Kidologists Zone

This is the place to find things written or submitted by the creator of, Karl Bastian.

Use Karl's creativity to your advantage! Browse his ideas, plans, games, and more, and use them as is or adapt them for your ministry!

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter All Access
Level Title Topic
Starter A Church on the Corner is NOT Enough!

We must get outside the walls of our church to reach those who won't enter the walls of our church!

Starter Foot Washing Activity

This is a fun activity for little learners to practice washing feet. 

Serving Others
Starter So Much To Do!

There's a way to get MORE done in LESS time!

Task Management
Starter Keep Parents in the Loop!

Learn helpful tips to better communicate with parents in your ministry!

Starter Tips for Working with Kids with Special Needs

All children have special needs. Some just need more than others. So how do we reach out to those children with special needs and behavioral challenges in our ministry?

Special Needs Ministry
Starter I asked AI to Wish Me a Happy Birthday!

"Happy Birthday, Pastor Karl, from your AI Friend!"

Life Lessons
Starter Are You Ready for the Next Crisis in Your Ministry?

In children’s ministry, crises are a guarantee. It's not if, but when.

Crisis Management
Starter Meet Noduh the Wise One!

Have you ever wished Yoda could lead your lessons? We have good news for you!

Biblical Wisdom
Starter Boost Your Volunteer Recruitment with the Back to School Checklist

The Back to School Checklist is a powerful recruiting tool for your ministry. 

Spiritual Growth
All Access T.A.L.K. Talk - The Power of Words

The way we use our words can have a lasting impact on the people around us.

Think Before You T.A.L.K.
Starter Shape Your Kids' Spiritual Lives!

Object Lessons are one of THE most effective ways to teach kids.

Bible Basics
All Access Noduh the Wise One on the Spiritual Disciplines

Enjoy Pastor Karl's classic video series on Spiritual Disciplines starring Noduh the Wise One - not to be confused with his cousin Yoda of Star Wars fame. This 10-part series includes an introduction video.

Spiritual Disciplines
Starter Oh, You Sexy Document!

Object Lessons are one of THE most effective ways to teach kids.

Document Management
Starter BLOW UP Your Object Lessons!

Object Lessons are one of THE most effective ways to teach kids.

Impactful Object Lessons
All Access Karl's Giant Square to Circle Object Lesson

A giant object lesson illustrating how God can do the impossible - as a teacher transforms a GIANT square made of metal brackets instantly into in a giant CIRCLE!

God Can Do the Impossible
Starter Tips and Tricks for Visitor Follow-Up

A Complete Strategy for Guest Family Follow-Up

Family Follow-Up
Starter Empower Your Ministry with Next Steps for Kids (and Students)!

This discipleship tool will prepare kids for their spiritual journey.

Starter Spurgeon Started It!

A Tiny Booklet with a BIG Message

Sharing the Gospel
Starter You Might Not Know It Yet, But You Need IT!

Kids Need it. God’s Word has it. Now You Can Teach it!

it Bible Curriculum
Starter Can You Hear Me Now?

This video will equip you with essential tools and strategies to ensure your messages are heard by everyone involved in your ministry. 

Starter Be One of the First to Get My New Book!

Apply these theorems to your kids ministry, experiment with them, tweak them in your own laboratory, and watch as success bubbles up like you’ve never seen before.

Theorems, Ministry Tips and Techniques
Starter Get Kids Talking by Asking Questions!

Kid Conversation Cards get kids talking!

Conversation, Relationships, Discipleship
Starter Train Your Kids to Become Bible Ninja Warriors

It ought to be a sin to bore a kid with the Bible!

Bible Skills
Starter Oh, No! Not Another Meeting!

What is your gut response when you hear the word ‘Meeting’? Is it excitement or dread?

Ministry Management
Starter Romans Road Gospel Tool!

An updated Romans Road Gospel Tool for Kids!  

Starter Order of the Ancient - Chapter 1

Introduction and Chapter 1 of Order of the Ancient, a novel written by Karl Bastian, the Kidologist.

Novel for Kids
Starter Yes! Preschoolers CAN Study the Bible!

