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Using the Wordless Book to Share the Gospel

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Author/Source: Karl Bastian

Topic: Evangelism

The WORDLESS BOOK is one of the most effective ways to present the Gospel to children! WORDLESS BOOKS can be purchased, but are very simple to make yourself.

Using the Wordless Book to Share the Gospel

Using the Wordless Book to Share the Gospel

The WORDLESS BOOK is one of the most effective ways to present the Gospel to children. (Although many adults have been led to Christ with it as well!) The WORDLESS BOOK makes the Truth of the Gospel very simple. As it’s name suggests, it has no words! It contains just four colored pages of red, black, white and yellow and a green cover. WORDLESS BOOKS can be purchased, but are very simple to make yourself. Some have even used the same colors with beaded bracelets, fingers of a glove, blocks, charms, even sections of an umbrella! What the colors are on is not the issue, it is the timeless message they contain that is so effective.

PAGE 1 The Black Page Romans 3:23

The black page stands for sin. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of God’s perfect standard. That is the “Bad News!” Everyone is guilty of sin and must pay for their sin! It also is effective to compare the black to darkness, and talk about what it is like to be lost in the dark, unable to find your way. The same is true of spiritual darkness. Without God, we stumble our way through life struggling to find the Way. We need salvation!

NOTE: Avoid saying that “black is sin” with African American children who can misunderstand and think that you are saying ‘black people’ are sin. Black reminds us of darkness or uncleanness, then talk about those, not how ‘black is evil.’

PAGE 2 The Red Page John 3:16

The red page stands for the blood of Jesus (I John 1:7) which was shed for our salvation. In I Cor. 15:3,4 it says that “Christ died for our sins, that He was buried and that He was raised to life three days later.” He died to take our place, and rose again to prove His power over death! It is through faith in Jesus and through acceptance of His gift of salvation that man is saved and through nothing else. (Eph. 2:8-9) Jesus offers the salvation we need!


PAGE 3 The White Page John 1:13

The white page stands for the cleansing of salvation. Once we accept Christ, we become a new creation! (II Cor. 5:17) God saves us instantly through our faith in Christ. He washes away all of our sin and makes us white as snow before Him! (Psalm 51:7; Isaiah 1:18) This is the promise of God, that He will forgive us all our sins! Also, if you talked about spiritual darkness on the black page, the white can be used as light, or the spiritual sight we are granted once we are saved.


PAGE 4 The Gold Page Rev. 21:18,21

The gold page stands for heaven. Some people begin with this page; I prefer to start with man’s need and place the gold page here as another benefit of receiving Christ. Jesus has gone to prepare a wonderful place for those who choose to accept Him. (John 14:1-3)

At this point, provide an opportunity to receive Christ. Ask your students if they know they are a sinner. Ask if they believe Jesus came to save them. If they answer “yes,” then ask if there is any reason why they shouldn’t receive God’s salvation through Jesus right now. Here is a sample prayer they can pray: Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and am lost without You. Please forgive me! I believe you sent Jesus to die for me, and that He rose again! I ask Jesus to come into my life and transform me into the person You want me to be. Help me to live for You! Thank You for forgiving me! In Jesus' Name, Amen.


THE COVER The Green Page II Peter 3:18

The green page stands for the Christian’s need to GROW IN HIS NEW LIFE! Plants need three basic things to grow: Sunshine, rain and good soil. Well, for a Christian, his sunshine is prayer with the Son. His rain is the nourishment of God’s Word, and his soil is the healthy fellowship with other believers in the faith. All three of these must be present in the life of a believer in order for him to live a truly victorious life.

This tool is very handy and flexible, so develop your own presentation! Some have added a BLUE page to represent either baptism (water) or the second coming of Jesus. (sky)

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