Access Happy New Year?

New Years Day should be a time of celebration for the kids, not a time of fear.

Could THIS be the year?
All Access He Touched Me`

Jesus loves each of us just as much as He loved the man with leprosy. Jesus wants to touch our lives, too, and take away our sadness.

Mark 1:40-45, Jesus' healing touch
All Access Heaven Needs Firemen

This puppet play has helped many children around the country, and around the globe, to understand the terrible events of September 11th.

Remembering September 11th
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