Games Zone

Kids Love Games!

When you use games to teach, your teaching becomes more fun, and more effective. Get kids' minds and bodies involved in learning!

The games here are not simply for the sake of play, but for creatively and effectively reaching and teaching kids for Jesus! Don't miss Karl Bastian's Tips for Leading Great Games!

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Plus Reverse Easter Egg Hunt: Great for Older Kids (Even Teens)

Are your preteens getting too old for Easter egg hunts? Here's a creative way to get them excited about Easter.

Easter, Tweens, Preteens, Game
Plus Ring It!

This is a great review game patterned off of the "FACE OFF" on THE FAMILY FUED GAME SHOW. Requires a call bell and a few prizes.

Plus Ring Toss Bible Game

Looking for a versatile Bible review game that you can create with inexpensive materials. You've found it!

Game, Bible Review
Plus Say Something Nice

The kids in our church love this game. It is a good reminder to compliment and encourage one another.

Plus See How They Grow

Here is a fun Scripture game that will chart your children’s growth in God whether in your classroom or at home.

Preschool Scripture Game
Plus Seven Eleven

This is a great way to review your lesson or teaching aim.

Plus Sharing the Gospel: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Use this large group/small group lesson to demonstrate the importance of sharing your faith.

Evangelism, Salvation
Plus Shoe Relay

An exciting game that helps kids learn about God's callings.

God's Callings, Gifts,
Plus Simon Says

As God’s children we are trying to copy someone too. We should try to be like Jesus.

Following God
Plus Simple Crossword Activity Sheets about the Creation Story

Use these printable crossword puzzle worksheets when teaching about the Days of Creation from Genesis

Crafts and Games
Plus Snowball Brigade

"Just for fun" game to open/close your service. Teams with the most snowballs in their bucket at the end of 1 minute wins. Play the game 3-4 times with 5-6 kids on each team.

Winter crowdbreaker game
Plus Sock-'Em Boppers

I found some inflatable boxing gloves that are a blast! Since these boxing gloves are inflatable, it doesn’t hurt and everyone has a load of fun! Remember to keep the hits from the neck down!


The Old Testament Book Names can be doozies! Here is a simple fun way to introduce a book, using Leviticus as a sample.  

Old Testament
Free Squirrels in the Trees

Here are some interesting facts and a preschool game activity from Thailand!

Preschool Game
Plus Steal the Bible Verse

A fun relay involving two teams running, matching verses, and tagging each other. Your students will burn off energy and memorize scripture - could it get an better?

Plus Straw Tower

Children learn that one needs a strong foundation for one's life

Plus Super Cereal Showdown

What kid doesn't like a big bowl of breakfast cereal? To add an element of excitement, play a fast-paced song once the children are told to go and stop the music when the first child is finished.

Plus Switch! - The Drawing Game

Fun Drawing Game that Teaches Kids About Teamwork

Teamwork, Drawing,
Starter Sword Drills

A sword drill (also called a Bible drill) is an exercise that gives children a chance to practice finding Scripture passages quickly. 

Plus Take a Look Around

Uses initiative and creativity.

Plus Taking the Milk Challenge

This is a silly game that can reinforce the lesson aim of the day. It is better for older children or pre-teens.

Plus Thankfulness No Matter What: A Bible Lesson about Jehoshaphat

Want to teach the children in your ministry about thankfulness? This lesson on Jehoshaphat from 2 Chronicles 20 will help them learn the importance of being thankful, no matter what!

Thankfulness, Children's Ministry
Plus Thanksgiving Believe it or Not

Powerpoint Game with some interesting facts about Thanksgiving.


Easter eggs are a great way to tell the Easter story. This is a game that leads into a powerful lesson.

Plus The B-I-B-L-E Relay

A great relay game that can be played any time as kids race to get the letters for B-I-B-L-E in order. Put on some fun music and get those kids movin'!

Plus The Importance of Gratitude During a Pandemic

Steps to take and activities to do to foster gratitude in kids. 

