Devotionals Zone

Need to give a DEVOTIONAL at the next meeting or gathering?

Looking for a 'little something' to encourage someone, or re-focus a group?

These devotions are about children, children's ministry, or Christian living, but are primarily designed for adults rather than for use with kids, as most of the other ideas on the site are for direct ministry to children.

Have a nice devotional you have shared? Please share it here too!

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Plus The Fifth Gospel

A Gospel talk from Isaiah 55:6-7 teaching about calling on God and repenting of sins for salvation.

Plus The Foundation Of Faith

A talk explaining that real faith is not blind at all. Faith means that we believe that God exists, and that He is intimately involved in our lives. (Hebrews 11:6)

Plus The Jericho Principle

A talk about the Israelites marching around the city of Jericho, and how they were silent until the proper time. This lesson stresses the importance of avoiding arguing by keeping words to a minimum and only speaking soft words when it is necessary to speak. (Proverbs 10:19) (Proverbs 15:1)

Speaking Kindly
Plus The Kinsman Redeemer

A talk explaining how Christ is our kinsman Redeemer.

Plus The Man In The Gap

A story showing the power one individual has when God is on his or her side. (Judges 3:31 & Ezekiel 22:30)

God's Power
Plus The Man In The Gap

A challenging talk to young people to stand up for God, encouraging them that with God they are always a majority. With God they are an army (Judges 3:31; Ezekiel 22:30)

God's Army
Plus The Name That Never Was

A lesson teaching on God's holy name and that Jesus is Jehovah.

Plus The Nickname

A talk on the many nicknames that God gave different Bible characters. The lesson poses the question, “What new name will Jesus give you when you get to heaven?” (II Chron. 29:2) (Revelation 2:17)

Plus The Power Of Canceled Sin

A quick talk about victory over sin.

Plus The Purpose Of Public Confession

The story of Achan’s sin, teaching that if we blame God for our own sin, we give Him a bad reputation and ruin our witness. (Joshua 7:19) (Psalm 51:4)  

Plus The Quest For Significance

A talk teaching that apart from God, there is no meaning to life, with the message that the only way to be truly important is to become a child of God. (John 1:12) (Ecclesiastes 2:17).

Plus The Right Ingredients

A talk about David as a young boy, teaching that whatever small things we have to offer to God, no matter how insignificant they seem, God can use them to prepare us for great things in the future.

God's Plans
Plus The Rose

A wonderful story about the difference between growing old and growing up.

Plus The Sinfulness of Sin

A talk teaching that God didn’t want us to live in ignorance so He gave us commandments to live by, but since we could not live up to these commandments, we are condemned to Hell, and that is why we need Jesus to be our Savior. (Romans 7:9-11) (Romans 8:2,3,1)  

Plus The Snake On The Pole

A talk on looking to Jesus for Salvation. (John 3:14-15)

Plus The Story Of A Dough Egg

A talk teaching on the severity of lying. David told a lie because it seemed the easy way out, but it ended up causing the death of many people. (1 Samuel 22:22) (Exodus 20:16) (Proverbs 6:17-19) (Revelation 21:8)

Plus The Subsitute

A salvation invitation from the story of Barabbas. Like Barabbas we are in prison for our sin, and to be free, we must have Jesus as our substitute. He died so we could live.

Plus The Swap

A talk teaching how Christ gave us His righteousness, and took upon Himself our sin. (2 Cor. 5:21).

Christ's Death
Plus The Temple Of God

A story explaining the different temples that have been and will be built in Jerusalem. One day there will be a new heaven and a new earth, and no one should want to miss that!

End Times
Free The Ten Foot Rule

What can Wal-Mart teach us about church?

Plus The Unexpected Dinner Guest

A talk explaining what true repentance is by using the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5) (Luke 19:8) (Luke 3:8)

Plus The Upside Of Failure

A talk showing that God uses us even in our shortcomings. (2 Corinthians 11:21-12:10)

Plus The World's First Sermon

A talk on the sermon of Enoch, bring conviction to the listener showing that we are all ungodly and need Jesus’ forgiveness. (Jude 14-15) (Genesis 5:21-24)

Plus Two Wolves

The winner of the inner battle between good and evil predicted!

Good and Evil
Plus What A Good Movie!

A talk reminding kids that it is a sin to approve of the bad things that others do. We sometimes do this by watching a bad movie, and calling it “good.” By watching the movie we are giving approval of it. (Romans 1)  

Peer Pressure
Plus What If God Loses?

A Story from the life of Gideon reminding the listener to always take sides with God and His people because God always wins! (James 1:8) (Judges 8:9).

