Missions Zone

70% of Missionaries Received Their Call to Missions as a Child!

Help inform and inspire children to be a missionary on their block, in their school, and around the world! Here in the Missions Zone you can find ideas for teaching and promoting Missions among the children of your church or ministry!

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Membership Levels:
Guest Starter All Access
Level Title Topic
All Access The Secret Church

Graphics, in a PowerPoint presentation, that are adaptable for many mission presentations.

All Access Ticket to Heaven Game

A FUN interactive game by Karl Bastian that visually illustrates the eternal impact of sharing your faith. Includes a complete video of the game in action!

The Gospel
Starter GOOD NEWS Gospel Tract

FREE DOWNLOAD! A fun, simple and effective way for kids to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus with their friends!

The Gospel
All Access Missions Airplane Trip

This is a great way to take kids on a "trip" they will never forget.

Missions Event
All Access Country Name Tags

This is a fun way to get kids thinking about different countries around the world throughout an entire missions program! Rename them the name of a country for a service!

All Access Globe Race!

A simple, fun, and exciting game that will help children realize that our country is just a small part of much larger world!

All Access If You Think Church is Boring

An invitation to church that kids can give their friends: "If you think church is boring, you've never been to MY church!"

Church Invitation
All Access Jesus in My Neighborhood? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 3 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access members) on JESUS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD. The video features Jesus visiting a boy for his bedtime prayers and giving him a surprise answer to prayer!

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (3 of 3)
All Access New Ways to Do the WORDLESS BOOK!

Everyone has seen a Wordless Book, here are some NEW ways to present it! Get Creative!!

Wordless Book Variety
All Access Share Your Testimony

Help your kids learn about the change becoming a Christian makes by sharing your testimony.

All Access The 3 Penny Missionary Game

This simple, fun game helps children understand how a church is planted on the mission field.

Missions - Planting a Church
Starter The Romans Road to Heaven!

Simple way to present the gospel message using 8 verses from Romans.

Gospel, Evangelism,
All Access Who is Jesus? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 1 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access Members) on WHO IS JESUS. The video has puppets answering the question, "Who is Jesus?"

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (1 of 3)
All Access Who is My Neighbor? Lesson and Video

Jesus in My Neighborhood? - Part 2 of 3: This is a FREE lesson and video download (for All Access members) on WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR. The video has puppets answering the question, "Who is Your Neighbor?"

Jesus in My Neighborhood? Series (2 of 3)
All Access Are You Called to Minister to Children?

You'll never gain fame or glory in children's ministry. So are YOU called?

Ministry Calling
All Access 5 Ways to Raise Support for a Family Missions Trip

Need to raise support for a family missions trip? Here are some great ideas for raising support!

Family Missions Trips
Starter Amazing Kids! Amazing God!

Here's a great idea for your next free will offering collection. Excellent for camp or VBS!

Free Will Offering
All Access Are You Flying Over Mission Fields to Get to the Mission Fields?

Do you know where YOUR mission field is?

Divorce Care, Single Parents, Local Missions
Free Backyard Evangelism for Children's Ministry

An exciting form of outreach in the perfect location for reaching kids.

Outreach, Missions, Event
All Access Bring Your Bible for Misssions

Use this simple incentive to help grow your children's hearts for missions and encourage them to bring their Bibles.

All Access Children's Missions Resources

A huge list of great Missions resources for your Children's Ministry

Missions, Resources
All Access Five Reasons To Take Your Family On a Missions Trip

Gather your family and get ready to hit the road (or the air) as you stretch your faith together and reach out in another culture.

Family, Missions
All Access Flatman and Bobbin Go Into All The World

Flatman and Bobbin learn the Great Commission.  

All Access Halloween Movie Outreach Kit

This time of year is notorious for its association with darkness, but Jesus says we are the light of the world! So, let's get out there and shine with Operation Flashlight!

Outreach, Halloween
All Access Honduras: Play It!

