Easter Zone

We all know that Easter is more than bunnies and Marshmallow Peeps! But how do you help your kids comprehend Christ's resurrection? Grab some fresh ideas eggsploring our collection of Easter resources. There's still time to pull everything together for Easter Sunday.

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Starter E.A.S.T.E.R. Eggs Lesson

An Easter presentation that uses the letters of EASTER to tell the real meaning of the holiday.

All Access Easter / Palm Sunday Jokes

A variety of Easter related jokes.

Starter Easter Family DO-votionals

Here is a FREE Easter Family DO-votional you can give your families for Easter. 

All Access A Chronology of the Resurrection

This is a tool to help you prepare for your Easter lesson. It is a chronology of Christ's Resurrection. (Can be modified into a lesson for kids)

All Access After Quiet Time Message

A neat simple story for kids about spreading God's message. Can be used with a puppet or a vent.

Easter Message
All Access CROSSwords: A PowerPoint Game

The game basically is a jazzed up version of Hangman that can be used to reinforce kids’ knowledge of the Bible, as well as having fun at the same time!

Christ's Death and Ressurection
All Access E.A.S.T.E.R. Skit

The real message of Easter is Jesus.

The Real Meaning of Easter.
All Access Easter Cookies

This wonderful craft idea allows children to understand, in their own yummy way, the wonder of Easter!

Jesus' Suffering
All Access Easter Devotions

Prepare your heart for Easter

All Access Easter Drama

Acting out of Jesus' death and rising.

All Access Easter Egg Hunt with a Teaching Twist

Have kids answer questions out of plastic eggs, about Easter for prizes.

All Access Easter Egg Hunt With A Twist

Jesus ascended to Heaven and He will come again some day.

New Testament
All Access Easter Egg Memory Verse

Use plastic Easter eggs to teach a Memory Verse.

Easter Game
All Access Easter Lesson for Kids Church

An object talk for Easter plus some info on the history of Easter to teach kids.

Christ's Ressurection
All Access Easter Outreach Skit

Easter’s not about us. It’s about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross.

All Access Easter Puppet Sketch

Our kids love this puppet sketch!

All Access Easter Scavenger Hunt

This is a great activity to do with large or small groups of children. We search the church while listening to the Easter story and end up with a fun surprise!

All Access Easter Tomb Craft

Great craft for Easter

All Access Easter-In-A-Box Neighborhood Outreach

This is a creative way for people in the church to form relationships with those in their community around Easter time.

Easter/Neighborhood Outreach
All Access Egg Hunt Puppet Script

This is a pupet script that I used at our 04 Egg Hunt.

All Access Egg/Spoon Relay

Messy or not? uses eggs (messy) or plastic eggs (not) for relay or Egg War!

All Access Heaven (An Easter Lesson)

Without Easter, there would be no Heaven for us to learn about.

All Access Hidden Message Hang Man

Uncover hidden messages pertaining to scriptures using the Hang Man Game. Great for Easter and Christmas.

All Access Jelly Bean Easter Prayer

A FUN Easter Prayer using Jelly Beans to tell the Easter Story!

All Access Jesus Conquered Sin and the Grave

This fun object lesson helps kids to understand that Jesus took our sins upon himself and is the only one who can get rid of them. You can include this as part of an Easter lesson or any other time you might teach about Jesus' ressurection or the atonement of our sins.

All Access JESUS LIVES!!!

A story of easter

All Access Jesus Takes Away Our Sin Object Lesson

Once you have put your trust in Jesus and He has taken away your sin, you stay clean on the inside. This is the Good News we remember at Easter.

All Access Jesus takes away our sins

Once you have put your trust in Jesus, He has taken away your sin and you stay clean on the inside.

All Access Jesus Takes Away Our Sins

Christian Life
All Access Jesus Wipes Away Our Sins

This short and easy object lesson gives kids a better handle on the truth that only Jesus' blood is able to remove our sins.

All Access Lord I Lift Your Name on High

Here is a very simple, yet POWERFUL play for children to do for Easter.

Easter Drama/Musical
All Access Meditations For Easter

The angel of death passed over every house that was marked with blood. They were saved by the blood of the lamb.

All Access Mystery Box

Christian Life
All Access Packing for the Lenten Journey

Did you know that Easter is so important for Christians that we need a special time to get ready for Easter?

All Access Personal With Christ On Easter Eggs

Using either plastic or real eggs decorate eggs with the childrens names on them and some type of information from the bible, Example: The name of a Book, a person or place.

Egg Decoration
All Access Receive Christ

Jesus is willing to take anyone. One just needs to accept his free gift.

All Access Resources for Easter

Here aare a couple resources that have been great to use for Easter when I have not had actors or super talented story tellers to help out.

Easter resources
All Access Resurrection Eggs

Great lesson for childrens ministry

All Access Resurrection Trail

A wonderful family and outreach opportunity to see, touch, hear, and even smell and taste the truths of the Resurrecetion. Not difficult to implement and so worthwhile! It's the "Resurrection Eggs" come to life...

All Access Shining Easter Egg Hunt

Spreading the light of Jesus using flashlights.

All Access Some Last Words

Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Mark 15, Easter
All Access The Hunt for the Egg of Lasting Life

Outback Jack learned the true meaning of Easter in this funny take off of the Crocidile Hunter.

Easter Puppet Script / Drama
All Access The Living God

But our God is different. He is alive! Only He can hear and answer our prayers.

Luke 24:1-12, The Easter Story
All Access The Living God

Our God was different. He is alive! Only He can hear and answer our prayers. I think I will go and pray to the only true, living God.

All Access The resurrection of Christ

Here is a close up object lesson on the resurrection that is certain to amaze your class.

The resurrection
All Access The Story Of A Dough Egg

A talk teaching on the severity of lying. David told a lie because it seemed the easy way out, but it ended up causing the death of many people. (1 Samuel 22:22) (Exodus 20:16) (Proverbs 6:17-19) (Revelation 21:8)

All Access Unbreakable Egg Contest

Fun with eggs for older kids .

All Access Wash Cloth Bunny Basket

Great Easter craft

All Access What's In Your Basket (lesson for older kids)

What is in your basket that you can share?

All Access You Can't Keep a Good Man Down

This is patter you can use with 20th Century Silks and a Change Bag as an object lesson in talking about Jesus' ressurection. This is ONLY the patter. You'll have to buy the tricks to know the secret. This is meant to be done on Easter, but you can adapt it to fit any time of year.

Easter/Gospel Magic
Kidology Theorem Book - Right Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl Gospel Colors U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 9 - How to Build Character The Kids Church Cooking Show - Episode 5: Stories Kidmin Talk Podcast
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