Kidology Theorems Zone

Before the website, Kidology started with the launch of Karl's first book, The Kidology Handbook. Then came the Kidology University Conference (we did 15 in 3 states!), followed by the website in 1994. It all began with the Study of Kidology - studying how kids think, relate, communicate and learn, and relating to their world! For over 25 years has grown, with new resources and curriculum added weekly, but the study of kids has never stopped!

For 2022, we're returning to that initial focus with a weekly THEOREM on the Study of Kids! Our newsletter, Pastor Karl's Ministry Tips, will focus on just ONE of the Kidology Theorems each week. You can also check out the full list of theorems or read ones you missed as they are added by visiting here each week.

May the learning continue on how to Reach and Teach kids for Jesus!

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Membership Levels:
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Level Title Topic
Starter Bond with kids through nicknames only you use.

Kidology Theorem #41 - A nickname says you are special and unique and loved.

Kidology Theorem #41
Starter A lesson without a story is an incomplete lesson.

Kidology Theorem #42 - Kids might miss the lesson if you leave out the story.

Kidology Theorem #42
Starter Every BIG word has a little word that means the same thing.

Kidology Theorem #43 - Do you have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Kidology Theorem #43
Starter Stop, Drop, and Roll!

Kidology Theorem #44 - Start where kids are before moving them to where you want them to be.

Kidology Theorem #44
Starter Growing Up vs. Growing Old

Kidology Theorem #45 - How to stay childlike but not childish

Kidology Theorem #45
Starter Prop Up Your Teaching with... Props!

Kidology Theorem #46 - The best teachers understand the power of props.

Kidology Theorem #46
Starter Kids can pray too! Give them real opportunities within your ministry.

Kidology Theorem #47 - Kids' Prayers Are Just as Powerful as Adult Prayers!

Kidology Theorem #47
Starter Get to Know Kids as Individuals

Kidology Theorem #48 - Your large group audience is made up of individual children. Get to know them as such.

Kidology Theorem #48
Starter Be the Prize!

Kidology Theorem #49 - The biggest and best prize you could ever offer your kids might be something you completely overlooked!

Kidology Theorem #49
Starter The post that bugs me the most

Kidology Theorem #50 - Make every minute of your ministry count!

Kidology Theorem #50
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Toddler Gospel Colors Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure The Voyage of the Dawn Treader The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Store
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