Use this Bible Curriculum for non-readers to challenge the youngest children to learn – they will rise to the occasion! 

Starter Why I Do What I Do...

And at the HEART of everything is the GOSPEL MESSAGE…which is why we are constantly looking for new and creative ways to communicate the timeless message of the Gospel! 

Kids Need Jesus, The Gospel
Starter YOU Are a Bible Character

Bible Characters were just ordinary people acting on Faith. 

Starter The ABC's of Team Building

I know far too many former children’s ministry leaders who are “former” precisely because the “job” of being in children’s ministry seemed like a “bait and switch.”

Volunteers, Teams, Recruiting
Starter A Pen-Pal in the Philippines!

It was a Sunday night in high school. And even though I was sitting in the back pew with my buddies, it was a day that would change my life forever.

Missions and Marriage
Starter Need Gospel Tools? We've Got Em!

I recently re-invented the classic Wordless Book for a new generation with The Gospel Colors to bring a fresh fun spin to this technique.

Good News Gospel Tools
Starter Explore Easter in a Whole New Way!

The Great Escape is super fun, super interactive, super relational, but also super intentional in sharing the Good News of Jesus! 

Escape Room Kidmin Event
Starter Finally, an Easy Way to Train Volunteers!

When it comes to training your Volunteers, we’ve got you covered!

Volunteer Training
Starter Teaching Teenagers

They aren’t kids, but they aren’t adults yet either. 

Starter There is no I in TEAM - Practical Points for Powerful Teams!

Team Building is important to the success of the ministry God has given you!

Team Camaraderie
Starter A Human Board Game That Teaches About Prayer?

Imagine your kids on a giant game board, moving forward or backwards – landing on Prayer “Boosts” or “Sliders” learning what can boost our prayer life, or cause us to slide backwards. 

All Access The Tale of Billy and Bob: Words of Wisdom

Billy gets a parrot and Bob talks to him about the importance of choosing his words.

Starter What to Do with Those 5th Sundays?

It happens four times a year… those 5thSundays. You can just incorporate them into your normal curriculum, OR… you can make them extra special.

5th Sunday
Starter The Salvation Poem Video

The Salvation Poem is a song that wonderfully expresses the Sinner's Prayer in song. The lyrics and music are provided free from This video was created by and is offered here for free to our Starter Members.

Gospel Presentation
Starter Cookin' Up Yummy Lessons!

Could you apply the principles of successful restaurants to your children’s ministry by cookin' up memorable lessons?

Free Wally, Paul's Pit Partner Videos

Sample videos of the Wally Videos from Etermity 500

Eternity 500 Videos
Starter No More BORING Countdowns

Countdowns can be boring. You need Crazy Countdowns!

Starter Leadership vs. Management

How would like a TWO-WEEK PAID VACATION in addition to the time your church already offers you? (And your boss won’t even know you took it!) Sound good? Keep reading!

Ministry Management
All Access Feedback is Your Friend

Many a leader sabotaged his or her ministry simply because they were not teachable. How and why you should SEEK out feedback.

Leadership Development
All Access Recruiting Tool: Is Your Kid a WINNER? Recruiting Tool

A fun recruiting flyer that invites parents to see if their child is a winner!

Starter A Valentine's Lesson Game Your Kids Will LOVE!

Guard Your Heart is a super-fun interactive object lesson game that can be used for Valentine's Day or any teaching situation that features Proverbs 4:23 - "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”

Object Lessons
All Access Sample Recruiting E-mail

A sample recruiting e-mail to parents attending regularly to your church, but not yet serving on any ministry teams to demonstrate how to be positive while making the case for why they should serve.

Starter Today's Kids Need to be Discipled More Than Ever!

Disciple your kids with My Awesome Adventure!

Starter The Classic Handbook That Can Still Train Your Volunteers TODAY!

Being a “Kidologist” was a mindset of approaching children’s ministry as an “always learner”, being a student of kids, their world, and the best way to minister within the culture of kids. 

Relational Ministry
Best Christmas Pageant Ever Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Stars FUNtastic Bible Activity Book U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Andy and the Ants My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 11 - How to Discover Gifts Next Steps for Kids Kidology Store
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

Kidology on Twitter