
ZILCH! The Game of Greed!
Kids try to win by not getting too greedy!
ZILCH - the game where kids try to win by not getting too greedy!
TWO VERSIONS are available: The fruit version is for when teaching on Adam and Eve. The question mark version is for any other lesson (generic).
You'll receive a 7-page PDF including instructions and 5 pages of images to print on card stock and laminate.
Kids compete to see how many points they can score before they pick a ZILCH card and lose it all! They can stop whenever they want, and the longer they go, the more likely they will lose everything.
Who can score the most points without pushing too far and losing it all? An excellent game to play when teaching on greed!
This game in included in the Xtreme Livin' 8-week series from it Bible Curriculum!