Healthy Ministry Zone

The greatest threat to a kidmin leader's spiritual health can be ministry itself.

We go into children's ministry because of a Calling to reach and teach kids for Jesus. But soon we can find ourselves buried in administration, recruiting, policy-writing, event planning, budget management, program running, and so much more. Our walk with God and the health of our family and other key relationships can suffer.

This Zone is dedicated to resources to help you keep healthy spiritually as you serve the Lord!

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Level Title Topic
All Access 5 Ways to Serve Your Children with Special Needs

Five ways you can better serve Special Needs children in your ministry.

Special Needs
Starter Take Your Life Back from the Church

Don't let the church suck you dry - that isn't God's Will for those in ministry. When the church is killing your joy, you are doing more than God is asking of you and it is time for drastic action. Now. Stop making excuses.

Leadership & Life & Priorities
All Access 10 Tips for Lovingly Working with Children with Special Needs or Behavioral Challenges

Love those challenging kids, and know you are making a difference!

Special Needs in Ministry
Free His Yoke is Easy and His Burden is Light

Are you feeling worn out, stressed, and ready to drop out of ministry? Wait! There's a way to avoid 'burn out"!

Avoiding Burnout
Starter It's About Relationships

There is no shortage of programs, resources, or ideas in children’s ministry today—but at the end of the day, what is most effective in reaching kids for the Gospel hasn’t changed in a hundred years—it’s building relationships and personally introducing children to the Savior. This ebook is loaded with practical ideas on how to have a more relational ministry. You’ll be surprised by the results!

All Access Fostering Camaraderie: Building Friendships in Church Volunteer Teams

The strength of the team often determines its success. This rings particularly true in the context of church volunteer settings, where individuals come together driven by a shared purpose. However, beyond mere cooperation, cultivating camaraderie among team members is crucial. Camaraderie not only enhances productivity and efficiency but also fosters a sense of belonging and support, ultimately enriching the volunteering experience. Let’s delve into the significance of building camaraderie within church volunteer teams and explore practical strategies to transform teammates into genuine friendships.

Leadership & Team Development
Free 10 Easy Ways to Partner with Families in Your Ministry

Ten easy steps to help you get started on your goal to partner with families in your church.

Partnering with Parents, Leadership, Equipping
All Access 11 Things You Can Do To Make A Kid's Day

Fun simple ideas for engaging kids!

Engaging Kids
All Access 110 Reasons I Love Children's Ministry

Need a good reason to love Children's Ministry? How about 110 reasons?

All Access 2 Words To Avoid With Your Kids (And Co-Workers)

Have you ever used "Extreme Language"? We all have. The trick is to become aware when we're doing it, and put an end to it. Otherwise, we might start to believe it. 

Relationships, Leadership
All Access 29 Ways to Do Ministry When Church is Cancelled

You don't have to be in a church to do ministry.

Church Ministry
All Access 3 Things to Help Improve Yourself

How do you work on improving yourself? Is it working?

Starter 3 Ways The Holy Spirit Speaks To Us

"I teach kids that the Holy Spirit speaks in three ways."

Holy Spirit, Discernment
Free 4 Powerful Things Criticism Tells About You

Being the object of criticism can be discouraging and deflating. It can also be an opportunity for growth.

Criticism, Growth, Leadership
Free 4 Reasons The Kids In Your Ministry Are Misbehaving

How do you handle discipline in your ministry? Not just punishment, but maintaining control before it gets out of control? Here are some tips to help you run a smooth Sunday morning (or Wednesday evening).

Discipline, Relationship, Leadership
All Access 4 Truths Kids Need Every Sunday

Be sure your kids experience these 4 basic truths evey Sunday. 

Lessons for Kids
All Access 4 Ways to Stop Your Hurried Pace of Life

Feel like ministry is on fast-forward mode all the time? Here are four ways to press STOP and learn to pause.

Leadership, Criticism
All Access 5 Must-Have Values for Leading Volunteers

Many leaders face challenges with high rates of turnover and frustrating results. Others seem to enjoy strong teams and ministry effectiveness. So what makes a leader effective in building teams of volunteers?  

All Access 5 Things Children's Ministers Wish Their Senior Pastor Knew

An open letter from those who serve in children's ministry to their senior pastors.

All Access 5 Things I Did to Get a Sabbath

it breaks my heart ot hear so many of my peers wrestling with whether or not they can or even should take a Sabbath.

