Kidologists Zone
This is the place to find things written or submitted by the creator of, Karl Bastian.
Use Karl's creativity to your advantage! Browse his ideas, plans, games, and more, and use them as is or adapt them for your ministry!
Level | Title | Topic | |
Following Instructions Game
This is a great game that teaches the importance of reading the Bible carefully and following it's instructions instead of just trying to 'wing it' spiritually. |
Obeying God's Word | ||
Bible Stack Attack (3 versions)
Here is an activity that will give you a way to use up those boxes of old books or magazines in the attic or garage! |
Teaching | ||
Bible Book Scramble
Here is a game can be used to teach what sections of the Bible different books belong to |
Teaching | ||
Ten Questions or I'm Thinking of a Bible Book
Here is another game to teach or review the books of the Bible. |
Teaching | ||
66 Seconds or Less Race
You've heard of 60 Minutes, well this game takes less than 66 seconds! You need a stop watch, or at least a watch with a second hand. |
Teaching | ||
Win, Lose, or Eat!
This is "Win, Lose or Draw" without the paper or pens! Instead, have a supply of rope licorice on hand! |
Teaching | ||
Team Bible Drill
The Team Bible Drill is similar to the basic Bible drill, except that it involves every child and more kids are rewarded. |
Teaching | ||
You Can't Make Me Laugh
Each kid who answered review questions takes a turn sitting on the stool with a straight face while the leaders try to make him/her laugh. |
Fun | ||
We're All Different
You can use this game as an introduction to how we are all different - but that God loves us all the same, or other similar applications |
Teaching | ||
Paper Airplane Elimination
Each child will need paper to make an airplane and a steady hand to get their airplane through the hula hoop or in the target (which could be a basket or trash can.) |
Fun | ||
The Mad Hatters
Similar to musical chairs - call it musical hats if you want! The child who is 'hatless' is removed, and the game begins again, but with one less hat. |
Fun | ||
Kool-Aid IV Race
Doctor and Patient take on new meaning in this partner game. You will need Long surgical tubes, Kool-Aid and cups. (maybe paper towels too!) |
Fun | ||
Tee Pee Unroll
Give the first person on each team a roll of toilet paper - it's great if it is still wrapped in paper |
Fun | ||
Creation Relay
Use the elements of this relay race to review the days of creation. Select two contestants who will compete using blindfolds, cups of water, whiteboard or chalk board, posterboard and markers, sleeping bag or blanket. |
Teaching | ||
The Nerve to Serve
You will need lots and lots of balls, or wads of paper, 7 children, as you teach about serving others. |
Teaching | ||
Sports Charades
This variation of charades was used during our Sport Unit that we were doing. You will need slips of paper with sports names written on them. |
Fun | ||
Time's Up!
This "Cup Stacking" game requires a table, stop watch, calculator, and a bunch of cups. |
Teaching | ||
Fruit of the Spirit Game Review
This is an on-going game that builds week to week. Each Fruit of the Spirit has a hand motion to it. The game will get harder as the weeks progress. |
Teaching | ||
Pass the Squeeze
Fun but quiet game. Great as a filler when something "extra" is needed. You need LOTS of kids, a coin, whistle, and a hanky. |
Fun | ||
Basketball Blitz
Crazy teaching game requiring lots of small balls, trash can, duct tape, tall ladder and a cooperative spirit! |
Teaching | ||
Heads Up, Seven Up
Classic game for children to play and nothing needed except kids with thumbs! |
Fun | ||
The Lego Gossip Game
For this important teaching lesson you will need Legos, Bell or Hanky on tall square table center stage for team competition. |
Teaching | ||
The Cheating Game
Candy, rewards and a "cheat" to get the point across add to the excitement of this game! |
Teaching | ||
Grab and Give
Teamwork is the key in this game which is played in rounds. |
Teaching | ||
Candy Grab--Greed
This is a very simple game that can be used as an introduction to a lesson on greed |
Teaching | ||
Paper Cup Pyramid
Friendly competition using 2 teams and lots of styrofoam cups. Great for boy/girl competition. |
Teaching | ||
Kidologist's Bible Riddle
You will need to reproduce the puzzle of the Books of the Bible. Kids are challenged to find the books of the Bible that are hidden in the paragraph. |
Teaching | ||
Memory Game with a Point
This Memory Game requires Two each of several memory devices: Such as... 3 1/2 inch floppy disks, blank CDs, Zip |
Teaching | ||
Passing the Word
Here is a simple game that teaches a great lesson on witnessing! You will need to conspire ahead of time with one team member from each team. You will need 2 inflatable beach balls, or other object |
Teaching | ||
Verse Memory Card Game
Life takes some guessing, and even if we are not sinning, we have to make choices. We should learn from watching the choices that others have made before us, both good and bad) and realize that others are watching us! |
Teaching | ||
Tarp Toss
Great Game for boy/girl competition! You will need a tarp and bean bags for each team of 4. |
Teaching | ||
Pyramid Verse Memory Game
This is a great game to teach kids a memory verse and also teaches them that it is a lot easier to get through life when we follow a plan: God's plan |
Teaching | ||
Globe Race
You will need 2 matching globes for this game that can be used just for fun or to introduce a talk on world missions. |
Fun | ||
Paper Clip Race
You'll need boxes of paper clips to drive home the fact that "assumptions" are not always correct. Things are not always as they seem in life. |
Teaching | ||
Nail Pounding
This could be considered a game of skill involving some friendly competition! |
Fun | ||
Winter Gear Race
Relay fun using Winter Gear (giant winter coats, gloves, knit hats, scarves, etc.). Could be adapted for other seasons or use Biblical costumes. |
Fun | ||
Soap Verse Challenge
Bible Memory is fun using soap and water. 12 bars of soap (or number needed for verse) and 12 bowls/buckets of water (or one giant tub) and towels!. |
Teaching | ||
Pipe Race
Great Teamwork Game. You will need 24' tube of sump pump tubing & a super bouncing ball for each team. |
Fun | ||
Un-Hang Man
Interactive lesson with a powerful teaching twist for upper elementary kids! Follow these instructions carefully and you will have a lesson filled with fun and laughter that ends with a somber challenge both for salvation and a surrendered life for kids already saved! |
Salvation | ||
Pass the Message
A great game to reinforce our purpose of Spreading the Good News without being stopped by Satan --Teams and 1 spy needed. Requirements: 3 1/2 Floppy disks or CDs |
Teaching | ||
Spot Enoch
A collection of action figures and/or dolls is required for this Teaching Game that requires children to "pay attention" in order to win points. |
Teaching | ||
Operation Walk with God
3-legged race that requires setting up an obstacle course to reinforce Bible Account concerning "Walking with God." |
Teaching | ||
Milking a Goat | Christian Life | ||
Christmas SAY WHAT PowerPoint Game!
This is a 'guess a letter' PowerPoint game that introduces Christmas and the theme of God's love through the gift of Jesus. |
Popular Christmas Sayings | ||
Looking AHEAD! (A New Year's Devotional!)
A New Year's devotional or lesson that you can share with your kids. |
Christian Life | ||
A Fresh Look at Your Ministry
View your ministry with a fresh perspective! |
Vision - Evaluation | ||
Yeah, but I like you too!
Kidologist's Blog DewDate 11-30-2003 Reprint from Past Newsletter |
Loved or Liked? | ||
The Mother of All Lego Ships
Kidologist's Blog DewDate 11-29-2003 |
Lego! | ||
A Puppet Routine on Giving | Christmas | ||
3 Things Make a GIFT
Here is a great lesson that helps to teach just what it means that SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT. |
Christmas |