Recruiting Zone

Have No Fear! Recruiting Help is Here!

Need some help getting new volunteers to help out in your children's ministry? Here you will find a collection of articles, ideas and resources to assist you in the ever present dreaded task of RECRUITING and KEEPING your volunteers!

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All Access Recruiting Tool: NEW YEAR Flyer

A fun flyer to invite folks to consider the ONE New Years Resolution that will take care of all of them: Serving in kids ministry!

New Year Recruiting Flyer
All Access Recruiting Tool: Valentine's Cards

Send home Valentine's that are also recruiting cards that invite folks to join the children's ministry in sharing God's love with children.

All Access Recruiting Tool: Fun RSVP Menu Style Flyer

Your recruiting should be fun and attractive! Here is an RSVP Card to "Reserve a Spot in the Children's Ministry," complete with a complete menu of ways a volunteer can get invoved. Custom serving has arrived!  

Recruiting Flyer
Free 3 Qualities of Great Leaders

What are the qualities that make a great leader?

Leadership Volunteers
All Access 50 Ways to Discover New Workers

Need some new workers in your children's minsitry? (Who doesn't?!?) Here are a variety of recruiting ideas compiled by the Kidologist.

Recruiting, Volunteers
All Access A Sermon for Challenging the Congregation

This is a sermon Karl Bastian preaches when he has an opportunity to address an entire church congregation.

Building Kids Lives on the Rock
All Access Grocery Store Encouragement

A BUNCH of ideas for encouraging your volunteers from the aisles of the grocery store!

Volunteer Encouragement
All Access HELP! I'm Recruiting!

8 Tips on Recruiting from Karl Bastian

Free Highlight Videos - Why You Need to Make Them (and How)

The why and how of ministry highlight videos with lots of samples.

Ministry Highlight Video
All Access How to Fire a Volunteer

How do you fire a volunteer? That's a tough question, but here are some guidelines you will find helpful as you approach this delicate duty!

Volunteers, Guidelines
All Access How to Recruit F.A.T. Volunteers

Improve your volunteer retention by finding the right volunteers from the start!

Starter Karl's YES! Recruiting Flyer

As shared on Kidmin Talk #99, this is the recruiting flyer I made for my church. And, YES! You can use it too!

Recruiting Flyer
Free KidCheck Read My Mind

Karl reviews the KidCheck Church Check-In System

All Access Recruiting Tool: Is Your Kid a WINNER? Recruiting Tool

A fun recruiting flyer that invites parents to see if their child is a winner!

All Access Recruiting Tool: Job Description Flyers

Customizable Job Description Flyers

All Access Recruiting Tool: YES! Postcards

Fun super-hero-themed postcards designed to make joining the kids ministry team easy and inviting!

Recruiting Tools
All Access Secret to Having New Parents Serving Every Week!

Here is a fun positive way to have some parents helping every week in your children's service.

Recruiting Parents
All Access Teen Training Session

Here is everything you need to hold a Teen Training Volunteer Session to inspire, instruct and instill confidence in your youth volunteers.

Teen Volunteer Training
All Access The Habits of Highly Mediocre Children's Pastors

Highly mediocre children's pastors... Do everything themselves. They would never think of delegating or multiplying themselves in others. Their self esteem relies on being a doer. They get insecure if others around them begin to demonstrate any leadership skills...

Starter The LOVE Patrol

What is the most important volunteer role in your Children’s Church service? 

Free Volunteer Recruitment is Best Through Relationships

Become more relational with your volunteers while recruiting.

Volunteers, Relationships
All Access Volunteer Spotlight Templates

A simple fun way to recognize new or super volunteers! Just add a pictures and some interesting facts and post outside the room they serve in!

Volunteer Appreciation
All Access Workshop: Including Family in Children's Ministry

Pastor Karl training leaders on how to include parents in children's ministry. (Recruiting tips too!)

Family Ministry
Free You Don't Have a Recruiting Problem

I hear it often... "I'm having trouble recruiting." May I be so bold as to suggest your problem isn't recruiting. If you focus on something far more important than recruiting, you'll have all the volunteers you'll ever need. You may even have extras! Read on for the secret to building the largest team in the church!

Recruiting, Volunteers
All Access Recruiting Tool: Fabulous Superhero

A Superhero Themed Recruiting Tool

Recruiting Tool
All Access Recruiting Tool: Volunteer Encouragement Postcards

Four volunteer encouragement postcards.