Sabbath for Pastors
Free 6 Pitfalls Every New Children's Pastor Should Avoid

Avoid these pitfalls that new pastors make. 

Pastor Pitfalls
All Access 68 Reasons Why Children's Ministry Matters!

Kids matter to God and they should matter to us. Here are 68 reasons why.

Importance of CM
All Access 7 Habits of Highly Effective Small Group Leaders

Be the best small group leader you can be with these helpful tips. 

Small Groups
Free 7 Questions You Can't Ask In Church

Do you know God's commands for your life? Or are you just misunderstanding them? 

Humor, Questions
Free 7 Things to Remember When a Parent Expresses a Concern

7 tips to consider when addressing concerns in your ministry.

Safety, Communication, Parental Concerns
All Access 8 Signs Your Volunteer Needs a Break

Watch for these signs that your volunteers need to take a break from serving in ministry. 

All Access 9 Bad Things Happening When You Forget Ministry Vision

What happens when you lose the vision for your ministry?

All Access A Sincere Response to NO

How do you respond when told no? This may directly affect how your kids will respond when they are told no as well.

Relationships, Discipline
All Access Act Like a Fool

Don't be afraid to get emotional over your relationship with God. 

Worship, Relationship
All Access Anxiety and Digital Minimalism

How far must you go to reach Digital Minimalism?

Anxiety, Technology
Starter Anxiety, Depression and... Ministry?

Pastors and ministry workers should not feel shame when they are depressed. They are not alone, and there is help and support available. 

Healthy Ministry
All Access Be Proactive

You can be the victim in your ministry. Or you can be proactive with your ministry.

Leadership, Struggles
All Access Be Wise

As a pastor, you need to seek God's heart, and then tailor things to fit your ministry. 

Starter BEWARE: Don't make this mistake when teaching the Bible

Is Proof-Texting Dangerous?

Proof Texting; Bible Teaching
All Access Bible Verses to Encourage Sunday School Teachers

Encourage your Sunday School teachers with these 5 Bible verses. 

Sunday School Burnout
Free Bigger Is Better, Right?

When it comes to children's ministry, is bigger really better? Learn how to use the resources you have to make yours the best ministry possible for the kids you serve. 

Relationships, Leadership
Free Can a Pastor Take a Day Off?

Can a Pastor take a day off? Yes, you CAN get a day OFF. And it can be Amazing!

Leadership, Mistakes, Recruitment
Free Choose to Speak Life

God brings many people (staff, volunteers, parents and children) into our circle of influence. Pray for them, and choose to speak life into their lives. 

Encouragement, Inspiration
All Access Collaborative Problem Solving

3 steps to collaborative problem solving.

Problem Solving
All Access Disciplers and Specialists

The Acts 6 Model makes it possible for a local Family of God to provide a ministry to children that meets each child’s individual needs.

Discipleship, Church Leadership
All Access Discipleship Roller Coaster

Discipleship is messy and gritty and sloppy, and that’s the beauty. And some weeks that can also be the tough part of it.

Free Do You Apologize Too Much in Recruiting?

Saying "sorry" is a good thing, but not when your goal is to win volunteers to your ministry and vision.

Leadership, Mistakes, Recruitment
Free Do You Have Cliques in Your Children's Ministry?

“Two are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT

Families, Programming
All Access Do You REALLY Know What You're Doing?

There’s no question that ministry can be difficult and we all face times when doubt sets in and we think quitting may be easier.

Encouragement, Leadership
All Access Does Busy Define You?

Is your busyness defining who you are and what you are able to accomplish for the Lord?

Finding Balance, Busyness
Free Dysfunctional Families of the Bible

Does your family feel dysfunctional? Turns out you're in good company. You could even be Biblical ... 

Humor, Families
All Access Educational Objectives with Children in Your Church

What should your kids know as they reach the end of each grade level? Here's a handy list to help you out!

Learning Goals
All Access Enhancing Your Cross-Cultural Connections in Ministry

In our diverse modern culture, virtually all ministry is “cross-cultural” and effective connections and relationship building will depend up your cross-cultural understanding and communication skills.

Cross Culture
All Access Expecting Much From Jesus

What are you expecting of Jesus today?

All Access Fear in Children of Divorce Can Cause Behavior Issues

Did you know that fear in the child of divorce can cause behavior issues?

Divorce, Fear, and Behavior Issues
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Drummer Gospel Colors U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 12 - How to Meet with God Next Steps for Kids Kidology Online Training
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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