it Bible Curriculum Lesson Schedule - 2023

Below is the recommended 2023 schedule for it BIBLE Curricululm. Of course, you can teach the lessons in any order, at any time you'd like, but this schedule is designed to work with holiday dates. (Find the 2024 schedule here!)

Learn more about it Bible Curriculum, view our full list of available curriculum, or purchase complete series' in the Kidology Store.



Bible Boot Camp Training Day (A Stand-Alone Lesson)

A SUPER FUN Bible Boot Camp Super Sunday that will be a blast for your kids whether you use the Bible Boot Camp series or not! Similar to Bible Ninja Warriors, but with an Army theme! 


WINTER - Outdoor Adventures Series
Bible Boot Camp

An 8-week Army-themed series that teaches kids how to train and equip themselves for spiritual battle!

  • Lesson 1: Enlist - Join God's Army
    GOD’S ARMY – Be All God Made You to Be.
  • Lesson 2: The Manual – God’s Word
    GOD’S BOOK – Your Field Manual for Life.
  • Lesson 3: Communication – Prayer
    STAY CONNECTED – Prayer is How We Talk to God
  • Lesson 4: Your Squad – Friendship 
    SQUAD UP – Don’t Go Into Battle Alone.
  • Lesson 5: Secret Power – The Holy SpiritS
    UPER WEAPON – The Holy Spirit is your Secret Power.
  • Lesson 6: Special Ops – Spiritual Gifts
    SPECIAL OPS – God has Equipped Everyone with a Special Skills Set.
  • Lesson 7: Inner Strength – Character 
    Forgive others quickly, just as Jesus forgave you
  • Lesson 8: Your Mission – Sharing the Gospel
    THE MISSION – To Reach the Lost for Jesus.  

SPRING - Mystery Adventures Series
Riddle Me This

A 4-Week Riddle-themed series teaching kids about some of the mysterious sayings of Jesus.

  • Lesson 1: The First Will be Last?
    Humility leads to Greatness in God’s eyes.
  • Lesson 2: Water that is Living?
    A life with Jesus is the only life that truly leads to happiness.
  • Lesson 3: Love Your Enemies?
    Your enemy is simply someone who needs Jesus.
  • Lesson 4: Lose It to Find It?
  • When you find Jesus, you have found everything.

Easter Series
The Great Rescue 4-Week Series

Kids will discover how Jesus was THE First Responder, coming to earth to Rescue us from our sins! He came, He taught, He died, He rose again, and He returned to heaven, and now it’s our job to help rescue others! 

  • Lesson 1: Jesus Saves Us (Palm Sunday)
    Dispatch: The Cross
  • Lesson 2: Jesus Heals Us (Easter Sunday)
    Dispatch: The Tomb
  • Lesson 3: Jesus Equips Us
    Dispatch: The Upper Room
  • Lesson 4: Jesus Sends Us
    Dispatch: The Sky

The Great Escape (A Stand-Alone Lesson)

A SUPER FUN Kid's Church Escape Room Experience! Your kids will work together to escape kids church while reviewing the Story of Easter!

SUMMER - Discipletown Series
DiscipleTown Units #4 | #6 | #3

How to Make Good Friends

One of the more important skills we can impart to children is the wise ability to choose good friends. Few things will have greater influence on the rest of their life. This unit will help children understand that friendships are not only a gift from God, but something that we are to be intentional about.

  • My Best Friend Jesus
  • Being a Good Friend
  • Choosing Good Friends
  • Growing Godly Friends

How to Make Good Choices

Many parents pray long and hard that their children will make good choices. It is essential that we equip children while they are young with decision-making skills that will enable them to weigh and evaluate alternatives. This unit will help your children understand the power they have to choose between right and wrong. 

  • The Power to Choose
  • Winning the Inner Battle
  • After a Wrong Turn
  • God-Given Guides

How to Grow Spiritual Fruit

The Fruit of the Spirit may be a familiar topic to children, but the concept of how to grow spiritual fruit is one that is often misunderstood by adults, not just by kids. Unlike many curriculums on the fruits of the Spirit for children, this unit is not an overview of the nine fruits. Rather, it is a 4-week series that will walk children through the process of how to nurture the soil of their soul so that the Spirit of God might produce genuine spiritual fruit in them. Starting with the seed of salvation and being watered with the Living Water, children will discover that their spiritual life is like a plant and God is like a loving gardener. They will learn that it is only by being pruned through loving discipline and abiding in Jesus that spiritual fruit will blossom in their lives. This unit will guide them, not into working harder to be good, but to draw closer to God so that he can make them more like Jesus.

