Christmas Zone

Holiday Ideas are here! Deck Your Brain with these Christmas Ideas from Kidology!

From complete Christmas Lessons like Wise Kids Seek Him (a 4 lesson series) to a party theme like a Birthday Party for Jesus or fun PowerPoints like the Kid's Church Top 10 - Christmas or The Greatest Gift visual story! There are devotionals like Why Come as a Child? and performance ideas like Why Christmas? (a poem) or games like Play-Doh Christmas or The Chistmas Story Shuffle. There are fun family ideas in Christmas Potpourri and even fun after Christmas ideas like the After Christmas Blues Song!

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND: The Kidologist's Christmas Songs!

So what are you waiting for!?

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Level Title Topic
All Access Candy Cane Christmas Game

All Access Candy Cane Contest

A fun and easy game that kids love!

Christmas Game
All Access Candy Cane Pencil & Eraser

All Access Christmas Carol Lyrics

Christian Life
All Access Christmas Crackers

A fast, easy, fun activity that teaches kids to think of others during the holidays

Christmas Activities
All Access Christmas Gift Idea

Simple Christmas gift idea for kids.....possible outreach tool

Christmas Gift
All Access Christmas Gift of Appreciation

Seeing how important volunteers are in ministry, but having limited resources, we came apon this idea that many went "head over heels"about.

Inexpensive Gift for Volunteers
All Access Christmas Prayer Reminder

All Access Christmas Story Facts and Story

This Power Point starts with facts, and how we know from the Bible that Jesus is the true Son of God. It ends with the Christmas story.

Christmas Facts/Story
All Access Christmas Traffic Lights

All Access Christmas Voices

Here are some Christmas monologues that we have used at different times with our puppet team and our drama group. They are short but significant. Add a couple of your favorite Christmas songs and you have a small puppet musical! I hope someone can use them! They can be a lot of fun!

All Access Christmas Wish List

All Access Christmas Worker Appreciation Event

Christmas time is a great time to express appreciation to the people you work with through the year

Taking care of volunteers
All Access Christmas wrappers plus +

All Access December / Christmas Bible Reading Calendar

What better way to get kids into the habit of reading their Bible than to have them read the Christmas story?

Christmas, Bible Reading
All Access Failing Christmas

Little Johnny failed a test at school. Will he fail the Big Test?

All Access Give your heart to Jesus!

All Access Gold, Franklincents and Firs

A family share a Christmas tradition

All Access GOOD NEWS for Everyone!

All Access Happy Birthday Party for Jesus

All chicldren like attending parties. Have a birthday party for Jesus while telling the message of Christmas.

Happy Birthday Jesus
All Access Hidden Message Hang Man

Uncover hidden messages pertaining to scriptures using the Hang Man Game. Great for Easter and Christmas.

All Access I Know Christmas

All Access Ideas for a Christmas Party

All Access Jesus Christ is Coming to Town

All Access Jingle Bells, Jesus style

Anyone want to use a well-known song with new Christian lyrics? Sing along to the new Jingle Bells!

New Christian lyrics to Jingle Bells
All Access Kids Blessing Kids on Christmas

All Access Layered Christmas Storybook Craft

All Access Magazine Christmas Trees

I have a craft night near Christmas. We make little Christmas trees out of Reader's Digest magazines.

All Access Making a 'Fun' Christmas card

Instructions are given for making a 'fun' Christmas card.

All Access Mary Hears Good News

This lesson tells the Good news that the angel gave Mary and the promise God gave His people.

Luke 1:26-56
All Access Mary: A Common Ordinary Girl

This is a monologue from Mary telling her story of the birth of the Savior of the world...from her common, ordinary view

God Uses Common Ordinary People
All Access Merry Christmas in 80+ Languages!

Here is "Merry Christmas" in 80+ Languages!

All Access Ornamental Memory Game

All Access Pass the Gift - Christmas Story

This is an old "parlor" game that is lots of fun.

All Access Play-Doh Christmas Game

All Access Polar Express Story

While "The Polar Express" is a secular story, it takes very little modification to make it a Christmas story.  Here are some ideas.

All Access Puppet Play for Christmas

A puppet routine teaching what Christmas is all about.

All Access Re-creating the story of Christmas

I acted out the story of Christmas using miscellaneous toys I found in my daughter's toy box.

All Access Santa Jokes

All Access Shadow Guesses

All Access Sharing the Christmas Story

All Access Special Journey to Bethlehem

We are from three separate catholic churches in the same town- none of us has a special needs program - we got together and for the first time for the sake of the kids we worked together to plan a program making use of people from all three parishes-

Sppecial needs Advent/c\Christmas
All Access Story of Jesus Treat Bag

All Access Telling the C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. Story

Each letter of the word 'CHRISTMAS' is used to tell the Christmas story.

All Access The 12 Days of Christmas

This is a cute song that you can have a lot of fun with!! To the tune of The 12 days of Christmas.

Christmas Song
All Access The Chistmas Story Shuffle

All Access The Christmas Tree

A decorated Christmas tree is used to teach some important truths about Christmas.

All Access The Christmas Wrappers

All Access The First Born

Jesus was the first one born in all of creation. This is the first picture we have of an invisible God: Someone born like you and me, someone born like all creatures great and small.

All Access The Greatest Story Ever Told!

A puppet wants the Big Studio to make a movie about the King of Kings. Wanna hear his pitch?

Best Christmas Pageant Ever Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Stars FUNtastic Bible Activity Book 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure Prince Caspian Order of the Ancient Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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