
Ticket to Heaven Game
Teach on the eternal impact of sharing your faith!
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When his church kicked off a new youth series on sharing your faith, Pastor Karl was commissioned to come up with a game that would help the kids experience the eternal impact of sharing their faith.
This game is the result! It was a LOT of fun, and you can watch a complete video of the experience, with text description within the video to help you learn how to lead the game.
Also provided is the PDF of the "Ticket to Heaven" that you will need to print in TWO DIFFERENT COLORS! THREE PRINTABLE VERSIONS are provided.
- LEGAL SIZE with a white background is ideal. It is bigger, so it can be torn into more pieces, and with the white background, it is easier to see what team the ticket is from. (11x14)
- LETTER SIZE is also provided in case you are unable to print on legal size. (8.5x11)
- BONUS GOLD background legal size is provided in case you want to have a fancier ticket. If you use different colored paper, you'll be able to tell each team by the back side of the tickets.
Watch as Karl demostrates this fun game in his own ministry!