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Looking for Jesus

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Christmas, Jesus

Encourage Families to Look for Jesus this Christmas.

While this house may be a bit extreme - perhaps even tacky - (and I'd hate to have their electric bill!) it does have Jesus and the nativity on on the lawn!

As your family drives around looking at Christmas lights and enjoying the season - encourage your children to be on the "Lookout for Jesus!"

Whenever someone spots Jesus, point Him out and Cheer! "It's JESUS!"

Consider keeping some loose points, even if only for the day, on who spots the "Reason for the Season" in the midst of all the holiday fun.

It's a daily battle (and I use that word lightly) to keep drawing our kids focus back to Jesus during Christmas. All the rest of the holiday trappings are all fun and good and enjoyable... but like a birthday kid who can get forgotten if he leaves the room at his own birthday party, we need to gently and postively keep bringing Jesus back into the conversation at Christmas.

"Jesus Sightings" is one fun way to do it. You'll see him in stores, windows, neighbors yards, and on greetings cards - and when you do - just celebrate it by saying, "There's someone who remembered it's all about Jesus!" and say, "Happy Birthday Jesus!"

Don't use guilt or negativity toward the rest of the holiday - enjoy it to the full! But keep mentioning Jesus and His Birthday as well

Just imagine if it were your birthday and you were being overlooked!

Log in with your All Access Membership to download this ToyBox Tale that illustrates the topic in a fun way that might be useful to show your children: A Birthday Party For Who?


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