Kidology Give-A-Way Survey!

Kidology Give-A-Way Survey

THE SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED! Thank you to the nearly 1,000 people who participated! We have our work cut our for us as we carefully read through them and make plans for 2011 based on the feedback. I will still be choosing winners based on great ideas and personally writing to many of you who made excellent suggestions. Thank you for both your encouraging words AND your helpful suggestions!

However, your feedback and suggestions are always welcome.

Karl Bastian, aka, The Kidologist
Founder of

Winner List

Here's a list of those who won by participating in the Kidology Give-A-Way Survey. THANK YOU to our vendors who contributed to the prizes.


January 31- Go Crazy Day!

January 30

January 29

January 28

January 27

January 26

January 25

January 24

January 23

January 22

January 21

January 20

January 19

January 18

January 17

January 16

January 15

January 14

January 13

January 12

January 11

January 10

January 9

January 8


January 7


January 6


January 5


January 4


January 3


January 2


January 1

it Bible Curriculum Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 16 - Truth Order of the Ancient Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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