Puppetry Zone

No Strings Attached!

Puppets remain the #1 ministry tool for engaging, entertaining, and educating kids. The simple fact is, KIDS LOVE PUPPETS, and while other teaching techniques come and go, puppets are here to stay! Here you will find help for puppet teams as well as solo puppeteers.

See Also: Introduction to Solo Puppeteering

#1 Rated Puppet Script:
Flatman and Bobbin #1 The Bumbling Duo Discover the Gospel!

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Level Title Topic
All Access I'd Cotton to Some Candy

A puppet skit on Daniel 3 that teaches that God is always God.

God is Always God
All Access I'm My Mama's Reflection

Use this simple skit to teach your kids about reflecting God in their actions.

Reflecting God
All Access Is There One God or Three?

Does the Trinity mean that there is one God or three? Looks like it's time for the Answer Guys!

The Trinity
All Access Love Bubblin' Over

Ever feel like no one loves you? For this puppet skit, Tabby, Rusty and Bubba share how Jesus loves you, and He died and rose again so that you could be saved!

Puppet Skit
All Access Mom's Cookie Jar

This is a skit that demonstrates how important Mothers are, and how we can help them! Editor's Note: The skit is dated but can be updated by substituting an iPad and videoconferencing for the phone call.

Mother's Day, Puppet Skit
All Access Mother's Day Skit

A skit about the best gift you can give Mom for Mother's Day!

Mother's Day, Puppet Skit, Skit
All Access Real Love

What is real love? Love can be shown through words, but those words need to be backed up by our actions!

Puppet Skit
All Access Should I Say In Jesus Name?

Why do we pray in Jesus' name? The Answer Guys are here to show us the importance of our heart's attitude in prayer!

Puppet Skit
All Access S-O-U-P-E-R Bowl Sunday

Need a puppet script for Superbowl Sunday? This script is designed to help children learn about S-O-U-P-E-R bowl Sunday, and how we can show love to retired ministers and missionaries on this day!

S-O-U-P-E-R Bowl Sunday
All Access Thanksgiving Puppet Script

Check out this awesome Thanksgiving Puppet Script, which is designed to teach children a lesson on thankfulness!

All Access The Birthday Message

Need a children's skit or a puppet script for your children's ministry? This week's script helps teach children that Christmas isn't about Santa Claus and presents, but it's about the birth of Jesus!

Christmas, Children's Skit
All Access The Dad in the Daniel's Den

Daniel and the Lion's Den? Father's Day? Time for a skit from Creative Ministry Solutions!

Skit, Puppet Skit, Father's Day
All Access The Mother's Day Gift

Here is a skit on what children can get their moms for Mother's Day. Hint: the gift will last all year long!

Skit, Puppet Skit, Mother's Day
All Access The Very Best Father

Who's the best dad, and how much does He love us? Use this skit to tell children about the very best Father!

Father's Day, Skit, Puppet Skit
All Access What Does God Look Like?

What does God look like? Here are the Answer Guys to answer the question!

Puppet Skit
All Access What Does the Devil Look Like?

Have you ever wondered what the devil looks like? The Answer Guys are here to help!

Puppet Skit
All Access What Is Easter All About?

A host asks three panel guests the question "What is Easter all about?"

All Access What Is Heaven Like?

What is heaven like? Looks like it's time for the Answer Guys!

Skit, Puppet Skit
All Access Why Do Bad Things Happen?

It is the inevitable question that your children will ask you: Why do bad things happen? This creative puppet skit will help explain it to them!

Bible Skit, Puppets
All Access Why Do Some Bible People Have the Same Name?

The Answer Guys bring you another excellent children's puppet script to help children learn about names of people in the Bible!

Bible Skit, Puppets
All Access The "Tell-Tale" Signs Of An Amateur Puppeteer

There are many different problems performing puppetry, which are common to all beginners. Each puppeteer has his own idiosyncrasies and difficulties to overcome. However, eight basic pitfalls occur with overwhelming regularity and identify a puppeteer as an amateur. To become of professional quality, you must recognize these “tell-tale” signs and overcome them through practice and persistence.

Puppet Technique
All Access The Tale of Billy and Bob: Words of Wisdom

Billy gets a parrot and Bob talks to him about the importance of choosing his words.

All Access Puppets Of The Caribbean

Captain Depp explains six ways to be a better Christian, or else you walk the plank! (Romans 15:1-5, among others).

