Devotionals Zone

Need to give a DEVOTIONAL at the next meeting or gathering?

Looking for a 'little something' to encourage someone, or re-focus a group?

These devotions are about children, children's ministry, or Christian living, but are primarily designed for adults rather than for use with kids, as most of the other ideas on the site are for direct ministry to children.

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Plus One Word That Can Change Your Life

This is a special lesson designed for training youth workers on the one character trait that will set them apart from their peers and set them on a course for success in life!

Plus Power Theme Series 1 - Seeking Power to be Wise

This is the first sermon in the series of Kid's sermon for this Power Theme. God wants all of us to be strong Christians. He will enable us as we get into His Word and help us grow every day. We can have power to do this if we seek His help.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 2 - King Jesus Gives Salvation

Sermon two in a series of Power theme for Children's Worship. Jesus Christ gave His life that we might have abundent life. It is through His death on the cross that we have power to life for Him.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 3 - King Jesus Helps Us Obey

Sermon three in the Power Series for Children. We are never too young to give our heart to Jesus and allow Him to teach us how to obey Him. He will give us the power we need to obey Him every day.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 4 - Being A Good Steward for King Jesus

Sermon four in the Power Theme Series for children. We must always remember that all we have belongs to King Jesus. If we will always remember this it will be easier for us to give our time and offerings to God.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 5 - The Power of the Tongue

Lesson 5 in the Power Theme Series. Our tongues are powerful members that can do great harm if used improperly. King Jesus will help us to use our tongues to be a blessing to others.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 6 - Walking In Faith

Lesson 6 in the Power Theme Series. Like Abraham, who was obedient to God in everything, God will give us the power to obey Him in the small things of life as well as those large areas.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 7 - Power of the Great Book

Lesson 7 of the Power Theme Series. God's Word is our road map that will instruct us how to get to heaven. As we follow this road map, we will one day see King Jesus in heaven. We may find the directions on a map hard to follow sometimes, yet we know they are correct and will get us to our destination. God's Word will not fail us either.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 8 - Ten Commandments

Lesson 8 of the Power Theme Series. Living a powerful life for King Jesus will take some discipline on our part. We need to please King Jesus by following His guidelines. He gave Moses some specific guidelines, the ten commandments that He felt were important for the people. We too can follow these guidelines today and learn more about pleasing Him.

Power Theme Series
Plus Power Theme Series 9 - Using Our Weapons

Lesson 9 of the Power Theme Series. We can wear the Armor of God every day that we get up. We can put this armor on the first thing in the morning so that we are prepared against the enemy of our soul.

Power Theme Series
Plus Putting out Anger's Fire

An object lesson on what to do with angry feelings. Don't pour fuel on the flame - put it out!

Plus Salvation Illustration

A PowerPoint version of a classic salvation illustration.

Plus Salvation Slime Message

This Gospel presentation lesson involving slime could be used any time of year, but we used it for the "Wow" factor at Easter.

Plus Share the Gospel

One of Jesus' commands is for us to share the Good News of the Gospel.

Evangelism, Matthew 28
Plus Small Group Faciliator Worksheet

This is an example of a small group facilitator worksheet that we gave to our adult leaders for use during a worship service.

Small Group Example
Plus Some Advice

Here is some humorous advice... but these are also good discussion starters on Biblical topics!

Good Advice? You Decide!
Plus St. Patrick's Day for Kids

Why should children celebrate Saint Patrick's Day? This lesson includes his story, a PowerPoint lesson, and song that will give children a reason why this is an important holiday for the church. We can learn many lessons from the life of St. Patrick about listening to God, obedience, evangelism, and forgive others who treat us unkindly.  

Holiday, Evangelism, Forgiving Others, Kindness
Plus Suffering's Joy

When we suffer in sin...that is different than suffering for CHRIST. We must be wise not to complain to GOD in our circumstances when we yet cling to fleshly comforts that HE is purposely removing from us on HIS potter's wheel.

Pressing on in CHRIST
Plus Sympathy for the Devil

The Bible tells us that we have an enemy but how do we really portray him to our kids? Do we really stop to consider that we have an enemy who works against us?

Good vs. Evil
Plus Teach while making Easter Cookies

Here is a recipe for Easter Cookies that you can use (with Scriptue) to teach the meaning of Easter AS you make the cookies!

