Kidologists Zone

This is the place to find things written or submitted by the creator of, Karl Bastian.

Use Karl's creativity to your advantage! Browse his ideas, plans, games, and more, and use them as is or adapt them for your ministry!

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Free An Ode to Dew

The Kidologist stayed up waaaaaaay to late one night and wrote this poem... no, it has nothing to do with children's ministry - except that Dew has kept the Kidologist up late enough to come up with much of what is on this site!

Mountain Dew
All Access Ideas for Group Names

Ideas for group names

Group Names
All Access Don't Grab the Apple

You will need a tub full of colored balls, only ONE red one, small totes for kids, blindfolds, and a score board for this game involving friendly competition.

All Access Mute Charades

You will need something to write with and write on for each team and some messages to act out. Kids love acting out in this game of friendly competition.

All Access Wisemen Gifts Memory Game

You need 12 cards. The idea is to find the 3 gifts that the Wismen brought to Jesus by remembering which cards they are on.

All Access Lego Game

You will need several sets of Legos as several kids race to build tallest Lego tower that will stand on its own after time is up.

All Access Hat Grab

Every child needs a hat in this exciting hat-grabbing game that is a New Twist to Musical Chairs. The kids love seeing who will be the last one with a hat.

All Access Eraser Wars

You will need 2 standing white boards, markers, and erasers. The players alternate between drawing and erasing, but have to race between the two boards

All Access Don't Dirty the New Self

Christian Life
All Access Look at my Trophies!

All Access What Do You Have That You Did Not Receive?

All Access God's Piggy Bank

Christian Life
All Access The Pillow and the Hinge

A Pillow and a Hinge
All Access Periscope Wisdom

All Access The Perfect Wish

Christian Life
All Access Don't Be Fooled by the Wrapper

The world and our Enemy try to deceive us by making sin look yummy, but in the end it tastes horrible!

Bible, Sin
All Access Hold Your Tongue

Just a fun introduction to teaching on the power of the tongue.

All Access Seeing is Believing

Magic Trick (Don't worry, you CAN do this - because you don't really DO anything.) Show ...

All Access A Letter from God

All Access Rise or Fall

God wants us all to go up to heaven - and it is whether you have Jesus inside that determines that.

All Access Time's Up

Time is always passing and we cannot get it back. Someday, the ultimate alarm will go off and we will meet God.

All Access Harry Potter Object Lesson: Love That Leaves a Mark

When YOU accept Jesus as your Savior, He wants to leave His mark on you - a transformed life! And in exchange for your giving your life to Him, He will protect you from the Enemy and the ultimate consequences of your sin.

All Access The Key to Heaven

Jesus is the only way to heaven, He is like the Key to Heaven!

All Access Wise and Foolish Builders who built on the rock and the jello

Where we build our life is important – Will we build it on God’s Ways or World’s.

All Access The Bible is our Mirror to see What we Look Like Spiritually

What we build our life UPON is important. We must build it upon the WORD OF GOD, not the wisdom of the world.

All Access Magic Tricks

Many magic tricks rely on false assumptions...

All Access Being Connected to God Gives You Power

Being connected to God gives you power.

All Access Our Outside Power Source

We all need a source of power outside of ourselves, or we will get drained spiritually.

All Access Sling Shot and Balloon Object Lesson

How we can protect ourselves from the attacks of the enemy.

All Access The Amazing Magic In-Out Tube Trick!

It is foolish to think that if we allow bad things into our life that good will come out.

All Access Pipe Object Lesson

Sin gets in the way of God being able to do things in our life.

All Access Easter Egg Puzzle of Life

Jesus rose from the dead to fix the problem of death once and for all.

All Access The Bible is like?

The Bible is like .....

All Access Reflection of Our Self

You look in the mirror and see what needs to be fixed before you are presentable to the world, but God’s Word shows us what we need to fix to be presentable to God and others.

All Access God As Father

God is the perfect Father.

Christian Living
All Access Spiritual Glasses

Just as real glasses help many us see objects in perspective, spiritual glasses can help us see things with a godly perspective.

