Games Zone

Kids Love Games!

When you use games to teach, your teaching becomes more fun, and more effective. Get kids' minds and bodies involved in learning!

The games here are not simply for the sake of play, but for creatively and effectively reaching and teaching kids for Jesus! Don't miss Karl Bastian's Tips for Leading Great Games!

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All Access Passing the Word

Here is a simple game that teaches a great lesson on witnessing! You will need to conspire ahead of time with one team member from each team. You will need 2 inflatable beach balls, or other object

All Access Perplex - The Last Shall Be First GAME

Kids hear "the last shall be first," this game helps them experience it!

Service - Selflessness
All Access Pick a Fruit Game

A simple fun intro game for Fruit of the Spirit or Adam and Eve's Fall

Fruit of the Spirit / Adam and Eve
All Access Pinterest Get to Know You Game

This is a "Get to Know You" game based on the popular website It helps a large group of kids or teens quickly find people with common interests.  

Ice Breaker Game w/ Pinterest
All Access Pipe Race

Great Teamwork Game. You will need 24' tube of sump pump tubing & a super bouncing ball for each team.

All Access Place Jesus in the Manger Game

A twist on the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey Game.

Christmas Game
All Access Prayer Boosts and Sliders Interactive Prayer Walk

A Prayer Walk Based on the Classic Game of Chutes and Ladders

Prayer Walk
All Access Prophesy Weather Wheel

This is an activity that illustrates in a fun way the difference between a prediction and a prophesy.

Prophesy vs. Predictions
All Access Pyramid Verse Memory Game

This is a great game to teach kids a memory verse and also teaches them that it is a lot easier to get through life when we follow a plan: God's plan

All Access Repentance Game

Teach kids about repentance in a memorable way through this exciting game. Make your lesson visual and active.

Salvation, Repentance
All Access Satan's Lies and God's Truths

Satan can be so tricky and all you need to prove it is 2 team leaders, candy, and fruit. Have fun!

All Access Scripture Memory Games

Engage your kids with scripture memory games and help them hide the word in their heart.

Bible Memory, Games
All Access Scripture Memory Mix Up

Another way to teach a Bible verse.

Memory Game
All Access Silly Word Number Swap!

A Silly Social Distance Game where kids have fun with silly words and numbers!

Social Distance Game
All Access Skit in a Bag

Fun impromptu acting game that gets your kids outside of their box and thinking creatively.

Gifts, Drama
All Access Soap Verse Challenge

Bible Memory is fun using soap and water. 12 bars of soap (or number needed for verse) and 12 bowls/buckets of water (or one giant tub) and towels!.

All Access Sports Charades

This variation of charades was used during our Sport Unit that we were doing. You will need slips of paper with sports names written on them.

All Access Spot Enoch

A collection of action figures and/or dolls is required for this Teaching Game that requires children to "pay attention" in order to win points.

All Access Spread the Word

The purpose of this game is two-fold. First, to visualize the need to work together to spread the Gospel (the Good News) as far as possible. Secondly, in a surprise twist to illustrate how often in our zeal to reach people far away, we miss those right next to us!

All Access Stacking Up a Good Attitude!

Exciting game that teaches kids about watching their attitude. They have fun Speed Stacking and have their attitude tested.

Game, Attitude, Speed Stacking,
All Access Stare Wars (and that's not a typo.)

This is a GREAT object lesson-type game that teaches Hebrews 12:2 "Fixing our eyes on Jesus" and not be distracted by the things of this world that try to get our mind off of God.

All Access Tarp Toss

Great Game for boy/girl competition! You will need a tarp and bean bags for each team of 4.

All Access Team Bible Drill

The Team Bible Drill is similar to the basic Bible drill, except that it involves every child and more kids are rewarded.

All Access Tee Pee Unroll

Give the first person on each team a roll of toilet paper - it's great if it is still wrapped in paper

All Access Telephone Game

Have your kids play the classic "Telephone Game" and teach them about communication.

Communication, Game
All Access Ten Questions or I'm Thinking of a Bible Book

Here is another game to teach or review the books of the Bible.

All Access Testament Tangle

Here is a fun game that will help children learn and review which books are in which testament.

All Access ThanksLiving Game

Play this game to remind your kids what they have to be thankful for.

All Access The 3 Penny Missionary Game

This simple, fun game helps children understand how a church is planted on the mission field.

Missions - Planting a Church
All Access The Cheating Game

Candy, rewards and a "cheat" to get the point across add to the excitement of this game!

All Access The Complaining Game

Help kids turn complaints around and see the positive.

All Access The Enormous Gigantic Colossal Humongous Massive GAME BOOK

Kidology Member Exclusive - Over 300 Pages and 1000+ Games for Kids Ministry!

Free The Friend Factor Game Show!

Really Fun Game for Children's Church! A "game show" style game, that would go along great with a teaching on friendship.

Friendship, Games, Fun
Starter The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 1

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel
All Access The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 2

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel
All Access The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 3

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel
All Access The Good News - Newspaper Game, Week 4

Newspaper games that help teach about sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel
All Access The Lego Gossip Game

For this important teaching lesson you will need Legos, Bell or Hanky on tall square table center stage for team competition.

All Access The Mad Hatters

Similar to musical chairs - call it musical hats if you want! The child who is 'hatless' is removed, and the game begins again, but with one less hat.

All Access The Nerve to Serve

You will need lots and lots of balls, or wads of paper, 7 children, as you teach about serving others.

Free The NO RULES Game

A game that demonstrates WHY God gave us commandments.

All Access The Price Is Wrong

A fun game show gone amuck helps teach kids the meaning of worship!

All Access The Trading Game

Here is a game to help kids discover why trading with Jesus is always the best choice!

Rich Young Ruler
All Access The Water Race

Exciting relay that gets all the kids involved as they work as a team to pass the water.

water, relay
All Access Three Cheers for Cheerios!

Grab a box of Cheerios and get ready for a few rounds of fun at your next Children's Ministry event.

game, cereal
All Access Time's Up!

This "Cup Stacking" game requires a table, stop watch, calculator, and a bunch of cups.

Starter Tips for Leading Games

10 Tips for leading effective games, plus a play-by-play example so you can become an expert at leading FUN games that teach a point!

All Access Trapped in a Cup Tower!

Get ready to stack some cups in huge towers, as the kids use creativity to construct walls!

Creative, faithful, abilities
All Access Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors

Everyone knows Rock, Paper, Scissors - this large group version is a LOT of fun and teaches teamwork, encouragement and the power of prayer!

Fun Game / Power of Prayer
All Access Un-Hang Man

Interactive lesson with a powerful teaching twist for upper elementary kids! Follow these instructions carefully and you will have a lesson filled with fun and laughter that ends with a somber challenge both for salvation and a surrendered life for kids already saved!

Best Christmas Pageant Ever Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer Gospel Colors 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Learn about DiscipleTown My Awesome Adventure Prince Caspian The Great Adventure Cards Kidology Online Training
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