Honduras is primarily a poor country, but Honduran kids have a great time playing simple games they create using items they can easily find. Try both of these ways to enjoy a game Honduran style!

Games from Honduras
All Access How Can They Hear?

This is a skit to help explain to children why we give money for compassion projects and not just money for Bibles.

All Access How Do Preteens Become Missionaries? (Part 2 - Involve Them)

Don't wait until kids are "old enough" to do missions work. Get them involved early!

Evangelism, Missions
All Access How Do Preteens Become Missionaries? (Part I - Creating an Interest)

Don't wait until kids are "old enough" to do missions work. Get them involved early!

Evangelism, Missions
Starter Is Your Children's Ministry Outwardly Focused?

Is your church outwardly focused? Are you reaching out to the people in your community?

Missions, Outreach
All Access It's Not About the Puppets

Reaching kids is not primarily about having the right physical tools. Remind yourself what it IS about.

Using your Gifts and Resources
All Access Maintain Your Mission

For the Church to effectively utilize its resources and to fulfill its mandate to reach all nations, missions education must be integrated into the core of Christian education.

Missions, curriculum
All Access Next Generation Partnership

See this vast study of church partnership with missions organizations and get practical ideas that you can apply in your ministry.

All Access Praxis of Nurture in Small Churches

Glen Woods is well known as thoughtful practitioner of children's ministry. Here he offers his doctoral dissertation on family ministry especially as it relates to small church ministry. For those willing to dive into the topic seriously, they will find this engaging, challenging and thought provoking.  

Partnering with Parents
All Access Seed Pictures

Children in Tanzania must create their own fun and toys, since many families have little money. Let your kids be creative with this fun project!

All Access Tanzania: Taste It!

Here is a sweet snack called mandazi that children in Tanzania like to eat for breakfast!

Food from Tanzania
All Access Ten Ways to Mobilize Kids for Missions

More and more children’s ministry leaders and parents are interested in getting kids involved in service, outreach, and missions. But how can we get today’s kids on the move? Here are ten key ingredients for motivating kids to focus on the needs of others.

Children's Ministry, Missions
Free Think Like a Missionary

What methods do we use to teach our kids to be missionaries?

All Access South American Children's Festival

A carnival type event that features South American games, foods, and crafts.

All Access Wii Care

A night of video game fun with a purpose.

Outreach, Missions
All Access Disney's Mulan & Missions

This skit uses Disney's Mulan to encourage kids to participate in a foreign missions related fundraiser. Though this version was written for Awana Adopt-A-Club, it can be used for any missions project.

Funding Raising for Missions
Starter Caravan Friends

CaravanFriends.org introduces children to missions and Asian peoples. Get free Bible-based stories, games and activities! Great tools for parents or teachers.

Free Kids Missions Resources
All Access A Missionary Right Where You Are

Showing the children they can be a missionary to the homeless person.

All Access Around the World in Two Hours

A group activity to help introduce kids to the mission field by allowing them to experience foods, crafts, and stories from the various cultures.

All Access Beautiful Feet

"Beautiful Feet" lesson ideas all related to witnessing and/or missions.

Evangelism / Missions
All Access Feeding the Homeless

Raising money to feed the homeless

All Access Get a Kick Out of Sharing

Sponsored by World Vision, your kids can become good servants (and sharers) and get involved with missions to kids all around the world by "Getting a Kick Out of Sharing!"

All Access Globe Race

You will need 2 matching globes for this game that can be used just for fun or to introduce a talk on world missions.

All Access Good Works Team

What do you get when you combine kids, their parents, and a needy senior adult in your church or community? Blessings overflowing!

Ministry to elderly
All Access Household Bible Items for Missions

A simple idea to get families thinking about and supporting missions throughout the year.

Missions - Fund Raising
All Access How Can We Reach Sarah?

Why do we have to send missionaries? How come some people have to go overseas, while others can just stay at home and share the Gospel? This is a great illustration.

What is missions?
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