Creative Ideas Zone

Need a Bright Idea?

The "Creative Idea" Zone is kinda the "Everything Else" Zone. If it isn't an object lesson, or a craft, or a story, or a game, or a magic trick, or puppet script, or a... you get the idea... then it's HERE!

There are tons of great ideas in here, so surf to your heart's content. Or better yet, use the search tool to search by key word or topic. And be sure to submit YOUR great ideas!

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Free Finding Nemo Movie Review

Finding Nemo features several points of application that make for great discussion in your children’s ministry. Take advantage of this film to teach important lessons your kids will never forget. Here are a few I left the movie tonight thinking about:

Movie Review
Free The Hulk Movie Review

Well, HULK FEVER is BACK! Once again, it is cool to be GREEN! The HULK is everywhere from Mountain Dew cans to coloring books and toys and video games due to the Hulk Movie that came out in June 2003.

Movie Review
Free 10 Mom Trivia Questions from the Bible

Here is a trivia game for your children's ministry on Mother's Day!

Mother's Day, Trivia
Plus 15 Fun and Easy Bible Verse Games for Kids

Download this PDF with 15 games to use in your Kidmin to help them learn bible verses

Plus 50 Ways God Loves You

This PowerPoint visualizes 50 ways God loves you thru a 50's theme.

Love, 50's Theme
Plus A Clean Heart

This lesson can be used to talk about forgiveness and salvation.

God'd forgiveness
Starter A HAND in Prayer

Teaching young children to remember what to pray for by using each finger to represent something.

Plus A Special Baby’s Smile

This poem may be used for Baby dedication Sunday or Children's Day. This was written for my own grandson after his birth. His name was Samuel.

A Special Baby
Plus A Special Purpose

This cup stacking object lesson is intended to show children how special they are to God and lead them to respond to the Gospel.

God's Design
Plus A Walk On the Beach

What do you look for when you visit a beach? Sandcastles, shells, or maybe a nice area to enjoy the day? Jesus took a walk on the beach at the Sea of Galilee. Let's find out what he was looking for?

Jesus chooses his disciples
Plus Ain't I A Stinker

AIN'T I A STINKER? is a short eight to ten minute Bugs Bunny "cartoon" in which Bugs learns just how much of a stinker he really is. It's used as a fresh way to introduce Romans 3:23 - All Have Sinned and from there, to share the Gospel.

All Have Sinned
Starter All Hail the Queen!

3-5 year olds act out being a queen or king as an introduction to a discussion about Jesus' kingship.

Crucifixion, Jesus as King
Plus All Is Lost

This is an acrostic lamentation.

Plus Alternative to Celebrating Halloween

Halloween alternative idea.

Celebrate Halloween with Jesus
Plus Appreciation Luncheon

A way to serve your volunteers...

Volunteer Appreciation
Plus Around the World in Two Hours

A group activity to help introduce kids to the mission field by allowing them to experience foods, crafts, and stories from the various cultures.

Starter Asking Questions

3-5 years olds will give examples of reality versus fantasy and learn that it is okay to ask questions about God being real.

Doubt, Faith, Believing without Seeing
Plus Baby Wars

A list of the sons of Jacob with Star Wars character names that can be used to make the story more interesting to children.

The sons of Jacob - Star Wars style
Plus better than water balloons!

Thinking about an event with water balloons? Consider this wonderful alternative!

Water Play
Plus Bible Reading Log

Reading Log for daily Bible reading at church

Bible Reading Log
Plus Blank Canvas

Have you ever wanted to see your children's ministry get a taste of the Holy Spirit and just dream. Blank canvas initiates the start of dreams coming into reality.

Vision for God
Starter Blank Domino Template

Use this handy template to create your own paper dominoes to suit any theme.

Make your own Dominoes
Plus Build A Church

We were doing a series on giving and this is an object lesson that shows the importance of everyone doing their part.

