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How I Got an Admin

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Getting Admin Help

Karl gives some insight on how he lobbied for administrative support from a senior pastor who was trying to be "fair" to all his staff.

There once was a children's pastor who worked for a wonderful senior pastor at a church with many pastor's who all oversaw an area of ministry they each thought was the most important area of ministry. (Of course, according to George Barna, the children's pastor was right!)

Nevertheless, the senior pastor saw them all as equal, and therefore tried to always treat them as equal - and deal with them fairly, even when equal was the farthest thing from fair.

Such was the case when it came to providing administrative support. It was the senior pastor's belief that to provide unequal support to one pastor (ie. more support) than another, would be UNFAIR, and therefore he could not do so. The problem is, there was an Adult Ministry pastor who didn't feel he needed any administrative support since every area he oversaw was led by an adult who could run the ministry himself. The Youth Pastor was so disorganized, he was beyond help (this is fictional, O.K.?) and the Worship Pastor had a volunteer administrative helper whose assistance ran probably around forty hours a week - if she were on staff it would be a full time job - and on and on it went. So in effect, no one else much needed, or as it turned out, wanted, much administrative help, and so it wouldn't be "fair" to give the Children's Pastor help, as this good and sincere Senior Pastor believed he'd need to provide it for all the pastors... to be fair of course.

So how did he get the help? Log in to find out

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