  • The Seed of Salvation
  • Growing Up Godly
  • Abiding in Jesus
  • The Fruit God Produces

LATE SUMMER - Big Screen Adventures Series
Mission Moses 9-Week Series

Kids explore the epic adventures of Moses and the way God used an ordinary man to accomplish an extra-ordinary mission that changed the world!

  • Lesson 1: A New Hope: Moses is Born
    God will protect us when we are following His plan.
  • Lesson 2: A Prince Strikes Back
    Our mistakes can't foil God's plan.
  • Lesson 3: Return of the Hebrew
    God will equip us to fulfill His plan for our lives.
  • Lesson 4: The Phantom Hebrew
    God's plan is still at work even during hard times.
  • Lesson 5: Attack of the Plagues
    God's plan is supported by His power.
  • Lesson 6: Revenge of the Pharaoh
    Nothing can come against God's plan.
  • Lesson 7: The Rock Awakens
    God will provide so His plan can move forward.
  • Lesson 8: The Lost Leader
    Trust God's plan even when it seems delayed.
  • Lesson 9: The Rise of a Nation
    God's plan is about more than just your life. 

Bible Ninja Warriors (A Stand-Alone Lesson)

The point of this Super Sunday is to get kids excited about learning to use their Bibles and becoming more familiar with them. Based off the very popular American Ninja Warrior TV show, Bible Ninja Warriors encourages kids to get AWESOME at using their Bibles!

Works great as a fun intro to the Ninja-themed Easter series, Undefeated! But regardless of what series you're teaching, you can still use BIBLE NINJA WARRIORS! Just change up the verses and you're good to go!  

EARLY FALL - Halloween Series
Spooky Lessons of the Bible

Spooky Lessons of the Bible is a 4-lesson series by Karl Bastian that will guide your children to a biblical understanding of life, showing how Jesus defeated death. While our culture obsesses with spookiness, this series will redeem the season in a way you've never seen before, all while allowing your children to enjoy the season in a wholesome and fun manner. Equip your kids with the knowledge to face their fears. Halloween provides our culture with a way of making light of death, and yet that nagging question remains: "What will happen to me after I die?" Provide kids the answer that Jesus conquered Death. We can teach them that we know a Savior who faced death, destroyed it, and can raise us up too!

Lessons Overview: 

  • Lesson 1: A Dead Girl Rises
    (The Raising of Jairusʼ Daughter)
  • Lesson 2: A Dead Man Walks Out of a Tomb!
    (The Raising of Lazarus)
  • Lesson 3: A Dead Man at a Funeral, Wakes Up!
    (The Centurionʼs Faith and The Raising of the Widowʼs Son)
  • Lesson 4: Dead Man Raises Himself, Claims He Can Raise Others
    (The Resurrection of Jesus)

NOVEMBER and DECEMBER - Spiritual Gifts Series
Mighty Kids 8-Week Series

Kids will discover their Spiritual Gifts while getting to know the Mighty Kids of the Bible!

Lessons Overview:  

  • November 5 - Lesson 1: TITAN TIM – Leadership
    You don’t have to grow up to be a hero for God!
  • November 12 - Lesson 2: SONIC SAM – Serving
    Listen! God wants to talk to you.
  • November 19 - Lesson 3: THE CONSULTANT - Helping
    God wants to use you to save others!
  • November 26 - Lesson 4: DARING DAN – Faith
    Set yourself apart and God will do amazing things through you!!
  • December 3 - Lesson 5: BULLSEYE – Exhortation
    You are mighty when you have God on your side.
  • December 10 - Lesson 6: KING KID– Wisdom
    Even a child can bring great change.
  • December 17 - Lesson 7: LUNCHINATOR – Giving
    Use what you have and Jesus can make miracles happen!
  • December 24 (or 31)* - Lesson 8: TEMPLE BOY – Knowledge
    Like Jesus, strive to grow in wisdom, strength and favor with God and man!
    * We recommend using a Super Sunday for Christmas Eve service and wrapping up Mighty Kids on 12/31. This way visitors do not attend during the last lesson of the series. Alternately you can use a different Super Sunday, like Bible-O-Rama, on 12/31.

SUPER SUNDAY - December 24th
Ultimate Birthday Party for Jesus
 (A Stand-Alone Lesson)

This Party Planning Pack includes a collection of Christmas Celebration ideas to use during a Birthday Party for JESUS!



SUPER SUNDAY - December 31st
Bible-O-Rama (A Stand-Alone Event with a Lesson)

This Super Sunday helps kids learn about the Books of the Bible and its structure! It's a fun day of games to help the kids explore their Bible and review the various Books of the Bible. Think of it as a game show set up as a rotational event with many games all going on at the same time!

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