Devotionals Zone

Need to give a DEVOTIONAL at the next meeting or gathering?

Looking for a 'little something' to encourage someone, or re-focus a group?

These devotions are about children, children's ministry, or Christian living, but are primarily designed for adults rather than for use with kids, as most of the other ideas on the site are for direct ministry to children.

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All Access Making the Right Choice

An activity the encourages the kids to think about their actions

Choices, Wisdom
All Access Peter's Ghost

Do think God answers prayer? This amazing story of Peter proves He does!  

Answered Prayer!
All Access Pop 10

A Super Bible School Activity for Learning the 10 Commandments

10 Commandments
All Access Printable Devotions for Kids

Devotionals that will help your kidmin get into God's Word and grow in their faith. 

All Access Proof!

Did you know Paul used a legal argument to prove Jesus rose from the dead?

Evidence for Jesus Resurrection
All Access Reeses Cup Communion Devotional

What does a Reeses's Peanut Butter Cup teach us about Jesus?

Communion Devotional
All Access Seeking the Messiah

Compare and contrast the circumstances surrounding the birth of an earthly king with the birth of the King of Kings. 

Christmas Experience
All Access Soaring, Running, Walking

A Fun Scripture Activity For Sunday School

Faithfull, Soaring,
All Access Teaching Your Children To Be Friends With God

An activity that helps kids become better friends with God

All Access The Elijah Cure for Depression

A talk from the story of Elijah showing how God cured his depression.

All Access The Lord is My Shepherd

PowerPoint Devotional on Psalm 23

Psalm, Relationships,
All Access We All Need to Recharge in Christ - Devotion

Are you fully charged to do what God has called you to do? Make sure you're plugged into THE power source. 

Technology, Relationships
All Access We All Worship Differently

A PowerPoint devotional Adapted from Gary Thomas' book Sacred Pathways that summarizes the different ways we connect with God.

worship, connect, pathways
Free What the Gospel Demands of Parents

What does the Gospel require of parents? Here are four lessons that parents should be modeling in their homes.

Gospel, Parenting
All Access Who Said It?

A fun activity where the kids try to guess which charecter of the Bible said a quote.

Quotes, Bible Charecters
Free Come Here, Kids!

Jesus offers this instruction to His disciples as though they really needed this clear word to remove any doubt about His attitude about children. The word “suffer” means literally to “Let.” It would be better read, “Let the little children come.” It carries the idea of being commanded to welcome the children to come to Jesus!  

All Access It's No Wonder about those "Little Wonders"

Jesus chose to illustrate his own mission in coming to "save that which was lost" by telling of a shepherd who leaves his ninety- nine sheep to find just one errant lamb.

Value of Children
All Access The Way Up is the Way Down

So “get down!” Then, you will be “lifted up” and considered a candidate for “greatness” in the kingdom of heaven. “Jesus came to serve and not be served.” It is the role of the servant leader then, one who is content to work behind the scenes.  

All Access When Jesus Became Indignant

A surprising thing happened in Perea while Jesus and his disciples were traveling together. The account is significant because it demonstrates, again, how Jesus used the occasion to instruct the disciples in what was important about His Kingdom.

Value of Children
All Access 119 Reasons To Read The Bible

Psalm 119 is not only the biggest chapter in the Bible, but every verse mentions, refers to, or is about the Bible or its benefits! Here are some samples of those reasons with an outline for a short devotional on reading the Bible. (includes short descriptions of Bible reading plans)

The Bible
All Access A Friend Indeed

The story of David, Shimei, and Barzillai. This lesson teaches that a true friend does not to betray a friend when he is down but sticks with him through the tough times. (II Samuel 16 and 19)

All Access A Glass Of Water For Jesus

A talk reminding us that whenever we do good to people in need we are really doing good to Jesus. (Matthew 25:35-40)

Good Works
All Access A Great Debt

Two thousand years ago God invited the world to the Gospel feast where Jesus, taking on the agonies of the cross, took on ALL of our sins and held them until the last remains of our guilt were totally gone!

All Access A Leaf From Jesus' Family Tree

A talk teaching that Jesus is the King of Kings, and that we will obey Him if we truly love Him.

All Access A Letter From God

God loves each of His children and meets their needs.

God Provides
All Access A Messenger Without A Message

A talk from the story of Ahimaaz teaching us that we should be messengers with a message. We should know how to share the most important message we ever could, the message that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again. (II Samuel 18)

All Access A Ministry Of Integrity

A story with the challenge to have an integrity like Samuel, a man who let not one of God’s word’s fall to the ground. (1 Samuel 3:19) (1 Samuel 12:3-5).  

