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Acts 2 - Bad Guy, Turned Good

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Conversion of Paul

Every kid has people in their life that seem hopelessly lost. Bullies that pick on them, or stuck up girls that look down on them, or mean adults who make life hard. It is easy to write them off as ‘bad people’ but kids need to learn that everyone is loved by God and no one is a ‘lost cause’ or beyond God’s reach. It may surprise them to learn that the Apostle Paul was once an arch enemy of God – he deserved to be ‘zapped’ but God chose instead to forgive Saul and turn his zeal and energy to good, and renamed him Paul. Kids need to pray for and be hopeful for even the meanest and toughest people in their lives, if they can learn to do that, they will be started on the path to being a change agent in the lives of others their whole life!


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