Devotionals Zone

Need to give a DEVOTIONAL at the next meeting or gathering?

Looking for a 'little something' to encourage someone, or re-focus a group?

These devotions are about children, children's ministry, or Christian living, but are primarily designed for adults rather than for use with kids, as most of the other ideas on the site are for direct ministry to children.

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All Access A Family of ZAP Religion

We live in a "ZAP" society where everything we want can happen "now". Building a relationship with God does not work this way. As families, we need to work together to instill in our children, by example, the importance of family time with God.

Time for God
All Access A Matter of Life and Death

Children’s ministry is more than presenting values that cut between right and wrong. It is about offering, explaining, and illustrating the life that comes from faith in what Jesus did for them through the cross and resurrection.  

Key Concepts for Ministry
All Access A New Beginning

We must look forward and trust God to help us be victorious Christians. In moments of fear, doubt, and discouragement we must look to God and trust His help for our future.

Looking Forward, New Year Beginnings
All Access A Special Purpose

This cup stacking object lesson is intended to show children how special they are to God and lead them to respond to the Gospel.

God's Design
All Access A Walk On the Beach

What do you look for when you visit a beach? Sandcastles, shells, or maybe a nice area to enjoy the day? Jesus took a walk on the beach at the Sea of Galilee. Let's find out what he was looking for?

Jesus chooses his disciples
All Access Advent Family Materials

Worship the King Advent Materials

Starter Ain't No Crank Pots Here

Sometimes it’s not easy to be happy, but the Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord gives us strength. There are times we could all use a little extra strength.  

Happiness, Joy
All Access All Is Lost

This is an acrostic lamentation.

All Access Ash Wednesday

Why do people celebrate Ash Wednesday? What is it all about? Ashes remind us of death and sin. Lent is a time when we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Ash Wednesday
All Access Baptism Class for Children

Need a pre-baptism class? Have we got a material for you! This course will take a child through the basic Christian beliefs that our church felt were important for children to know before the were baptized.

Basic Christian Beliefs
All Access Be Thankful

Poem about being thankful for every situation you're facing.

All Access Calling God

This PowerPoint can be used as a Bible study on prayer that highlights the different answers God gives us when we pray to Him. Use the PowerPoint slides as illustrations to go along with the discussion below.

Starter Communion Part One

Children need to have a basic understanding of what communion is, and the purpose of taking communion. They will then be more prepared when this important event takes place in their own lives. This will make it more meaningful to them in their spiritual journey with Christ.

Starter Communion Part Two

Taking communion is an important part of the spiritual training of young children. However, it is important that they have an understanding of what we teach regarding this sacraments and understand the purpose of communion.

All Access Creation and Recreation

God isn't just the God of Creation. He's the God of Recreation too. This is a short talk or devotional on the 7th day of creation.

All Access Do You Have Your Racing Armor On?

A comparrison of Ephesians 6:11-17 and a race driver's uniform and equipment. Also included is a "wordless book" using the flags that the race starter uses.

AWANA Grand Prix
All Access Eat Dirt

Learn that what looks bad, may be God's plan for good. We need to trust God to work things out for our best. Romans 8:28

All Access Eternal Investments: A Devotion on Children's Ministry

Did you know that Children's Ministry is in the business of investments? That's right, investments. But our investments are far more important than any monetary one could be. We invest in the eternal lives of children.

Investing in the Lives of Children
All Access Extra! Extra! Read All About It

Read all about the mystery that has taken place in the Children’s Department. They will share the colors of the Mystery (Wordless) Book!

The Wordless Book
All Access Facing Our Giants

Learning the acronym GIANT can help children remember steps to take in dealing with their fears.

All Access Faith for the Schedule

Do you often cry out for help with staffing? Do you find yourself asking God for more workers on a consistent basis? Do you question if God cares about this area of children’s ministry?  

All Access Follow the Leader

God will not tolerant a stubborn and rebellious attitude. We must follow Him just like we need to listen to our parents and teachers. Follow good leaders!

Good Leaders
All Access Football Player's Equipment

A great Childrens Church Short Lesson that compares the Armor of God to the armor that Football Players wear.

Armor of God
All Access Fretters Anonymous

The kids in our children's ministries deserve to see faith in you. Fear over the future will not bring victory. Kids do not need to pick up on your fear of the future even if you feel justified in your "concerns."

Key Concepts for Ministry
All Access Funeral Message

A funeral message for an unborn or infant child.

Funeral Message
All Access God Calls Us

There are times in our lives when God call us! This will only happen if we are listening and hear His voice. When God called Samuel he said “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening…” We, too, must listen for God's voice.  

