Kidology Theorems Zone

Before the website, Kidology started with the launch of Karl's first book, The Kidology Handbook. Then came the Kidology University Conference (we did 15 in 3 states!), followed by the website in 1994. It all began with the Study of Kidology - studying how kids think, relate, communicate and learn, and relating to their world! For over 25 years has grown, with new resources and curriculum added weekly, but the study of kids has never stopped!

For 2022, we're returning to that initial focus with a weekly THEOREM on the Study of Kids! Our newsletter, Pastor Karl's Ministry Tips, will focus on just ONE of the Kidology Theorems each week. You can also check out the full list of theorems or read ones you missed as they are added by visiting here each week.

May the learning continue on how to Reach and Teach kids for Jesus!

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Level Title Topic
Starter The Gospel is #1. Tell it often. Tell it well.

Kidology Theorem #01 - How often should you share the Gospel message with kids?

Kidology Theorem #01
Starter Every child wants FUN, but what they need is LOVE.

Kidology Theorem #02 - Deliver fun, but never stop seeking how you can show kids love.

Kidology Theorem #02
Starter Stop While They Still Like It!

Kidology Theorem #03 - You picked a winner! Why would you stop?

Kidology Theorem #03
Starter Ikinagagalak akong makillala kayo! HUH!?

Kidology Theorem #04 - Kids ministry is cross-cultural  

Kidology Theorem #04
Starter Don't Teach Empty-Handed

Kidology Theorem #05 - Learn to engage kids with curiosity to win their attention!

Kidology Theorem #05
Starter Every kid has special needs. Some just have more than others.

Kidology Theorem #06 - Ministry to 'Kids with Special Needs' means ALL of them!

Kidology Theorem #06
Starter Make Scripture Memory Central to Your Teaching

Kidology Theorem #07 - Help Kids Hide God’s Word in Their Hearts

Kidology Theorem #07
Starter FUN is not the goal. Fun is the spotlight that focuses kids on the goal.

Kidology Theorem #08 - If you don’t have a plan for the kids, they’ll have a plan for you.

Kidology Theorem #08
Starter Always Bring Your A-Game!

Kidology Theorem #09 - The goal is not to be THE best. It is to be YOUR best.

Kidology Theorem #09
Starter Predictably Unpredictable!

Kidology Theorem #10 - Shake things up so the kids are excited to come to church!

Kidology Theorem #10
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer FUNtastic Bible Activity Book 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

Kidology on Facebook