Discovering God's Path Curriculum

Kidology offers Deena Stirling's Discovering God's Path 3-year curriculum in the Kidology StoreDiscovering God's PathThese easy-to-use, reproducible lessons are ideal for your weekend or midweek programs for kids in grades 2-5.

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If you are a Kidology All Access member, visit the Discovering God's Path Curriculum Zone to download each lesson for FREE. Don't have an All Access Membership? Join today!

Each lesson features the following:

  • Lesson Plan
    Showcasing opener options, prayer, and stories

  • Inventory Needs
    Detailed list of the needs for the lesson

  • Activity
    Overview of suggested activities for both younger and older kids

  • Snack Idea
    Edible ideas to support the lesson

  • Memory Verse
    Biblical text and passages for children to remember

  • Coloring Sheet
    Visually reinforce the teaching

  • Parent Page 
    Insights to each story that parents can discuss with their kids each week

This visually-appealing curriculum series is executable with the resources you already have, thus saving you both time and money. Spend less time on curriculum planning and more time helping kids experience God in a practical and fun way!

PDFDownload a Sample: New Testament
(PDF, 1.5M)

PDFDownload a Sample: Old Testament
(PDF, 2.2M)

Purchase via the Kidology Store for Quick and Easy Download
You can order the Old Testament or the New Testament, or save when you order both together from the Kidology Store.

PurchaseOrder Discovering God's Path: New Testament & Old Testament
(Kidology Store)

PurchaseOrder Discovering God's Path: New Testament ONLY
(Kidology Store)

PurchaseOrder Discovering God's Path: Old Testament ONLY
(Kidology Store)

Lesson Sequence

Discovering God's Path is a 3-year curriculum from Kidology. Here are the titles of each lesson provided for the Old and New Testament. The lessons covering Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are reused from year-to-year.

Old Testament

67 - Creation
68 - In The Garden
69 - Cain and Abel
70 - Noah's Ark
71 - Tower of Babel
72 - Father Abraham
73 - Rescue and Blessings
74 - The Promise Kept
75 - A Pillar of Salt
76 - The Lord Will Provide
77 - A Bride for Isaac
78 - Twins and Trickery
79 - Jacob's Dream
80 - Greedy Laban
81 - Jacob Goes Home
82 - Coat of Many Colors
83 - Run Joseph Run
84 - Interpreter of Dreams
85 - Perfect Timing
86 - His Name is Moses
87 - The Burning Bush
88 - Let My People Go
89 - Parting the Red Sea
90 - Manna From Heaven
91 - Ten Commandments
92 - The Golden Calf
93 - Moses Shining Face
94 - The Tabernacle
95 - Be Holy as God is Holy
96 - Twelve Spies
97 - The Donkey Who Talked
98 - Rahab
99 - Into the Promiseland
100 - Gideon
101 - Samson
102 - Ruth

103 - Hannah's Cry
104 - Samuel
105 - Captured Ark

106 - Saul Made Kings

107 - God Chooses David

108 - David and Goliath

109 - Jonathan and David

110 - Hidden in a Cave

111 - Crowning of King David
112 - David's Sin

113 - Solomon's Wish

114 - Solomon's Temple

115 - Divided Heart/Divided Kingdom
116 - Raven's & Oil

117 - Fire & Rain From Heaven

118 - Elijah's Revelation

119 - Naboth's Vineyard

120 - The Chariot Of Fire

121 - Elisha's Double Portion

122 - Naaman
123 - Surrounded
124 - A Loyal Priest and Boy King

125 - Jonah

126 - Isaiah

127 - Good King Hezekiah
128 - Josiah And God's Word
129 - Jeremiah

130 - Test Of A Prophet

131 - Don't Rebel
132 - The Fiery Furnace

133 - Daniel & The Lion's Den
134 - Queen Esther

135 - The Walls Go Up
New Testament

1 - An Expensive Gift 
2 - Into Jerusalem
3 - The Cross 

4 - He is Risen

5 - The Miraculous Catch
6 - Power
7 - Liar Liar 
8 - Stephen's Story
9 - Blinded by the Light 
10 - Tabitha Arise 
11 - Double Vision
12 - Struck by an Angel

13 - We are not Gods 
14 - The Fortune Teller 
15 - The Unknown God 
16 - Riot in Ephesus

17 - Open Window
18 - Paul's Escape

19 - Paul's Defense

20 - Shipwrecked

21 - Salt and Light
22 - What Would Jesus Do?

23 - Run the Race

24 - Gifts of the Spirit

25 - An Act of Worship

26 - Rich Fool 
27 - Prayer

28 - Sin

29 - Repentance

30 - Salvation
31 - Baptism

32 - God's Will

33 - Joy
34 - Who's the Holy Spirit
35 - Fruit of the Holy Spirit
36 - The Bible
37 - Heaven
38 - Thanksgiving
39 - Visit by an Angel
40 - Songs of New Birth 
41 - Messiah is Born
42 - Visit of the Magi
43 - Dedication
44 - Boy of the Temple
45 - Bapist and the Baptism
46 - The Temptation
47 - Calling all Disciples
48 - Water into Wine
49 - The Centurion
50 - The Healing at the Pool
51 - Hem of His Garment
52 - I Was Blind but now I see
53 - Lazarus Come Out!
54 - Love Your Enemies
55 - Secret Agent
56 - Treasure In Heaven
57 - No Judging!
58 - The Narrow Gate
59 - Woman At The Well
60 - Lost and Found
61 - Get Ready
62 - Good Neighbor
63 - Calm in the Storm
64 - Through the Roof
65 - The Good Soil 
66 - Gone to the Pigs

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