Kidologist's Zone

This is the place to find things written or submitted by the creator of, Karl Bastian.

Use Karl's creativity to your advantage! Browse his ideas, plans, games, and more. Use them as is or adapt them for your ministry!

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter Members
Level Title Topic
Plus FUN Choices Opening Game

This is a fun interactive game that gets kids moving and trying to solve a fun but easy puzzle. It's all about choices!

Plus Vote for Jesus! A FUN Patriotic Lesson

This is a FUN interactive lesson about how we "Vote for Jesus" every day by the choices we make!

Fruit of the Spirit
Plus Secret to Having New Parents Serving Every Week!

Here is a fun positive way to have some parents helping every week in your children's service.

Recruiting Parents
Plus Books of the Bible Scramble Game

This is a fun unscrambling game using 20 random books of the Bible.

Books of the Bible
Plus Summer Bible Reading Challenge

A challenge to help kids read Matthew and John over the summer with parents involved.

Bible Reading
Plus Holy Spirit Balloon Game & Object Lesson

A fun game that also teaches four things the Holy Spirit does for us.

Holy Spirit Helps
Plus LOST and FOUND Sign

Tired of loose items cluttering up your kidmin space? Here is a fun Lost and Found sign that also warns that items will be disposed of soon.

Kidmin Signage
Plus Volunteer Spotlight Templates

A simple fun way to recognize new or super volunteers! Just add a pictures and some interesting facts and post outside the room they serve in!

Volunteer Appreciation
Starter We'll Be Back! - a Toybox Tale Classic

What happens when Dr. Bunsen Honey Dew tried to clone Arnold Swartzewhathisname? Instead of "I'll be back!" You get "We'll be back!"

You Are Unique
Starter Something from Nothing! - a Toybox Tale Classic

What happens when a magician tries to make Something from Nothing? Apparently only God can do that trick! And He did, when He made the world!

Starter The Sin Eliminator - a Toybox Tale Classic

What happens when Dr. Bunsen Honeydew attempts to purge Beaker of his sin with his Sin Eliminator invention? This is the historic first Toybox Tale performed back in 2001, four years before YouTube even existed!

Sin and Forgiveness
Plus List of Worries!

This is a humorous list of worries that a puppet or character has made. A leader talks them through it and challenges them to 'cast their cares upon Jesus.' (1 Peter 5:7)

Worry Trust Faith
Plus Cereal Sunday Lesson

Written for Time Change Sunday where the kids are allowed to come to church in PJ's and eat cereal! This FUN cereal lesson helps kids learn spiritual applications from their favorite cereals!

Time Change Lesson
Starter Offering Monster

Here is a FUN way to make giving both FUN and memorable. Introducing Numnum the Offering Monster!

Offering Collection
Plus This is Love... Picture Presentation

Love isn't just the mushy stuff, it's putting others above yourself. This is a presentation with pictures of love in action!

Love, Valentine’s Day
Plus All About Me Kid Info Sheet

A fun and easy way to get to know your kids, learn about their needs, keep up with the world of kids, and get ministry feed back, all at once!

Relational Ministry
Plus The Kidology Handbook in Spanish

Translated by a friend, the classic edition of the Kidology Handbook is provided free of charge to Kidology All Access Members. (Disfrute de este recurso de entrenamiento gratuito.)

Spanish Training Resource
Plus Wordless Book How To (Video Training)

Video training by Pastor Karl on the many ways to use the Wordless Book to share the Gospel with complete instructions.

Wordless Book
Plus Wordless Book Mini Book

A simple and easy Wordless Book template that can be customized for your own ministry.

Wordless Book
Plus An Emoji Christmas Story

Tell the Christmas Story with Emojis!

Emoji Christmas

Purchase all the files and information on how to host a Nerf Wars event for the preteens in your ministry!

Preteen Event Details
Plus Charades Talent Show

Put on an INSTANT Talent Show as you talk about the gifts God gives us.

Gifts and Talents
Plus Jolly Rancher Toss Review Game

Just a simple fun review game that is YUMMY too!

Candy Review Game
Plus Live Comic Teaching

Kids Love Comics! Skip the videos and PowerPoints, just DRAW the Bible Story and your kids will be glued to the story!

Creative Teaching
Plus The Vanishing Salt Shaker

Amaze the kids the next time you eat out by making the restaurant's salt shaker pass right through a solid table! No secret props, use only materials at the table. It's a fun way to connect with kids the next time you eat out!

The Kidology Lab
Plus The Sugar Packet Puzzle

Here is a fun, challenging but entertaining puzzle you can do with kids right at the table in a restaurant. It's so easy it's hard! But the kids will have a fun time as you connect with them through this handy game.

