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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Intentional Leadership

If you want to have a productive and successful week of ministry, allow me to give you a few practical tips on how be in an INTENTIONAL LEADER.

Intentionality! Now there’s a BIG WORD for you! But intentionality is a word that can make or break your week! Too often, we spend our days reacting instead of being intentional. If you want to have a productive and successful week of ministry, allow me to give you a few practical tips on how be in an INTENTIONAL LEADER: 

  1. Turn off notifications on your phone. Everything will still be there later. Don’t let your phone interrupt you. You determine when you check your messages. You can choose to allow notifications only from your spouse and boss if you like.
  2. Close your e-mail software and turn off automatic e-mail checking. Decide when to check your email. Set a time in the morning and afternoon when you will go through your inbox. Remember the four D’s of managing email: Do it, Delegate it, Defer it, or Delete it. Deal with every message once. Then, close your email software.
  3. Use a “to-do” list. Whether it is software, a planner, or a 3x5 card – it doesn’t matter. Each morning, intentionally determine what should be done FIRST that day before anything else distracts you or pulls you away. The exception may be... 

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