VBS Resource Guide

VBS Resources Guide


Shop for your Vacation Bible School needs on Kidology and save! Many discounts on VBS are available for All Access Members. So explore all the VBS and kids camp options available, from large publishers to creative independent authors.  We've got you covered for VBS this year!


VBS Follow Up Kit

VBS Follow Up KitWhen VBS is over, you have every desire to follow up on the new kids who came. However, all too often you get busy with fall planning and volunteer recruiting shifting into high gear. Those great post-VBS intentions turn quickly into forgotten memories. If only you had the time!

Kidology to the rescue!

This VBS Follow Up Kit contains over 20 ready-to-send templates in editable Microsoft Word format that make following up on your Summer Outreach Program fast and easy! From thanking your volunteers, to explaining spiritual decisions to parents, and all the way to sending monthly seasonal invitations to church, this Follow Up Kit makes reaching out to the children who came to VBS a snap!

FREE with the purchase of ANY downloadable VBS from Kidology.org

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Amazing Race Camp from Henry Zonio

Amazing Race CampA veteran of children's ministry takes the work out of putting together your camp theme. Now you can benefit from Henry Zonio's creative skill with this curriculum.

Compiling lessons, games and activities, the Amazing Race Camp Curriculum offers you everything you need for a fantastic summer camp program.


  • Ready for the Race
  • Affirmation/encouragement for the race
  • Catch the prize
  • Everyone needs to know about the race



  • Curriculum Notebook
  • Camper Devotional
  • Counselor Manual
  • Supporting elements

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Basic Elements Science VBS from Kidmin Science

Basic Elements Science VBSAt the laboratory of the Basic Elements Science VBS kids discover the BASIC Elements of Faith (Believe, Ask, Serve, Impact, Celebrate).

This science-inspired, Christ-focused VBS includes science-themed snacks, games, skits, amazing videos and set designs.

Science Devotionals combine Biblical truth and hands-on science. Daily Science Projects have kids doing real science.

  • Day #1 - Believe (1 John 5:11-12)
  • Day #2 - Ask (Matthew 7:7)
  • Day #3 - Serve (1 Peter 4:9-10)
  • Day #4 - Impact (Acts 1:8)
  • Day #5 - Celebrate (Revelation 21:3-4)

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BUILD DIY VBS 4-Day Planning Kit from Craig Wilson

Basic Elements Science VBS

BUILD VBS is a 4-Day DIY Planning Kit that contains all the essentials to create your own custom summer camp. It uses a Lego theme to teach kids to BUILD their lives on the Solid Rock of Jesus. Each session, the Bible lesson will connect to a different part of a giant Lego man!

Lesson Titles:

  • Feet: Stand Firm in God's Word - Wise and Foolish Builders, Matthew 7:24-27
  • Heart: Trust in God's Love - Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-31
  • Hands: Be a Part of What Jesus is Doing - The Boy at the Feeding of the 5,000, John 6:1-14
  • Head: Get Your Whole Self Out There - Great Commission, Matthew 28:16-20

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Camptendo! Preteen Summer Event

Camp! 2 VBSCamptendo is your best solution for this summer's big preteen events. It's a 5-lesson curriculum packed with UP TO SEVEN HOURS of non-stop fun and learning in each session. Enough to last throughout a full day's event such as Camp, Park Days, VBS and more.

Your preteens are going to love the relevant and engaging theme. It's written specifically for preteens and is all about how God is helping them to face and overcome challenges in life. They'll learn that God has a good purpose as they face challenges and that he gives them choices and tools for overcoming every "level" they come to.

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CSI: Christian Scene Investigation VBS from River's Edge

CSI: Christian Scene Investigation VBSThrough fun, hands-on forensics science activitiesexplore the lives of Old Testament heroes and villains with CSI: Christian Scene Investigation. Investigate the evidence from their lives to determine if they walked worthy according to Ephesians 4:1-3. As we learn the meanings of humility, gentleness, patience, love, unity and peace we not only investigate the Old Testament character's lives but also look at our own lives. Are we walking worthy in these areas? What do we need to change in our own lives through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us? The main lesson is one hour. With the addition of optional rotation labs, each lesson is approximately three hours. If you choose to do everything suggested, your class time will last even longer!

The curriculum book includes a resource CD with the entire book in Adobe format, as well as many activities relating to CSI investigative techniques. It can be used in various ways: weekly children's church, camps, outreach, and VBS. Also included is a PowerPoint presentation to complement each lesson.