The Kidology Lab
Plus The Magic Hank

A fast and easy magic trick anyone can do - make a handkerchief bow down at your very command! That is, when he chooses to obey!

The Kidology Lab
Plus The Penny Game

A fast and easy game for connecting with kids that requires only a handful of pennies to have a bundle of fun!

The Kidology Lab
Plus Fear Not Video

This is a fun intro video on the topic of fear that gives the technical names of funny (but real) fears that people have.

Types of Fears
Plus Time Travel Fun Spiral Video

Just a fun looping spiral video for while asking kids to use their imaginations.

GO! ZOOM Video
Plus Which is Better?

Teaching on Forgiveness and the transition from animal sacrifices to Jesus, the lamb of God, these are some ideas you can use!


The Old Testament Book Names can be doozies! Here is a simple fun way to introduce a book, using Leviticus as a sample.  

Old Testament
Plus ZOOMING IN Video 3 - Fidget Spinner

Another video Karl made for introducing a lesson in the ZOOM Series from GO! Curriculum at his church. Used for talking about Zooming in and out over the Bible - the different between topical overview and digging in close to the details. This one zooms in on the most popular toy in America right now - the fidget spinner!

GO! ZOOM Video
Plus Security Tag Signs

Signs for both the Check-in area and classrooms stating the importance and requirement to use the security tags for pick up.

Child Security
All Access Safe and Secure Training Video

A Child Security Training Video for use in Your Ministry.

Child Security
Plus Sample CM Ministry Org Chart

Do you have an org chart for your kidmin? You Should! Here is a sample from Pastor Karl.

Kidmin Organization
Starter Sample Ministry Brochure

This is a sample of a kids ministry brochure from Karl's church. Please dont copy in full - but you are welcome to use it for ideas and inspiration.

Plus Confession List... For Others?!

As a lesson intro on Confessing Sin, a puppet (or actor) has a list of sins to confess... only they are OTHER people's sins!

Plus 40 Seconds in the Wilderness

This is just a fun way to help kids related to the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for forty years by having them wander the room for 40 seconds.

Israelites Wandering Experience
Plus ZOOMING IN Video 2 - Lego Batmobile

Another video Karl made for introducing a lesson in the ZOOM Series from GO! Curriculum at his church. Used for talking about Zooming in and out over the Bible - the different between topical overview and digging in close to the details.

GO! ZOOM Video
Plus ZOOMING IN Video 1 - Church Building

A video Karl made for introducing the ZOOM Series from GO! Curriculum at his church. Used for talking about Zooming in and out over the Bible - the different between topical overview and digging in close to the details.

GO! ZOOM Video
Starter Karl's YES! Recruiting Flyer

As shared on Kidmin Talk #99, this is the recruiting flyer I made for my church. And, YES! You can use it too!

Recruiting Flyer
Plus Listening to God

This is an Object Talk Video created by Karl Bastian that teaches and illustrates the importance of listening carefully to God. Features the Bop-It electronic game.

Listening to God
Plus Freedom from Sin

This is an Object Talk Video created by Karl Bastian that teaches and illustrates what it means to be Free from the bondage of sin.

Freedom from Sin
Plus Magnify the Lord

This is an Object Talk Video created by Karl Bastian to teach about what it means to Magnify the Lord. Features several fun magnifying tools.  

Praising God
Plus Teen Training Session

Here is everything you need to hold a Teen Training Volunteer Session to inspire, instruct and instill confidence in your youth volunteers.

Teen Volunteer Training
Plus Clean Teeth

A fun game that takes an ordinary daily chore (brushing your teeth) and provide a spiritual application on obeying God's Word.

Games, Teamwork, Obeying God's Word
Plus Barnyard Scramble

Help children understand how, in a church, everyone needs to find out what their spiritual gift is and use it together with others in the Body of Christ.

Games, Spiritual Gifts
Plus Vote with Your Feet

This opening lesson activity helps to illustrate that while we have many things that make us different... there are some things we can all agree on.  

Fun Lesson Intro
Plus Is Your Kidmin in Survival or Creative Mode?

I love Minecraft. I play it with my son and other kids. It also teaches me things about children's ministry.

PLUS Membership 2025 Church Visuals 2025 KidCheck YouthCheck Guitar 2025 TUB Right - 2025 Promo 88 Games with 8 Objects Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 17 - Global The Kids Church Cooking Show - Episode 5: Stories Kidology Store
Need Curriculum?

Check out Bible Basics
Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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