Devotionals Zone

Need to give a DEVOTIONAL at the next meeting or gathering?

Looking for a 'little something' to encourage someone, or re-focus a group?

These devotions are about children, children's ministry, or Christian living, but are primarily designed for adults rather than for use with kids, as most of the other ideas on the site are for direct ministry to children.

Have a nice devotional you have shared? Please share it here too!

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Starter Baptism Illustration

3-5 year olds will see how baptism is a picture of what happens when we become Christians – our sins are washed away when we trust Christ for forgiveness.

Plus Do you believe?

We can believe in Jesus and what He did for us even though we can't see or feel Him.  

Thomas didn't believe
Starter Joy

Children learn about the importance of the joy of the Lord as the driving force in their life.

Starter On Fire Worship

This short story/ talk, based around Hebrews 12:28b-29, talked about God's desire to fill us with himself during worship. We used this story as part of our "Polar Fun in the Sun" party (which can be found on the Kidology site in the Creative Ideas Zone).

Plus Pick Your Words

We should think before we speak.  

Plus Prophecy is a Handful of Dust

A talk on the prophecy of Tyre, showing the accuracy of God's word. (Ezekiel 26:3-5)

Starter Saul the Servant for Everyone

3-5 year olds will examine pictures of different children as an introduction to the story of why Saul changes his name Objective: To understand that God wants me to serve others not like me, so that they can come to know Jesus.

Contextualizing the Gospel, Missions
Starter Where is Faith?

Three children from India learn about Faith.

Plus A Kidmin House of Cards?

Do you ever feel like your whole ministry is about to come crashing down? This may encourage you...  

Leadership Perseverance
Plus A Shift in Focus

A look at our Basic Needs, the Fundamental Question behind them, and the Fear that drives them.

Spiritual Growth
Plus Bible Story Mad Lib Idea

This is a super fun idea to teach on how amazing the Bible is by using a very fun introduction of creating a "mad libs" Bible story. It is funny, but has a teaching point on how God's Word came to be and what it means to be "inspired" by God.

The Good Samaritan / Inspiration of Scripture
Plus Da Bible Feet - Caleb

A Kids Church Video featuring “Da Feet.” An introduction for a lesson on Caleb.

Plus Da Bible Feet - Joshua

A Kids Church Video featuring “Da Feet.” An introduction for a lesson on Joshua.

Plus Da Bible Feet - Moses

A Kids Church Video featuring “Da Feet.” An introduction for a lesson on Moses.

Plus Da Bible Feet - Noah

A Kids Church Video featuring “Da Feet.” An introduction for a lesson on Noah.

Plus Falling Parachuter

An illustration that teaches total surrender. Originally written for a lesson on work/service.

Total Surrender
Plus I'm a Banana

Member Exclusive Sneak Peek at Object Talks from DiscipleTown Unit #3 Due out November 20th!

Spiritual Fruit
Plus Just Let it Happen

Short object lesson and talk using an egg to show God's purpose and ability to complete us.

Being Good, Purpose, Victory
Plus Kid-Written / God-Breathed

A fun interactive way to explain how God wrote the Bible when it had human authors.

Divine Inspirtation, Bible
Plus Let the Children Come to Me (a sermon)

This is a sermon on the passages of Jesus blessing the children that you can use to teach about the value of children.

Plus Stacking Up a Good Attitude!

Exciting game that teaches kids about watching their attitude. They have fun Speed Stacking and have their attitude tested.

Game, Attitude, Speed Stacking,
Plus T.A.L.K. Talk - The Power of Words

The way we use our words can have a lasting impact on the people around us.

Think Before You T.A.L.K.
Plus Teaching Responsibility

A fun and interactive way to teach on the parable of the talents. This was originally taught in a school chapel on responsibility.  

Responsibility & Talents
Plus The Gifts of the Puzzle

Kids will learn how spiritual gifts by themselves are incomplete and missing something. They are designed to  fit together within the church and the Kingdom of God around the world.

Spiritual gifts, The church
Plus The Power of Choices

Devotional About the Power of Choices, both Large and Small

Choices, Wisdom
Starter The Power of Encouragement

Karl, the Kidologist has had a note from Phil Vischer's mom up next to his desk for over 15 years... find out why!