Lessons include:

  • King Josiah, Chronicles 34 ~ Depend on Jesus.
  • Naaman the Leper is Healed, 2 Kings 5 ~ Treat others with kindness, consideration and respect.
  • Esau Sells His Birthright, Genesis 25:24-34; 27:1-40 ~ Deal with hard times in a calm way.
  • Abigail saves Nabal, I Samuel 25 ~ Choose to treat others with love.
  • Jehoshaphat, 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 ~ Work and cooperate with others.
  • Freedom From Sin, Isaiah 61:1 ~ Live together in peace.

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Elements of Trust Science VBS from Kidmin Science

Step into the lab of Science VBS and take a journey with the original Apostles through the ups and downs of the first century church.

Discover amazing truths from God's Word about the early church and experience the Elements of T.R.U.S.T. 

This science-inspired, Christ-focused Vacation Bible School creatively walks through the historical narrative of the first 5 chapters of the book of Acts.

  • Day #1 - Trust (Acts 2:21) 
  • Day #2 - Receive (Acts 3:19) 
  • Day #3 - Understand (Acts 4:12) 
  • Day #4 - Share (Acts 4:32) 
  • Day #5 - Trials (Acts 5:29)

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Faith Factor Camp from Henry Zonio

Faith Factor CampThis curriculum from Kidology contributor Henry Zonio highlights a camp theme called Faith Factor.

The teaching emphasizes four main points:

  1. Faith in Jesus is the only way into heaven
  2. God always keeps his promises
  3. God's plan always works even when it doesn't make sense
  4. God always takes care of me

Packed complete with materials for an overall camp experience:

  • Curriculum Notebook
  • Camper Devotional
  • Counselor Manual
  • Supporting elements

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Faith Lab Science VBS from Kidmin Science

Step into the lab of Science VBS and discover amazing truths from God's Word.

This science-inspired, Christ-focused Vacation Bible School is like no other 5-day program you have ever seen. Kids do real science as real scientists.

This VBS is high on Biblical Truth and filled with fun and engagement. Faith Lab VBS is perfect for your church and kids ministry!

  • Day #1 - Faith 
  • Day #2 - Almighty 
  • Day #3 - Influence 
  • Day #4 - Temptation 
  • Day #5 - Heaven

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Game On VBS from NextGen4Christ

Game On VBS

Through the adventurous life of David and the relevant theme of the video gaming and digital app world, children will discover what happens when you give God control and follow Him.

In Game On, they will explore worship in Game Central Station, a fun thematic area where they will sing great songs from Uncle Charlie!

The Levels of Game On:

  • Bible Tour 3-D: Data, Direction, and Decisions with hands on activities to make the Bible real
  • App Lab: See the concepts at work in science experiments as they create their own "app" to "app-ly" the Bible to their everyday lives!
  • Game Floor: Use real life video games as well as discuss living out God's Word!
  • Hero Floor: Kids will get a chance to change the world with missions and service projects
  • Power Up Snacks: A time to refresh and re-charge

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Hero Training Camp
 VBS from National Center for Biblical Parenting

Hero Training Camp VBSHero Training Camp uses the life of David and the biblical concept of the conscience to teach children to be internally motivated in four areas: Do what's right, deal with wrongs, be honest, and care about others. This action-packed, activity-based VBS program uses a station approach to teach kids that God has provided them with the standard equipment to be heroes in training now.


  • VBS Director's Manual
  • Detailed lesson plans for easy use
  • Station Manager summary sheets for each day, for all six stations
  • Squad Leader summary sheets for each day
  • Reproducible parent letters
  • Biblical and theological overview chart
  • Bible adventure stories from the life of David to teach about the conscience
  • Hero Field Guide for each child to work on daily and then take home
  • Preschool Coordinator's Manual with specific instructions for younger children
  • Volunteer Training Meeting Lesson Plan
  • Pastor Informational Video • Volunteer Instructional Video
  • Music CD containing the Hero Song and the Conscience Song
  • Promotional samples for Prayer Support Cards, preprinted fliers, and posters
  • Resource CD with art and reproducible materials
  • Hero Training Camp VBS event poster
  • Vision letter for the church
  • Press Release for the community
  • Director's Planning worksheet beginning three months out
  • Follow up letter
  • Rice Bowl Mission Project information
  • Volunteer and participant evaluation forms

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Hero Training Camp Family VBS Plus Kit from National Center for Biblical Parenting

Hero Training Camp Family VBSDo VBS differently this year. Train the parents too! Parents and children start and end the evening interacting together and then separate during the teaching time. Children go to Hero Training Camp while parents watch the interactive video training program by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.