Being a good Christian
All Access The VBS V.I.P.S

What is the difference between a very special VBS and a "regular" (not VBS) school? Billie and Sally find out that not that much actually, with the help of their award-winning VBS leader.

Christianity and the Classroom
All Access Who's at the Door

We can be ambassadors for Jesus Christ and shine our lights for Him as we witness to others of His salvation on our lives. We can pray and share the Good News.

All Access 911

We need to love God, but also remember to love other people too.

Matthew 22:34-48, Love
All Access A Chorus Line

This is a real crowd-pleaser. It takes some doing -- multiple puppets, some props, a little rehearsing -- but it's a blast to preform and the kids and adults alike seem to really connect with it. Enjoy!

Takes the popular musical and turns it on its head
All Access A Christmas Present

Rudolph Kringle (like Mr Scrooge) has a problem: whenever someone says 'Christmas' he gets 'weak-kneed-Christmasitis' and falls over since he can't bear to give anything away.

All Access A Different Point of View

You must live by faith, trusting in God to use even the hard things to work for good in your life.

Isaiah 55:1-9, Living by faith
All Access A Messed Up Messenger

The message we have about the Lord is important. It takes a serious messenger to deliver a serious message.

All Access A New Way to Escape from Prison

God talks to us through the Bible. When we read it, we find out what God wants us to do. That's why it is so important to read your Bible.

Christian Living
All Access A Niche for Every Itch

We can learn about God, and try to live the way He wants us to. When we do this, our faith will grow, just like a healthy plant.

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, Learning and Growing
All Access A Promise Made is a Promise Kept

God keeps His promises.

Gen. 15:1-12, 17-18
All Access A Puppet Routine on Giving

All Access A Very Important Letter

Have you ever thought about writing a letter to encourage missionaries? You may never know how much it means to someone far away.

Christian Living
All Access Above the Clouds

Even when you can't feel God, He is near.

Psalm 46, God's faithfulness and care

Two children puppets are “acting out”: name-calling, pulling hair, being disrespectful of themselves and the other children’s time during Sunday School.

For children and teachers alike
All Access After Quiet Time Message

A neat simple story for kids about spreading God's message. Can be used with a puppet or a vent.

Easter Message
All Access All God's Children Have Shoes

The story of the prodigal son represents the way God loves you and me. Even though we don't deserve it, God wants to be our Heavenly Father and to make us His children.

Luke 15:22, Prodigal son
All Access All Hands On Deck

This silly puppet skit demonstrates that the body functions as a whole. We all need each other. The set is our store in kid's church, but, you could improvise and make the setting different. The parts are left blank so that you can use as many or few "hands" as you'd like.

Fellowship, Body
All Access All Tied Up

Julia learns about the double minded man with Grandpa and Zachary to help.

The Double-Minded Man
All Access An Armless Christmas

An unexpected Christmas present helps Mr Armless discover what Christmas is really all about.

All Access An Important Seal

When we're sealed with the Holy Spirit, people should be able to see that we belong to the Lord.

Christian Living
All Access An Inheritance

We know we can trust Him because He had never lied. He also sent the Holy Spirit to live in us to prove we belong to Him.

Christian Living
All Access An Old Piece of Wood

The Lord tells us in His Word that He loved the whole world, that includes you, so much that He gave His life.

Jeremiah 18:1-11, Salvation
All Access An Unjoyful Sound

Be careful. Often the words in rock songs are not pleasing to the Lord. There are many good songs that are fun to sing. Listen to the right kind of music.

Psalm 100, Listening to the right music
All Access Are You Missing Something?

There are so many things we need in order to live enjoyable lives. Things like good health, a good education, a good job, good food, and a lot of love. But more than anything else, we need Jesus.

Living Enjoyable Lives
All Access Asprin

Using a puppet and bottle of aspirin as visual aids to teach students that medication is not the answer to all of life’s hurts. The puppet will demonstrate that the ability to forgive is a life skill that can successfully diffuse anger and the desire to get even.

All Access Asprin

Sometimes our pain is caused by unforgiveness and no medicine can help.

All Access Baby's First Steps

How about you boys and girls? Do you know a Christian whose spiritual walk is not as good as you think it should be?

Christian Living
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Stars FUNtastic Bible Activity Book PastorKarl.com Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure Prince Caspian The Kids Church Cooking Show - Episode 5: Stories Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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