Young Leader Encouragement
Plus Training Kids to Pray in Group

3 practical ideas to help your kids pray from the H.E.A.R.T

Prayer, Praise, Guiding
Plus Who's Missing?

Webster's Dictionary defines memorizing as "committing (something) to memory," or "learning (something)by heart." Use this simple game to introduce a time of Scripture memory or show children the importance of memorizing Scripture.

Scripture memory
Plus Are You Called to Minister to Children?

You'll never gain fame or glory in children's ministry. So are YOU called?

Ministry Calling
Plus Every Child Needs a Daddy to Love Them

A Godly reminder about the reason we serve children in the Lord's name. Many kids have been through a lot and come from broken homes. What a privilege it is to be an instrument in the hand of the Lord to let every little kid we come in contact with, know that they are loved.

Mark 10:14
Starter A Fidget Spinner Bible Lesson

Fidget Spinners: What's the Big Deal? If you've never heard of a fidget spinner, then chances are, you've never made contact with someone between the ages of 6 and 16 in the past two months. Here is a fun devotional to tap into that fad! (While it lasts)

Pursue What Lasts!
Plus A Narnia Discipleship Book for Children

This Narnia Discipleship Book for Children is intended to help young children as they start their faith and learn how to grow in it! This devotional book is a great resource for helping your kids begin their new walk in Christ.

Children's Ministry, Discipleship Book
Plus A Parent Can Only Do So Much

This is a simple poem from the heart of a parent telling the difference between what they can and cannot do as a parent ... children ultimately must decide the character of their life.  

Free Are You a Carbonated Geyser?

Remember the parched and thirsty deer that yearns for a drink at the cool waters? Maybe it's time to rethink that imagery in light of New Testament teaching.

Ministry Direction, Change
Plus As Unique As a Snowflake

This simple Bible lesson for preschoolers is perfect for those Sundays when you have snow on the ground. It could be used in Sunday School or Kids church. Some families could also use it as an outline for a family devotion.

Plus Being Made in God's Image

Discover how our body is shows us how God designed us to live and what being made in the image of Christ and being a part of the body of Christ really means!

Being a Part of the Body of Christ
Starter Christmas Devotional: A Time of Giving or Receiving?

 Teach your children that receiving is better than giving...

Christmas, Devotional, Gift Giving, Receiving
Plus Engaging Your Audience

Whether you're preaching to kids or adults, @kidsconsultant Melissa MacDonald has these powerful tips to help you engage your audience. 

Preaching, Teaching, Planning
Plus Family Christmas Devotional Bags

Equip your parents with devotionals for the Christmas season. 

Christmas, Devotions, Family
Plus Family Fun Devotions: Reminder Rocks

Exciting family fun night with devotional on Joshua 4.

Family Night, Activities, Rocks
Plus Family Fun Devotions: Resist the Devil

What is temptation? Is being tempted wrong? Check out this family devotional to learn about how Jesus resisted temptation, and how we can too!

Plus God Has a Positive Answer

An encouraging way to look at what God says compared to what we say and think.

Free God in a Box

Home is where the heart is. Church is where Jesus is. And where Jesus is, it's not a box.

Devotion, God, Church
Plus God Will Never Forget

A fun Scripture activity for your preschoolers to teach them that God always keeps His promises.

Scripture Activity, Short Talk, Preschool
Plus Head or Heart?

There is a difference between caring about someone and caring for someone

Plus He's Not Asleep... He's Dead!

A true story that illustrates that kids are often smarter than we realize!

Teaching Kids the Truth
Plus How to Cure the Mopes

King David learns a powerful lesson on the potential cost of whining and complaining.  

The High Cost of Whining and Complaining
Free Is Your Calling Changing?

God is good at clarifying your calling.

Ministry Direction, Change
Plus KidMin: The Navy Seals of Ministry

A description of those in Kids Ministry and how they compare to the Navy Seals.

Ministry, Kidmin
Plus Loving Kids in a Pumpkin Pie Culture

In this throw away culture where relationships change so often, how can we help children overcome their fear of being rejected for the next best thing?

Love, Affirmation, Friendship
PLUS Membership 2025 Church Visuals 2025 KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer 2025 TUB Right - 2025 Promo U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 21 - Disciples Next Steps for Kids Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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