Church Escape Event Plan

This was one of the BEST events I ever did for my preteen ministry!

Everyone loves Escape Rooms, so I thought, "Why not do an Escape Church!?" It was a BLAST!

OVERVIEW: The overall theme of the event is "Books of the BIble" using spy/code-breaking graphics. The puzzles/problems they solve involve using clues to discover Books of the Bible which will give them a code to allow them to open a safe and earn a piece of a Pizza puzzle. Once they have all the pieces of the puzzle, they learn how to 'escape' the church and can then enjoy a special treat while waiting for the other teams. 

Here is a Highlight Video to give you a feel for what it looked like:

Also available to All Access Members in their download or included in your Church Escape Event purchase is a detailed Instructional Video.

Inside you will find:

  • Event Logo
  • Map Files to customize
  • Puzzle info and Graphics for six rooms
  • MANY PDFs to print
  • Graphics to use or customize
  • Links to download videos above
  • Safe info
  • Hints info
  • Welcome Code
  • Intro Puzzle
  • and MUCH MORE!

This is an event folks will be talking about for years to come! I've saved you HOURS and hours of work creating all the files and puzzles for you. There is some set up work involved, but with this Church Escape Kit you'll be up and going in no time!

PLEASE NOTE: This event will take some EFFORT and TIME to understand, prepare, and pull off. You'll need a team to help and Room Hosts for each room.

My goal was to create a FUN event for families. Make sure you let the parents know this is a FAMILY event, not a PARENTS vs. PARENTS event, so they need to include their kids and guide them toward answers rather than just doing it all while the kids tag along!

I also wanted to make the games secretly educational! Families learn the number of books in the Bible, how the Bible is organized, and work with a lot of Scripture. I loved hearing, "I learned so much!"

COST? We charged a nominal fee for each family/team. Teams should be no more than 6 people ideally. Some families brought a friend, which was fine. Have registration and a firm cut off date, as once you have the number of families, you'll be creating a Player Packet for them. Have a waiting list to fill spots of any last minute cancelations. Call through your registrations to confirm they are coming, letting them know that there is a waiting list, so please don't "no show."


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