Discovering Gods Path Curriculum Zone

Discovering God's PathDeena Stirling's Discovering God's Path curriculum is FREE to Kidology All Access Members, shared via the Kidology Zones.

This 3-year program of easy-to-use, reproducible lessons are ideal for your weekend or midweek programs for kids in grades 2-5. If your curriculum budget has shrunk and you are seeking affordable alternatives, let your Kidology Membership come to the rescue!

You can also purchase this curriculum in the Kidology Store and save time downloading individual lessons.

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Level Title Topic
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #025 - An Act of Worship

Worshipping God in word and deed.

Worshipping God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #026 - Rich Fool

Giving to others is a way to worship God.

Giving, Worshiping God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #027 - Prayer

Through prayer we can have conversation and relationship with God.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #028 - Sin

Sin hurts us, others and God.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #029 - Repentance

If we confess our sins, Jesus forgives us and makes us pure.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #030 - Salvation

Salvation is for anyone who believes in Jesus and wants a new life.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #031 - Baptism

Every Christian should be baptized and try to make it their first spiritual act.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #032 - God's Will

Put God's will first in your life.

God's Will
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #033 - Joy

God gives us joy when we know our names are written in heaven.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #034 - Who is the Holy Spirit

Jesus is with us by his Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #035 - Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Let's live by Jesus' Spirit, the Holy Spirit

Fruits of the Spirit
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #036 - The Bible

The Bible is God's love letter to us.

The Bible, God's Word
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #037 - Heaven

Heaven is a beautiful place. There will be no sorrow or tears there. We will be with God forever.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #038 - Thanksgiving

God gives so much- let's thank Him!

Being Thankful, Thanksgiving
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #039 - Visit by an Angel

God can do miracles.

Anything is Possible with God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #040 - Songs of New Birth

Trust in the Lord

Trusting God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #041 - The Messiah is Born

Jesus, our God is born.

Birth of Jesus
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #042 - The Visit of the Magi

Worship God for who He is!

The Wisemen Visit Baby Jesus
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #043 - Dedication

Be patient and wait for God's promises with joy and thankfulness.

Jesus is Dedicated
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #044-The Boy at the Temple

Jesus, even as young boy has incredible wisdom, understanding, and respect for parents.

Jesus at the Temple, Obedience
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #045-The Baptist and the Baptism

Do good and follow Jesus

John the Baptist, Baptism
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #046-Temptation

Jesus resisted temptation; we can too, with the standard of God's Word (the Bible) and the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Temptation of Jesus
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #047-Calling All Disciples

Give yourself completely to Jesus and follow Him.

Making Disciples; Following God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #048-Water into Wine

God can do miracles!

The Miracles of Jesus
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #049-The Centurion

Jesus has all the power and authority

The Miracles of Jesus, Jesus Heals the Centurion
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #050-The Healing at the Pool

Don't miss Jesus' miracles!

The Miracles of Jesus
Starter Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #001 - An Expensive Gift

Mary offered the most expensive/precious thing she had because she loved Jesus. What can we give Jesus? Give Him our heart, our lives... our best.

Gifts, perfume
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #002 - Into Jerusalem

Worship Jesus as our Savior and Passover Lamb. Serve one another in love.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #003 - Cross

Live our lives remembering that Jesus gave His life for us.

The Crucifixion
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #004 - He is Risen

With Jesus we can rise above any problem- Jesus is God- He rose from the dead!!!

The Resurrection
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #005 - The Miraculous Catch

God wants to make us fishers of men

Making Disciples, Fishers of Men
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #006 - Power

We can ask for God's spirit to heal and give us power to do God's work.

Holy Spirit
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #007 - Liar, Liar

Always tell the truth and don't be greedy.

Truthfulness, Greed
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #008 - Stephen's Story

Stephen showed mercy and forgiveness to his attackers.

Mercy, Forgiveness
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #009 - Blinded by the Light

God can change (transform) us.

God's Mercy, Saul's Conversion
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #010 - Tabitha Arise

Serve one another in love.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #011 - Double Vision

The Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ is for everyone, regardless of who they are or where they live.

Salvation, Missionaries, Evangelism
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #012 - Struck by an Angel

Praying for one another.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #013 - We Are Not Gods

Give the glory to God the Creator of all things.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #014 - The Fortune Teller

Trust God for the future.

Trusting God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #015 - The Unknown God

Let the Creator of the universe rule your life.

Evangelism, Worshipping God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #016 - Riot in Ephesus

Go into all the world and tell others about Jesus. Men can't stop God's work!

Evangelism, Missionaries
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #017 - Open Window

Be a missionary like Paul and look for your "open windows".

Evangelism, Missionaries
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #018 - Paul's Escape

No matter what the opposition, keep going God's way.

Evangelism, Missionaries
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #019 - Paul's Defense

Do not tire of standing firm in your faith.

Standing Firm for God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #020 - Shipwrecked

Trust in God throughout the storms of life.

Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #021 - Salt and Light

Glorify God in all you do.

God's Mercy, Beatitudes, Salt and Light
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #022 - Living Sacrifices

Honor God with your body. What would Jesus do?

Honor God
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #023 - Run the Race

Run the race of life to please God.

Pleasing God, Perserverance
Plus Discovering God's Path Curriculum: Lesson #024 - Gifts of the Spirit

Love must always be the measuring stick of our Christianity.

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