Kidology Christmas Games

During the Christmas season, play these games with a purpose!

Christmas Tic-Tac-Toe

Kids know how to play TIC-TAC-TOE. This is simply a way to play it on a large scale so everyone can join in the Christmas fun!

This is a Group Style Christmas Tic-Tac-Toe that the kids will love! Play on a table or floor with 2 teams or multiple games at once. Includes full instructions for set-up and play, as well as hi-res game markers for you to print.

Candy Cane Relay Race

In this fun relay game, kids will race to see which team can collect more candy canes the fastest. The instructions include a history of the candy cane and how to tie it into the message of Good News.

Candy Cane Relay Race also includes printable tags to attach to candy canes and send home with the kids as a reminder of the lesson.

Christmas Donut Games 


Team and individual, small group and large group... these games are adaptable to any ministry size! Print the included donut graphics on card stock paper to play over and over again!

Included in your Christmas Donut Games download are 3 FUN simple games you can play with your kidmin: Half a Dozen or Six of Another, My Favorite Donut, and Gimmie a Donut. 

Christmas Word Guess


Teams compete to see how many Christmas words they can guess. Each team uses words or motions to help the player guess the word. The team to guess the most words wins! 112 Christmas words are provided!

Christmas Word Guess is a FUN game to introduce any lesson during the Christmas season.

Place Jesus in the Manger

This is a clever twist on the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey Game - but for Christmas!

Place Jesus in the Manger has everything you need included in one easy, instant download. 

The Nativity Challenge

Tired of hearing, "We know this story!"? Then it's time for The Nativity Challenge!

In The Nativity Challenge, your kids will compete to create a Nativity Scene by completing various fun interactive challenges! The impact will be HUGE and your kids will have a BLAST!

Christmas Bible Bingo

We always need time fillers that do more than fill time. While the game of Bingo is fun, we adapted it to include some Bible Sword Drills so that learning takes place at the same time.

Our Christmas Bible Bingo teaches the People, Places, and Objects of Christmas to remind us of the "reason for the season." 

Gimmie! Gimmie! Christmas


Kids need fun ways to be reminded to watch out for the "Gimmie Gimmies" and to be thankful for what they have. This Christmas version helps kids to work on attitudes of gratitude!

Christmas Clue Hunt

Christmas Clue Hunt

Join fellow explorers as you uncover clues in this exciting deduction game ideal for small groups.  During these adventures, players encounter devotional "Fact Sheets" featuring Bible versesdiscussion questions, and other teaching applications to shape the story of Christ's birthChristmas Clue Hunt brings explorers back to Bethlehem as they dig into the true story of Christ's birth and Christmas.

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