Listening for God's Voice, Samuel
Starter God Loves You

Do you remember what it feels like to please someone that you love? Do you really remember how good it felt when someone was proud of you? Well now, think about how good God is.

God's Love
All Access God Still Speaks to Us

We never know what God has in store for us.We must be willing vessels to be used for His glory. We must watch and be ready at any time.

Listening, Obeying
All Access God Wants You To Be Brand New!

Without Jesus we are broken and incomplete, but He wants to make us brand new. This lesson teaches where a new life in Christ begins. It can be used for a New Year's Eve event at your church. The attached PowerPoint can also be used to emphasize that "God Wants You to be Brand New".

All Access God Watches Over Us

We can be assured that no matter what our circumstances are, God will take care of us wherever we are.

God's Care
All Access God Will Take Care of Us

God Will Take Care of Us like He took care of Joseph when Joseph was rejected by his family and sold into slavery.

God's Care
All Access God's House

We have a responsibility to God to keep His house in good order, take care of it and respect it - just we we do our homes.

Responsibility, Reverence
All Access Growing in God's Garden Theme Lessons

These are seven short lessons based on the topic of Growing Spiritually. It is important that children learn how to develop spiritually and make wise choices.

Growing Spiritually
All Access Hanging out with God

Prayer is talking and listening to God. We can learn from the Psalms that we sometimes need to take a Selah break and meditate on God's goodness. Spending time in prayer to God can help us grow closer to Him.

All Access Honoring Our Word

God will make us a blessing to others as they see us do what we say rather than to break a promise.

Keeping Your Word
All Access Hot Chocolate

A short story that shows the what really matters in life. Could be used as a devotional with hot chocolate!

life and wealth and happiness
All Access How important is your stuff?

God has blessed our country with money and power. We have so many toys and stuff to make our life easy. This short talk on stewardship reminds kids that it's easy to let our stuff get between us and God - just like the rich young ruler. God needs to be our top priority over all of our toys, video games, and stuff.

All Access It Just Is Not Fair!

There are times when life just does not seem fair. If we trust God in these times, He will help us to be successful.

All Access Jesus Call His Disciples

When we follow Christ, we must be willing to leave everything and everyone behind. This means that we must we willing to obey Jesus first in our lives over what our friends want us to do. When Jesus calls us it means that we must leave behind anything that would get the way of us serving Him.

Following Jesus, Obedience
All Access Jesus speaks your language

Jesus showed His great love for us when He came to earth to live among us. Jesus experienced everything we experience and even faced the same struggles and temptations we face. When we feel lonely and that no one understands us we can know that Jesus speaks our language.

love of Christ
All Access Just Do It!

A short talk for kids on learning to pray without ceasing.

All Access King David Slimes Himself!

Even King David, a man after God's own heart, fell into sin. When he took another man's wife, he made his life really gross and nasty! But God (and only God) can fix that...

Sin, Forgiveness

Kids can participate in self-denial during the Lent season, and partake in Ash Wednesday. We feel that this teaches them the important of this spiritual event, and brings them to a greater awareness on what Jesus can really mean to them.

Lent, Self Denial
All Access Loving your bully

We all have had a bully or someone who treated us badly. It's hard to love your enemies, especially when they hurt you, but this short talk on loving your enemies and showing them kindness reminds us that God protects us and even works in mysterious ways.

love of Christ
All Access Making A Bargain

We cannot make bargains with God. If He asks us to do something, we need to be quick to obey once we know He is speaking to us. We will be happier when we do that.

All Access Me and You Kid

Spending time with God makes our relationship with Him grow.

All Access Narnia Adventure

Our Sunday Night Live (Elementary grades 1 - 5 children's ministry youth) group just finished a wonderful winter session in a "Great Narnia Adventure". We created a "Narnia" room from ceiling to floor with lots of cozy spaces for kids to nestle in. We listened to a dramatic reading of The Silver Chair (C.S. Lewis) on audiotape. We concluded each weekly segment with a short talk on Biblical comparisons and our great adventure with God. This room was really a favorite with the kids and helped us build many lasting memories and truths!

Creating a Narnia room & spiritual lessons
All Access Obedience to God

Who really enjoys begin obedient all the time even when we feel it is unfair? Sometimes, God will use this to help us develop Christian character and work on our attitudes toward others.

Obedience, Discipline, Attitudes
All Access On Sale

The Sabbath is for worshiping God and resting.

All Access One Word That Can Change Your Life

This is a special lesson designed for training youth workers on the one character trait that will set them apart from their peers and set them on a course for success in life!

Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Stars Kid Conversation Cards Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 15 - Respect The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
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