Kidologist's Zone

This is the place to find things written or submitted by the creator of, Karl Bastian.

Use Karl's creativity to your advantage! Browse his ideas, plans, games, and more. Use them as is or adapt them for your ministry!

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Level Title Topic
Plus Looking AHEAD! (A New Year's Devotional!)

A New Year's devotional or lesson that you can share with your kids.

Christian Life
Plus A Fresh Look at Your Ministry

View your ministry with a fresh perspective!

Vision - Evaluation
Plus Yeah, but I like you too!

Kidologist's Blog DewDate 11-30-2003 Reprint from Past Newsletter

Loved or Liked?
Plus The Mother of All Lego Ships

Kidologist's Blog DewDate 11-29-2003

Plus A Puppet Routine on Giving

Plus 3 Things Make a GIFT

Here is a great lesson that helps to teach just what it means that SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT.

Plus The Surprise Birthday Party

Plus After Christmas Blues Song

This song is sung to the tune of Don Fransico's "He's Alive" - it is a spoof - you sing it seriously, but it is actually very funny, especially if you introduce it as a song the Lord laid on your heart last night as you reflected on Christmas being over.

Plus Ornamental Memory Game

Plus Christmas "What Am I Thinking Of?" Game

A quick and easy Christmas themed game for use in your kidmin.

Christmas Game
Plus The Christmas Wrappers

Plus Candy Cane Christmas Game

Plus Santa Jokes

Plus Shadow Guesses

Plus Why is Jesus Better than Santa Claus?

Plus Give your heart to Jesus!

Plus The Never-Ending Gift!

Plus The Chistmas Story Shuffle

Plus 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, Technically

Plus Why Christmas? (a poem)

Plus Christmas Carol Lyrics

Christian Life
Plus Play-Doh Christmas Game

Plus Wisemen Gifts

Plus Spread the Word

The purpose of this game is two-fold. First, to visualize the need to work together to spread the Gospel (the Good News) as far as possible. Secondly, in a surprise twist to illustrate how often in our zeal to reach people far away, we miss those right next to us!

Plus Use Instructions

You will need two card tables and a mixed up puzzle for each team (one puzzle with box top that shows how to make it.)

Plus Verse Mirrors

The object of the game is to write a verse in mirror image on a poster board. You will need 2 small mirrors and 1 large mirror.

Plus Give-Away Monopoly

small group activity to teach the importance of stewardship

Plus You're Music in the Hand of the Master

Christian Life
Plus What if you used an Oscilloscope on God!?

Plus Jesus in the Penalty Box

Plus The Finest Perfume (Mother's Day)

Plus Cool Guy

Kids are imitating "Cool Guy" even when he hurts himself! A funny spoof on how far to imitate others.

Peer Pressure
Plus God is Your Spotter

You start with little weights and move up to big weights. The same is true in our spiritual life. If we aren’t even attempting little things for God, He will never be able to use us for anything great.

Faith - Strength
Plus Saying THANKS

It's never too late to say thanks. "It's time to dig out those thank you cards," writes Pastor Karl Bastian, the Kidologist. "You better 'make your list, and check it twice' - because if you forget someone, it won't be nice!"


Fruit of the Spirit
Plus Kidologist's Christmas Songs

Christmas songs written by Karl Bastian to the tune of other popular children's church songs.

Christmas Songs
Plus So Clean You Can Lick the Bowl!

Plus Watch Out For Spiritual Fleas!

Christian Life
Plus The Importance of TUBAS

Plus Two Dollar Bill

Plus What Makes A Gift a GIFT?

Plus What' s your FOCUS on?

Christian Life
Plus Wordless Crayons

Plus The UPs and DOWNs of a YO-YO Life

Christian Life
Plus The Screen Saver Pre-Installed in Every Kid!

Teaching Tip
Plus How to lose your job....

Kidologist's Blog DewDate 11-07-2003

The Real Thing
Plus Unknown Firefighters

Kidologist's Blog DewDate 11-01-2003

California Fires
Plus A True Friend

A true friend C.A.R.E.S.

Plus Me For King

This powerpoint shows the classic visual model of 'who is sitting on the throne of your life.'

Plus Markers

Funny picture of toddler who drew all over a baby's face with permanent marker.

Sin is Permanent
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer 2025 Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 15 - Respect U-Turn Cards Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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