Plus The Mad Dash

This game allows children to dash for prizes.

Review Game for Fun
Plus The Name Game

Kids guess the meaning of common names. Goes well with a lesson about having a good reputation (or good name).

Good Reputation
Plus The Pile Up

This is another great icebreaker involving group participation! Kids really get close to each other in this circle game.

Plus Three Last Minute Christmas Lesson Ideas

Since the holidays are such a busy time, we all get behind in something. For this Christmas season, I wanted to provide you with three last minute Christmas lesson ideas to help you, if you are in need of a quick children’s ministry lesson!

Children's Ministry, Christmas Lessons
Plus Tic Tac Know

This is basically a jazzed up version of Tic Tac Toe.

The Bible
Plus Tic Tac KNOW

To prepare this game, paint a 4’x4’ piece of plywood a bright color. Attach nine nails to the board to serve as hooks (forming a tic-tac-toe board with three rows of three). You need 9 plastic plates with a hole punched in each one to hook to a nail. Prepare several Bible questions on index cards and tape them to the back of the plates. Take ten additional paper plates and mark five with a big “X” and five with a big “O” using a magic marker.

Plus Tips for Using Bible Games with Kids

Since Bible games are a teaching tool, you want to do your very best using them in your program. The following tips will help you.

Plus Toilet Paper Praises

Children will have fun learning what each other think praising God means.

Plus Trophy Recycle

Need something special to do with Old Trophies that are just collecting dust. Recycle is the answer to the old trophy dilemna.

New Twist Prizes
Plus Turkey Dressing

Teamwork to dress one member as a "turkey!"

Thanksgiving Fun
Plus Twelve Questions

Here is a game that is a great way to teach characters of the Bible. Allow the children to ask you questions that can only be answered with a "yes" or a "no".

Plus Two Dozen Riddles and Word Games to Keep Your Kids Guessing

Some of the best riddles and word games collected from the kid's and now shown to the adult world for the first time.

Plus Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt

Use this Scavenger Hunt on Valentine's Day!

Plus Wages and Gifts

A Super Bible Memory Verse Activity for Elementary Kids

Bible Memory, Gifts
Plus Watch for the Bomb!

This game takes some preparation ahead of time. You will need a flannel board and 16 felt squares. The squares need to be 8 colors, 2 of each color.

Plus Water Games to Beat the Heat

Try these fun water games to beat the summer heat. 

Summer Fun
Plus What Am I?

This game is great for reinforcement but could be adapted to reinforce people of the Bible. Instead of asking what he has to "buy", IT may ask what his character "needs" or what is "associated" with him/her ie gopher wood, pitch, hay, dove, raven, etc..Answer Noah.

Starter What Animal Am I?

This is a super fun interactive game where kids are acting out animals they see on screen for points.

Fun Video Driven Game
Plus What Should I Wear?

Here is a fun Bible memory verse activity to help your little ones learn this verse, along with clothing items that will help show ways to be kind.

Bible Memory Verse Activity
Plus What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?

Here is the classic children’s game called “What Time Is It Mr. Fox?” I have provided the instructions below for how to play this game. To make this game even more interesting, try playing the three different variations to the game I have included below. Have fun!

Children's Games
Plus What Toy Will Be the Next Fidget Spinner?

What's the next big "thing" in Kidmin?

Games, Toys, Fun for Kids
Plus Who Am I?: A Bible Memory Verse Activity for Kids for Colossians 3:16

A Bible memory verse activity is a great way to teach God’s amazing Word. Here’s a Bible game based on Colossians 3:16.

Bible Memory Verse Activity
Plus Who's Line is it Anyway?

This game gets even the "coolest" kids in your group to join in and it brings loads of laughter. You will need slips of paper and 2 paper bags.

New Twist?Icebreaker
Plus Why Bible Games Work With Kids

Every children’s ministry should maximize Bible review games. They are essential to an exciting program.

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