All Access Sample Recruiting E-mail

A sample recruiting e-mail to parents attending regularly to your church, but not yet serving on any ministry teams to demonstrate how to be positive while making the case for why they should serve.

All Access Recruiting Tool: Parent Survey

Parent Survey print-outs to encourage volunteering in the Children's Ministry.

All Access Recruiting Tool: Super Volunteer Poster

A fun poster highlighting the traits that make a Super Volunteer! 

Recruiting SUPER Volunteers
All Access Recruiting Tool: Back-To-School Checklist

Use this fun back-to-school checklist to recruit parents into the kids ministry. 

All Access Recruiting Tool: Join Me

Give this fun flyer to your volunteers and have them give to a friend to invite them to serve in kids ministry.

All Access "Kindergarten Welcome Wagon" - Great Way To Welcome Preschoolers Into Elementary Ministry

Welcome your Kindergartener's into kids church with a special event designed just for them (and their parents)!

Welcoming Ideas
Free 10 Things Children's Ministry Volunteers Expect and Deserve!

What do volunteers really need from their leaders to give them support and help them feel appreciated? Hear what these volunteers said. 

Volunteers, Appreciation
All Access 10 Ways To Build a Prayer Team for Your Children's Ministry

Do you have a prayer team for your children's ministry? One of the most powerful tools believers have in ministry is prayer! Here are ten ways to build a prayer team for your children's ministry.

Children's Ministry, Prayer
Free 3 Delegation Tips for Busy Kidmin Volunteers

In charge of ministry? You don't have to do it all!

Volunteers, Delegation, Administration
All Access 4 Tips For Helping Kids Serve in Kid's Church... Adults too.

Kid’s can be the church of today, if we let them… and help them.

Serving, Volunteers
All Access 4 Ways I React When A Volunteer Leaves

How do you honestly feel when you get that dreaded email/call or hallway encounter where your volunteer is sharing with you that they are departing?

Volunteers, Shepherding
All Access 5 Ways That Kids Can Serve in Kid's Church

Kids are not the church of the future. They can be the church of today!

Service, Volunteers, Discipleship
All Access 5 Ways To Instantly Recruit Volunteers

Use this list as a springboard for your own endeavors in recruiting volunteers.

Recruiting, Volunteers
All Access 68 Reasons Why Children's Ministry Matters!

Kids matter to God and they should matter to us. Here are 68 reasons why.

Importance of CM
All Access 7 Tips for the Most Productive Planning Meetings Ever

Don't lead the same ho-hum meetings. Learn tricks to engage your team!

Meetings, Administration
Free Are You a Cruise Ship or a Dinghy?

Find out if your ministry is a Dinghy or a Cruise Ship based on your recruiting practices!

Recruiting, Volunteers
All Access Are you a whiner or a winner when it comes to recruiting?

There are many books on the market designed to teach ministry leaders how to recruit volunteers. Most teach basically the same principles, and we know them all. So why do we keep hearing that people don’t want to volunteer anymore?

Volunteers, Recruiting
Free Are You Sabotaging Your Ministry Volunteers?

We know it's not intentional. You would never purposely sabotage your volunteers. But what if it's happening anyway? These quick tips may help you become more aware of how you may be jeopardizing the volunteers in your ministry.

Leadership, Volunteers, Partnering
All Access Bible Verses to Encourage Sunday School Teachers

Encourage your Sunday School teachers with these 5 Bible verses. 

Sunday School Burnout
Free Can a Pastor Take a Day Off?

Can a Pastor take a day off? Yes, you CAN get a day OFF. And it can be Amazing!

Leadership, Mistakes, Recruitment
All Access Children's Ministry Manual for Volunteers

A 25-page Children's Ministry Manual for your volunteers!

CM Manual, Volunteers
Free Do You Apologize Too Much in Recruiting?

Saying "sorry" is a good thing, but not when your goal is to win volunteers to your ministry and vision.

Leadership, Mistakes, Recruitment
All Access Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Volunteers?

Learn 4 mistakes many Children's Pastors make with their volunteers and how to avoid making them

Volunteers, Encouragement, Gifts
All Access Helping Volunteers Become Ministry Partners

6 things you can do to help your volunteers to become ministry partners

ministry partners, encouraging, volunteers
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Guitar FUNtastic Bible Activity Book Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 10 - How to Explain My Faith Order of the Ancient Kidology Store
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Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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