All Access Back To School

Here is a great 'back to school' lesson that shares the Gospel using school supplies.

All Access Acts 5 - Stand Up Guys

The book of Acts contains amazing stories of faith and courage. It is easy to think of these heroes as being extra special or extra spiritual, but they were ordinary people, just like us! Kids can be challenged to be bold and brave for God in their neighborhoods and schools!

Bravery / Witnessing
All Access Flatman and Bobbin Discover the Trinity (#5)

The Bumbling Duo Discover and Discuss the Trinity.  

All Access Acts 4 - Godly Gals

This lesson uses the examples of several women in the book Acts to teach that we need to discover what our gifts and abilities are, and then use them for God and His Kingdom!

Mother's Day
All Access Flatman and Bobbin Save Mother's Day! (#4)

The bumbling duo saves the world from a mother who was forgotten on Mother's Day—and all children are warned to love their mothers.

Mother's Day
All Access Acts 3 - The Encourager

Everyone loves to be encouraged! We all like compliments and pats on the back. Barnabus was given his name because he was known for encouragement. This lesson’s aim is to challenge kids to become encouragers – to be the kind of kids that build others up rather than tear others down. Our human instinct when we are hurt or attacks is to tear the other down, but in this lesson they will learn that when they build others up – everyone succeeds!  

All Access A Fresh Start

A complete lesson with MANY activities on the theme of the new year. Use the whole lesson or just parts of it.

New Year's Lesson
All Access Acts 2 - Bad Guy, Turned Good

Every kid has people in their life that seem hopelessly lost. Bullies that pick on them, or stuck up girls that look down on them, or mean adults who make life hard. It is easy to write them off as ‘bad people’ but kids need to learn that everyone is loved by God and no one is a ‘lost cause’ or beyond God’s reach. It may surprise them to learn that the Apostle Paul was once an arch enemy of God – he deserved to be ‘zapped’ but God chose instead to forgive Saul and turn his zeal and energy to good, and renamed him Paul. Kids need to pray for and be hopeful for even the meanest and toughest people in their lives, if they can learn to do that, they will be started on the path to being a change agent in the lives of others their whole life!  

Conversion of Paul
All Access Acts 1 - The Ultimate Super Hero

This lesson can serve as an Easter lesson as well as an introduction to a unit on the book of Acts. Kids love super heroes because (like adults) kids both wish they were more powerful and that they could have help when in need. Well, Jesus meets both those needs. When we need help – He is there, and He invites us to more than just ordinary people, he calls us to be heroes for him! A hero is someone who puts the needs of others above their own needs, and kids do that every time they witness for God! Jesus proved he was the ultimate super hero because not only could he do amazing things, but he did something no else had ever done or ever will do: He was able to raise Himself from the dead! And if he can raise himself, he most certainly can raise us too!

Jesus - Easter
All Access Evolution: Don’t Buy the Lie

Evolution is not a science, it is a theory that turns to science for evidence, but IT is not science. Creation and evolution are the same in that regard – what differs is the evidence!

All Access Adam and Eve: The Biggest Boo-Boo Ever

This lesson introduces children to the origin of sin into our world, but also touches on the appeal of sin that remains even today. The creation lesson laid the foundation for our creation and our being made ‘free’ and the last lesson on being made in the image of God that is stained, this lesson will bring them together with Adam and Eve’s fall with a two-fold application. First, that Jesus has provided salvation, and secondly, that we need to fight temptation daily so that we don’t also make mistakes (sin) that can have long lasting consequences.

Origin of Sin
All Access Priorities

Explain the importance of putting Jesus first in your life!

All Access Trapped in a Rock

Easter Sunday we were out in the parking lot after church when my three year old nephew was asked by his mom if he had learned the meaning of Easter in Sunday School. After answering with a simple, "Yes" my sister, Melissa, tried to get probe a little deeper and asked, "Can you tell us what happened on Easter?" Parker replied matter-of-factly, "Jesus was trapped in a rock, but he got out."

All Access Who Made God?

Christian Life
Big Bible Beginnings - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Stars Gospel Colors Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe Order of the Ancient Kidmin Talk Podcast
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