God's Power
Plus What Is That In Your Hand?

The story of God turning Moses’ stick into a snake: A talk teaching that God can do amazing things through people who give themselves, and their most common possessions to God.  

Plus What's For Dinner?

A talk from the book of Daniel reminding kids that it is more important to please God than to please man. (Daniel 1:1-20)

Peer Pressure
Plus Who Makes The First Move?

A talk teaching that we must always be the one to come to a brother or sister, if there is something between us. (Matthew 5:23,24; 18:15)

Plus Who Sinned?

A talk challenging the listener to accept hardships and not beat him or herself up over it. It is likely not connected to any sin, but if it is. it must be confessed and repented of, but after that it is all over and time to move on. (John 9:2)

Plus Who's On The Team?

A Talk reminding us that In God’s eyes no one is “The Star Of the Show!” He rewards all members of the team whether someone’s role is a very up-front job or if someone’s role is a more behind the scenes job. (Matthew 10:41-42).  

Plus Whose Body?

A Talk about the believers body not belonging to himself but to Christ. (1 Cor. 6:19,20)

Plus Whose Side Are You On?

The story of when Joshua meets God, and is reminded that it is not up to God to get on our side, but up to us to get on His side. (Joshua 5:13)


"I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them.  So I think I'm wasting time and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all." How would you answer that charge?  

Church Attendance
Plus With This Ring I Thee Wed

A Talk on the different covenants God gave in the Bible. The last covenant is the New Covenant that anyone can enter into by asking Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord. (Genesis 2:16,17) (Genesis 12:2,3) (Exodus 6:5,6) (Exodus 31:17) (2 Samuel 7:16) (Jeremiah 31:31,33) (Ephesians 1:13,14)

Plus Words And Deeds

A talk bring up the importance of keeping your word, your bond, and building a good reputation. (Matthew 21:28-31)

Plus You-Know-Who - A Devotional for Children's Ministry Leaders

Become a prayer fanatic for you-know-who because that kid needs God’s love.  

Plus The Call Of Isaiah

A talk challenging us to answer God’s call and be willing to do anything, anywhere, at any time for God. God does not save us just so we can sit around and act holy, He has something for everyone to do, but first He must show us that we are not holy like He is so that we will be usable. (Isa. 6)  

God's Will
Plus Bible Reading Plan for Kids

This is a daily Bible Reading Plan with several options for kids to follow.

Bible Reading Plan
Plus Dr. Jesus

God calls us and we are to respond by leaving everything behind and following him. The Best Doctor will heal us and allow us to become heirs. Then he starts to change the world through us.

Luke 5:27-32
Plus Feed Your Enemy

A woman wrote to "Pulpit Helps" to explain a miraculous lesson her family experienced. During one of their family Bible readings as new Christians, they ran across the verse, "If your enemy is hungry, feed him" (Romans 12:20). She writes.... (a lesson her son learned about loving an enemy at school.)

Loving Your Enemy
Plus God Loves You, No Matter What

God Loves You, No Matter What is a sermon which I preached to boys and girls in a Youth Detention Center. It's evangelical and deals with Jesus washing Judas' feet during the last supper.  

Prison Ministry/Evangelism
Plus God's Power

A humorous rendition of the story from II Kings 6 teaching that even when we can't see him, God's power is greater than anything that threatens us.

Fear, God's Power, Elisha
Plus Losing Your Marbles Is Good for You

The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps it’s the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise or maybe it’s the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way, the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable..... (prepare your heart for a powerful lesson)  

Time Management
Plus Mary's First Christmas

"Mary's First Christmas Story" book read aloud to the kids

Christmas Story
Plus The GodPod

A skit introducing the idea of praying for God's will to be done in our lives, instead of just asking God to give us what we want.

Prayer, Selfishness, Submission
Plus What God Wants Most

What God Wants Most is an interactive discussion designed to be the last talk with 5th graders before they move up to Middle School Ministry

Personal Relationship With God
Plus Practice Makes Perfect

Just as you have to practice everyday to get good at a sport, you have to read your Bible every day to become a better Christian!

Bible reading
Plus 10 Common Mistakes That Stifle Children's Pastors

Ten things to avoid in your children's ministry.

Key Concepts for Ministry
Plus 10 Reasons I Believe The Bible Is True

This article is designed to answer a common question among kids - How do we know the Bible is True?

Reasons to believe the Bible is the Word of God
PLUS Membership 2025 Church Visuals 2025 KidCheck Girl 2025 TUB Right - 2025 Promo Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 13 - New Testament Order of the Ancient Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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