Meaning of Easter
Plus Teaching he Trinity Concept to Children

It is interesting the many ways we can illustrate the Trinity to children. Here are several creative ways that present this doctrine in simplicity.

Plus Tearing the Wrappings Off the Present

God was tearing open the heavens on his gift to us. Opening up His present to us and telling us Jesus was His son and He was very happy with Him.

The Baptism of Jesus
Plus Ten Commandments as a Sunday School Teacher

Dr. Henrietta C. Mears (1890-1963), a Presbyterian Christian education director, had a profound influence on the way contemporary educational ministry is conducted. Her influence covered the breadth of the field, including church program development, teacher and leadership training, curriculum publishing, camps and conferences, and missions education. Her legacy endures through contemporary approaches to Bible study and Sunday school material, the ministries she founded, and the lives of outstanding Christian leaders who have impacted the world for Christ. This is a collection of her writing.

Sunday School Inspiration
Plus The Anger Bomb

An object lesson/short talk about anger.

Plus The Blessing of an Obedient Heart

There were some disciples in the Gospel of Luke who were fishing one day. When Jesus told them to cast their nets out in the deep water they obeyed; although, they did not feel like doing this. If we will only listen to God and do as He asks us to do, we will find that life will be so much more rewarding.

Plus The cross leads us home

Without Jesus in our lives the Bible says that we're lost, but the cross can lead us to Him. This evangelistic short talk for children shows us that Washington Monument can serve as an example of salvation, and remind us that the cross sets us free from sin and leads us to Jesus.

Plus The devil made me do it

The Bible tells us we have an enemy in the Devil but how do we talk about that to kids? Satan comes to tempt us but it's our choice to accept or reject that. This short talk for kids will teach them the real story on good versus evil and remind them that God is more powerful than any work of evil.

Good vs. Evil
Plus The Love Family

The Love Family was faithful to attend church, yet found it difficult to treat each other with the respect that comes from loving God.

Love, Kindness
Plus The Magician & the Sparrows

Use this power point story to illustrate why God sent Jesus to earth for us. A great launch to a salvation message.

A retelling of why Jesus came to Earth
Plus The new three little pigs

We are called to live holy lives and follow after Jesus. We try to do this with good works and deeds but what God really wants is our heart. This twist on the fairy tale challenges kids to love God with our words and actions.

Plus The Race of Life

This object lesson was written for an Awana Grand Prix devotional to be used while the judges were determining the winner.

Awana Grand Prix Devotional
Plus Twilight's Last Gleaming

Two of the Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence were at odds through most of their lives. In their twilight years they became best friends. Something else very special happened.

Freedom and Forgiveness
Plus Virtual Devotional Walk....

A video I made on vacation after a morning devotional walk, so those too wimpy to join me for morning walks could experience it....

Plus Wall of sin

The Bible tells us that sin builds a wall that separates us from God. This evangelistic short talk reminds kids that when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead He knocked down the wall of sin and made a way for us to be with God.

Plus Weight of your love for God

It's tough to worship God in church because we think worship is just about singing and music. Worship is giving God the love and attention He deserves. Worship helps us know where we stand in our relationship to God.

Plus What is the Sabbath?

We all think the Sabbath is about going to church but is that what God was really talking about? What is the Sabbath and what does it mean to keep it holy?

Starter What is Worship?

Worship isn't automatic - it is something we must want to do.

Starter Who Are You?

Short talk on Mark 11:23 and believing the Word of God.

Plus You are blessed to bless

We have a lot of stuff in America. We own more toys, video games, and money than most countries in the world. God wants us to tithe and give an offering to help change the world. We can use what God has blessed us with to bless others. This world mission's focused short talk on giving will help kids see the need of kids around the world.

Starter Your Big Brother

We're in the family of God.

Evangelism, Salvation
Plus The Word of God is our Best Weapon

This short children's church lesson will teach your kids about the Word of God being the greatest weapon against the enemy.

The Word of God
PLUS Membership 2025 Kidology Theorem Book - Right KidCheck Girl 2025 TUB Right - 2025 Promo Kid Conversation Cards Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 12 - How to Meet with God U-Turn Cards Kidmin Talk Podcast
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