All family members learn about the biblical concept of the conscience to help children be internally motivated in four areas: Do what's right, deal with wrongs, be honest, and care about others. Plus you can offer the three optional Family Night Events over the next three months to continue family development.


  • Family VBS Leader's Guide
  • Resource CD with art and reproducible materials
  • Vision letter for the church
  • Pastor Informational Video
  • Volunteer Instructional Video
  • Reproducible parent letters
  • Promotional samples for Prayer Support Cards, preprinted fliers, and posters
  • Press Release for the community
  • Volunteer and participant evaluation forms
  • Follow up letter
  • Family Night Invitation Letters
  • One-minute congregational video promo
  • Hero Training Camp Family VBS event poster
  • Family Components
  • Children's Components
  • Family Night Events

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iGo Green VBS from River's Edge

iGO Green VBSDuring the five lesson iGo Green Kid's Camp/VBS, kids will learn that taking care of the earth is a way to love God and to love others.

The lessons, three hours in length, each contain a large group time. Following that time, rotations including environmental projects, experiments, small group discussion, crafts, snacks, games and bible memory reinforce learning during the group time. Optional activities allow this unit to be stretched to an all day event or overnight camp.

Lessons include:

  • Relationship: God created everything and made me in his image.
  • Obedience: When I take care of the earth, I am obeying God
  • Gratitude: When I take care of the earth, I am showing gratitude to God
  • Respect: When I take care of the earth, I am showing respect for others.
  • Justice: When I take care of the earth, I am taking care of the needs of others.

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Kamp Kaboom! VBS from River's Edge

Kamp Kaboom VBSGod said it - KABOOM! ...it was. Sizzle, pop and explode your way through the days of creation using interactive, high-impact science experiments, wild and wacky games, and relevant biblical applications. Through hands-on activities that draw on children's innate curiosity about science, Kamp Kaboom! from River's Edge Curriculum teaches children not only about the seven days of creation, but also about what creation reveals about God. As they learn more about Him through His creation, children have the opportunity to enter into a deeper relationship with Him.

The main lesson is one hour. With the addition of optional rotation labs, each lesson takes approximately four hours. If you choose to do everything suggested, your class time will last even longer!

The curriculum book includes a resource CD with the entire book in Adobe format, as well as over 100 science experiments and activities. It can be used in various ways: weekly children's church, camps, outreach, and VBS. Also included is a PowerPoint presentation to complement each lesson.

Lessons include:

  • Light: God sent Jesus to drive away the darkness of sin
  • Atmosphere: God protects us
  • Water, Land & Plants: We need to grow deeper
  • Sun, Moon & Stars: God wants us to glorify Him
  • Birds & Fish: God knows every detail of our lives
  • Animals: God is glorified by His creation
  • Man: God created you with a purpose
  • Rest: God wants us to rest

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Soul Wars - Spirit Awakens DIY VBS

Hero HeadquartersThis 4-Act Drama includes all the elements for you to take the DIY curriculum and create your own Star Wars-themed event. 

Synopsis: Long ago there was an epic battle over the last published Bible known to exist. With the Christian force defending, the evil Empire sought to destroy every copy known in the galaxy. In a personal battle between good and evil, the last Bible was cut in half. 

Darth Hater retrieved one-half, Pastor Euodia, the other. The Empire seeks to find the other half in order to destroy them both while the Christians seek to find the other half in order to reunite the two parts and continue to spread the Good Word.

Duke Skyliner must allow the Spirit of God to awaken within him so that he can be used of God to save the last Bible and save his family, or the Dark Side of Sin may prevail.

The 4 Lesson Themes Include:

  • What is Faith?
  • Witnessing
  • The Word of God
  • Salvation

PDF Download Includes:

  • 4 Full Lessons
  • Full Script for Each Lesson
  • Crafts for Each Lesson
  • Snacks for Each Lesson
  • Stage Prop Ideas
  • Characters and Costume Ideas
  • Promotional Ideas
  • Media Clip Ideas

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See the full line of VBS Curriculum and Resources available in the Kidology Store. 

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