Parenting Zone

We all know parenting is a tough job. Parents need all the support they can get, and church leaders should be that support! Whether you are a leader or a parent or both, the resources in our Parenting Zone can help you help the parents in your church better lead their families in Biblical living.

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Starter Very Intentional Parenting

Karl provides an overview of his VIP Ministry and exclusive resources related to Family Ministry and D6 Conference.

Family Ministry
Free 50 Life Lessons Learned in 50 Years

For my 50th Birthday I wrote out 50 life lessons I have learned in my 50 years. Enjoy!

All Access Salvation Follow Up Parent Letter

Sample letter to send parents when a child makes a decision to accept Jesus as their Savior at church.

Parent Follow Up
All Access Summer Bible Reading Challenge

A challenge to help kids read Matthew and John over the summer with parents involved.

Bible Reading
All Access Father's Day Jokes

A collection of jokes relating to dads

Father's Day
All Access Karl Explains Fortnite

Karl explains what Fortnite is and how to use it to better connect with your kids.

All Access "I Can't Feel God Today"

What will you say when a little child says to you, “I can’t feel God today”?  

Divorce Care
Free 10 Things You Should Never Do to Lead a Child in Salvation

A humerous look at what NOT to do to lead a child to Christ

Humor, Salvation
All Access 3 Parenting Fears and How to Face Them

"What are you most afraid of as a parent?" This question evokes fear and uncertainty in many parents. How can you move from fear to rest and trust?

Family, Parenting, Fear
Free 3 Reasons Why Kids Need Systematic Theology

Times have changed. As children's pastors and parents, we need to realize that our kids need more than what we're teaching.

Theology, Teaching, Culture
Free 3 Things Having Kids Has Taught Me

A few life lessons as taught by kids

Lessons in Life
All Access 3 Ways to be a Better Dad

So many dads want to be better dads, but they have no idea what that looks like.

Starter 5 Questions to Ask if Your Child Wants to be Baptiized

This article gives practical advice to parents wondering if their child is ready to be baptized.

All Access 5 Questions to Help Teach Your Kids Responsibility

Every child is different, and every family is different, but there are some thing we can explore to help us figure out the right level of responsibility for our kids.

Free 5 Shifts Parents Need to Make in LGBTQ America

As Christians, how should we respond to losing battles in our culture war?

Social Issues, Parenting
All Access 7 Ways to Welcome Guests for the Holidays

How you welcome your holiday guests is a powerful tool in your arsenal of customer service offerings. Keep in mind: you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Welcome, Guests, Holidays
All Access Adoption: The Very Heart of Our Father

The bond between a parent and a child is not just biological. It's a heart bond. 

All Access An Open House Policy

Here are some ideas that may help you create an ‘open house’ policy with your family.

Create a Welcoming Home
Free Are You A Protective Parent or A Pro-active Parent?

How can you help shape the things that your child loves?

Parenting, Relationships
All Access Are You Flying Over Mission Fields to Get to the Mission Fields?

Do you know where YOUR mission field is?

Divorce Care, Single Parents, Local Missions
All Access Ask Me No Questions and I'll Tell You No Lies

Why do some divorced and single parents lie to their kids? What affect could this have on them longterm? How can you help?

Divorce, Lies
All Access Creative tips to use when living with or ministering to a traumatized child

A look at what we can do when ministering to, living with or working with a child that has been traumatized.

Divorce, Trauma
All Access Discipleship Ideas for Divorced and Single Parents

When discipleship is the strategy, Deuteronomy 6:6-8 can be a reality, even for single and divorced parents. 

Divorce, Discipleship, Single Parents
All Access Do you recognize the behaviors of a traumatized child?

Experiencing a life crisis can lead to some children exhibiting particular characteristics of being “traumatized?”

Behavior, Divorce
All Access Emotional Concussions

Emotional concussions can be just as lethal, and sometimes even more so, than a physical concussion

Divorce, Emotions
Free Explaining the Trinity to Kids

How do you explain the Trinity to your kids?

All Access Five Family Values that will Change the Future of Your Children

What family values are you instilling into your children?

All Access Five Reasons To Take Your Family On a Missions Trip

Gather your family and get ready to hit the road (or the air) as you stretch your faith together and reach out in another culture.

Family, Missions
All Access Gaming Addiction and Kids of Divorce

Excessive use of video games can become a trap (an addiction) kids get caught in as they try to escape their emotional turmoil.

Divorce, Addiction
All Access Help Kids Overcome Their Fears

We have to teach our kids to control their own thoughts of fear and that is anything but easy.  

All Access How I Teach Kids About The Holy Spirit

It’s critical that we not just talk about the Holy Spirit, but that we teach kids how to actually hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.  

Holy Spirit
Free How To Talk To Kids About Tragedy

How do you talk kids through the tragic times in their lives?

Leadership, Tragedy, Counseling
All Access How to Talk to Your Kids About Scary Events in the News

Mr. Rogers gives great advice on how to talk to kids about scary events in the news. 

Communication, Parenting, Fear
All Access How to Unplug and Engage with Your Family

Hear tips on how to stay connected to those you love.

All Access How to walk away from a power struggle with a child!

Find out why kids want to be in a power struggle, what not to do, and when to walk away.

Divorce Care, Strong-Willed, Power Struggles
All Access How Young Is Too Young

When should the Gospel be presented to a child?

Relationship with God
Starter Is it True?

We have a generation that is ruled by their emotional response to any given situation, yet they have failed to stop and ask, “Is this true?”

Objective Truth
All Access Is there a difference between a broken home and a single parent family?

You might question if there is a big difference between broken homes and single-parent homes. 

Divorce Care
All Access Just Because I Can, Doesn't Mean I Should

How often do you volunteer for something that you really don't have time for? Are you feeling overwhelmed by trying to be everything to everyone? Do you know it's OK to say 'no'?

Saying No
Free Leading Children to Christ

The time to lead a child to Christ is now. 

All Access Leading Your Child to Christ

The greatest contribution you can make to your child’s well being is instilling a fervent love for Jesus Christ. But how does this happen? What steps must a parent take in order to lead their child to Christ? How can you ensure that what happens at church is a supplement and not a replacement for spiritual guidance at home?

Child Evangelism
All Access Leading Your Family with Focus

Throughout Scripture, God calls parents to take seriously the spiritual leadership of their children. Here are three key areas of family life where you can show significant spiritual leadership.

Parenting, Family Ministry
All Access Learning From Parenting Failures

 Your parenting failures can actually make you a better parent. 

All Access Looking For Advent Resources For Your Family?

Advent Resources for Parents

Advent, Christmas
Free My Top Five Parenting Failures

Every parent makes mistakes. Every parent feels like a failure at times. Here are some helpful tips to improve the way you communicate with and raise your kids. 

Parenting, Relationships
All Access No R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for anyone or anything. What do you do?

Should you expect respect from all kids? What about kids who have been through trauma? 

Respect, Divorce Care
All Access Parents, What Message are You Preaching to Your Kids?

Do your kids understand the relentlessness of God?

God's Relentlessness
All Access Pizza, Pornography and Meeting New People: A Look Inside Our Kids Digital World

Our kids live in a digital age. To say that times have changed since we were kids is a gross understatement. But how are we doing at keeping up with those changes? How can we stay ahead of the digital curve and keep our kids safe?

Online Safety
Free Protecting Girls in a #MeToo World

How do we protect our girls in a sex-saturated culture?

Parenting, Relationships
Free Raising Boys in a #MeToo World

How can we raise our boys to respect women in a sex-saturated culture.

Parenting, Relationships
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