All Access A Priest Like Melchizedek

A talk showing that the unique Old Testament priest, Melchizedek is a picture of Jesus, our great high priest. (Hebrews 7:11-28)

All Access A Rock Named Ebenezer

A story explaining the importance of remembering what God has done for us. The story challenges the listener to have reminders in his or her life of times God has proven Himself faithful. (I Samuel 7:12).

God's Promises
All Access A Second Chance To Sin

A talk on the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego teaching that sometimes Satan often entices us with second chances to sin, however, we can take these as opportunites to stand for God.

All Access A Slow Heart

A talk teaching that although sometimes we have the knowledge, our hearts are so slow to believing it. When we don’t believe God’s promises, we can become easily depressed. (Luke 24:25) (Philip. 4:19)  

Believing God
All Access A Way to Make Praise & Worship Fun

Do the kids "enter in" or "zone out" during your Praise and Worship segments? Here's a fun way to get the kids to put their heart into praise.

All Access An English Teachers Nightmare

A talk pointing out that God created time, but He is not bound by time. We, however, can only deal in the present, and that is why it is important to receive Jesus "now." There is no other time that is guaranteed to a person except the "now."

All Access Cause And Effect

A lesson teaching that doing good things does not make you a child of God, it is becoming a child of God that makes you do good things. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

Good Works
All Access Caution: Wild Mouth On The Loose!

A talk on the power of our words, both good and bad. (Proverbs 25:11,15:1,21:9,29:20,10:19,16:28; James 3:6-8)

All Access Christian Math

A talk teaching that we need to do more as a Christian than simply believe; we need to grow! (2 Peter 1:5-7)

All Access Counting Like God

A talk challenging us to live for God one day at a time and not let time be our boss. (Psalm 90)

Using Time Wisely
All Access Do You Love Me?

A talk pointing out what to do when you're not sure you're loving God the way you should.

Loving God
All Access Doubting Thomas

Thomas was remembered for when he doubted Jesus. What do you want to be remembered for?

All Access Faith Is A Red Rope

An invitation to salvation from the story of Rahab. Rahab believed God enough to obey Him. We are not saved if we’ve heard the gospel, but yet have done nothing about it, but we are saved if we obey and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 16:31)  

All Access Feed My Lambs

The obvious question, "Do you love me more than these?" when asked three times, ultimately "rocked" Peter's world. In order to take seriously Jesus' commission, "Feed My Lambs," Peter had to change his whole orientation to ministry. Now he had a ministry mandate that included nurturing the children, the lambs! Therefore, his obediently humbling himself to minister to children became the "litmus test" of his loving Jesus. Dare we do less? (Based on John 21:15-20)

First Commission to Child Nurture
All Access For Sure

A lesson on how salvation can not be “earned” or “unearned,” it is free and it is forever! (Ephesians 2:8-9) (John 10:27-30).  

All Access Gideon Was A Wimp

A story about how God called a wimp a warrior. God will also call us a warrior when we are being wimps, not because we are a warrior, but because He is going to makes us into one. (Judges 6:12)

God's Warriors
All Access God of the Incredible

God can and will do incredible things!

All Access God Still Speaks Through Donkeys!

I know it can be chaotic when working with children, but He wants to speak; if we would just learn to listen.

All Access God's Building Project

A talk from the story of King David and the prophet Nathan showing that though we want to build a ministry for God, He is more interested in building us first.

All Access God's Money

A talk about how Paul would not spend God’s money to bail himself out of prison. Because of his honesty, God used Paul to bring many to salvation, even while he was in prison. (Malachi 3:10)  

All Access God's Plans For Your Life

A talk on how Jeremiah wrote about “good plans” in a very “bad time.” Although God’s plan may not be fun or easy, it will always be good! (Jeremiah 29:11) (Jeremiah 29:12-14)  

God's Will
All Access Grandpa's Influence

A story about the wicked king Manasseh. Though he had lived a wicked life for too long to influence his own son for good, after repenting, Manasseh was given a second chance and he did influence his grandchild for good.

All Access Here We Go Through The Mulberry Trees

Sometimes God tells us to do something without telling us how. Other times, he gives us detailed plans. God tells us exactly how to be saved and we need to respond (1 Chron. 14:14-15)

God's Will
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