Giving, Stewardship
Plus Cain & Abel PowerPoint Flannelgraph

A PowerPoint/Flannelgraph presentation retelling the story of Cain and Abel.

Cain & Abel
Plus Cans for Kids

We collect aluminum cans and recycle them (.25/lb) and send the money to 1:1 Haiti, a ministry of the Baptist General Conference.

Plus Cards For the Troops

Send kid-created cards to servicemen & women

Patriotic, Armed Forces
Plus Chaplain's Assistant

Using a Army Chaplain in your kid's church

4th of July Service
Plus Child Wake-up Routines

A Collection of Wake Up Routine Songs for Parents to use to start the day our right. For young kids.

Wake Up Songs
Plus Cleansing Heart

Kids will learn that when they confess their sins and "bring it to the cross" that Jesus wipes away their sins.

God's Awesome Love
Starter Coin Race

3-5 years olds will race to build a block tower by "buying" your blocks.

Betrayal, Following Jesus
Starter Dancing with the Stars

3-5 year olds will understand that things can be real even if you cannot see them.

Faith, Belief
Plus Do You Have Your Racing Armor On?

A comparrison of Ephesians 6:11-17 and a race driver's uniform and equipment. Also included is a "wordless book" using the flags that the race starter uses.

AWANA Grand Prix
Plus Donuts for Dads / Tie Craft

A Father's Day craft that can be used as a way to reach out to Dads who normally will not come to church.

Father's Day
Plus Easter Treasure Hunt

Instead of hunting for meaningless bunnies and eggs, kids hunt for items related to the true story of Jesus and His resurrection.

Easter Story
Plus Facing Our Giants

Learning the acronym GIANT can help children remember steps to take in dealing with their fears.

Plus Family Game Night

A fun-filled night for all ages! Easy prep work & great results. Mom, Dad, teen, and toddler, even Grandma & Grandpa will enjoy this event.

Family Ministry
Plus Fast-U-Can-See

Creating a fasting box to teach the kids about fasting in and to help them participate in our churchwide fast.

Kids & Fasting
Plus Father's Day Card and Craft

Fun and easy craft for Father's Day

Father's Day
Plus Fear Factor Party

Used as a Halloween alternative or AWANA event for children.

Handling Fear
Plus Feeding the Homeless

Raising money to feed the homeless

Starter Fishing Game

3-5 year olds "fish" as a discussion starter for "fishing for men."

Making Disciples
Starter Follow the Leader!

3-5 years olds will play "Follow the Leader" while repeating the Big Idea.

Following Jesus, Discipleship, Betrayal
Starter From Clock Watchers to Time Keepers

Developing child leaders
Plus Fun Fair Summary

This is a basic overview of an annual outreach event. This was created to bring a new program director up-to-speed on what had been done in the past.

Outreach Event
Plus Fun for Halloween

Some options for those who like to dress up in costumes for Halloween...

Halloween Outreach
Plus Get a Kick Out of Sharing

Sponsored by World Vision, your kids can become good servants (and sharers) and get involved with missions to kids all around the world by "Getting a Kick Out of Sharing!"

Plus God's Garage decorations

I love free or almost-free decorating ideas. Here is how we pulled off fabulous VBS decorations with a cars and Route 66 theme for only $20!

Free Goofy Golf

April 22 is Earth Day. Take the day to teach kids what the BIBLE says about taking care of God’s Creation.

Earth Day Fun
Plus Grandparents to Remember

This poem may be used for Grandparents Day at church. The boys can quote grandpa's part while the girls say grandma's. Girls may wear aprons and boys straw hats. They also may hold objects that relate to the part being recited.

Plus Herod, the King Who Missed Christmas

PowerPoint visual story (with notes) about Herod, the king who missed Christmas.

Christmas Story
PLUS Membership 2025 Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl 2025 TUB Right - 2025 Promo Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 17 - Global Next Steps for Kids Kidmin Talk Podcast
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