Child Safety Zone

Whether the senior pastor of a church, a children's ministry director, a volunteer, or a parent of young children, we all have a role to play in keeping our children safe.

Kidology can help you to protect the kids and build healthy family ministries at your church. Browse the articles below to find ideas on how to create a safe environment for all the little ones.

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All Access Safety Actions for Child-Centered Organizations

Here are some security topics being talked about and some of the actions organizations are taking to address them.

Child Safety and Security
All Access Safety Beyond CheckIn

An active duty law enforcement officer, SWAT operator, and former pastor gives advice on how to best protect the kids in your ministry.  

Child Safety,
All Access Securing Your Children's Ministry

Make your Children's Ministry an even safer environment with these suggestions from safety and security experts.

Child Safety, Security, Volunteer Safety
All Access Seven Steps to Screening Youth Working with Children

Taking the time to thoroughly screen is an important step in identifying youth that are a good fit and keeping child safety a priority.   

Child Safety, Screening
All Access Shepherding Children Safely in the Church

This article aims to provide a conversation starter to motivate church leaders to look beyond the minimum requirements for child safety toward developing a fully orbed approach. It is not exhaustive, but it does touch on major important points commonly missed in local churches.

Child Saftey,
All Access The Child Safeguarding Committee

A child safeguarding committee creates and implements a set of working principles that minimizes the grey area of working with children and addressing allegations of abuse. 

Child Safety
Free The ONE Rule that Saved My Ministry... and the Night that Almost Ended It

This valuable story could prevent you from great heartache and a ruined ministry career! A MUST-READ!

Safety, Leadership, Integrity
All Access The Partnership of Security Teams & Children's Ministry for Safety Part 1

Church security teams are the fastest growing ministry of 2016. In this post, we’re going to share information on how to get momentum to start a church security team, if your church lacks one. The main point is for children's ministry to connect with the church security team and utilize them as a resource for children's ministry.

Child Safety
All Access The Partnership of Security Teams & Children's Ministry for Safety Part 2

In our first post, The Partnership of Security Teams & Children’s Ministry for Safety we shared information on how to get the momentum moving to start a church security team, if your church lacks one. For this post, we’d like to share actionable steps that you can take for engaging and utilizing an existing security team.

Child Safety
All Access The Top Six Safety Benefits to Screening Candidates

It’s important to invest time in getting to know those applying to work directly with children. Screening candidates is the first step in increasing child safety.

Child Safety, Screening
All Access The Two-Adult Rule - The Preferred Standard for Abuse Prevention

The two-adult rule, often referred to as the Rule of Two, is critical to implement and is the preferred standard for abuse prevention. Understanding the established ratios for adults and children and maintaining adequate staffing goes a long way towards providing a safe environment.

The Two-Adult Rule for Child Safety
All Access Volunteer/Employee Background Checks

Organizations know background checks help reduce risk, maintain a safe environment and minimize liability. But how often, for whom, and how important is it really?

Child Safety, Background Checks
All Access A Safe Place

An article that uses a personal experience to look at the necessity for both spiritual and physical safety in ministry.

All Access All I Ever Needed to Know About Internet Safety I Learned in Kindergarten

Common sense approach to Internet safety in the home.

Internet Safety/Parenting
All Access Internet Safety

Parents can protect their kids from online dangers while teaching them about the importance of accountability in the Christian life -- Covenant Eyes accountability software

Monitoring and Filtering
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