Creative Ideas Zone

Need a Bright Idea?

The "Creative Idea" Zone is kinda the "Everything Else" Zone. If it isn't an object lesson, or a craft, or a story, or a game, or a magic trick, or puppet script, or a... you get the idea... then it's HERE!

There are tons of great ideas in here, so surf to your heart's content. Or better yet, use the search tool to search by key word or topic. And be sure to submit YOUR great ideas!

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Guest Starter All Access
Level Title Topic
All Access 50's Theme Party Ideas

Here are some ideas if you are having a 50's theme party....

50's theme
All Access A FUNd Raiser for Kids

This a GREAT fund raising event for kids! We have called it "Pennies for Heaven"...

All Access Back to School Ideas

The kids are headed back to school, here are some ministry tips and ideas for Fall.

All Access Beany Baby Bash

Host a Beanie Babie event.

All Access Biblical Ice Cream Party

Add these Biblical Ice Cream Creations to your next event or party! You can create a MENU and have your guests order from the following selections...

All Access Box Car Derby

Instead of a pine word derby, try a cardboard box car derby!

All Access Bread of Life

Applying the concept of spirtual growth to the Bread of Life concept.

Spiritual Growth
All Access B-tweens

Alternative for those 'too old' for kids stuff but not still 'too young' for youth stuff.

All Access Checkin Social Distance Footprints

Here are some fun signs you can laminate and place on the floor to help people spread out for check-in.

Covid-19 Reopen Resource
All Access Cover those heads!

Everyone loves to laugh at the Peeking Puppeteer Heads, except the puppeteers who are doing the show. Here is a creative way to eliminate that!

Peeking Puppeteer Heads!
All Access Dinasaur Ideas

Doing a unit with dinosaurs??? Here are some FUN dinosaur ideas...

All Access Dr. Mel Practice - The Brain Transplant

Romans 12:2, "but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Renewing our Minds
All Access Fun with Popsicles!

Ideas for making popsicles... there are a variety of ways!

All Access Funny Faces

Fun activity to introduce topic of reflecting God.

All Access Getting into Character

Free Good Samaritan Skit: An I Witness News Report

An I Witness News reporter interviews a Good Samaritan along a decrepit road of doom!

Love Your Neighbor
All Access JESUS IS COMING - Your Kids will EXPERIENCE IT!

THIS IS A MUST! By promises to come 'uninvited' to video tape kids rooms and then show in children's church - kids will experience 'always being ready' for the return of Jesus!

Jesus Return
All Access Keep You and Your Teachers Current with Kids

Interviewing kids to keep up with what they are into and like.

Relational Ministry
All Access Let the kids correct each other

Reviewing ruls with kids helps them help each other to do what is right.

All Access Map to Heaven

Craft that focus on the places we 'go' in life on the way to heaven.

All Access Money in a fishes mouth

Jar with the most money in it is bad news for the teacher whose picture is on it!

Starter On Fire Worship

This short story/ talk, based around Hebrews 12:28b-29, talked about God's desire to fill us with himself during worship. We used this story as part of our "Polar Fun in the Sun" party (which can be found on the Kidology site in the Creative Ideas Zone).

All Access Parent's Night Out

Parents often pay for child care - let them pitch in and bring all the kids to church one evening so they can go on a date, plus help raise some money for the children's ministry.

All Access Polar Fun in the Sun

Have a winter event in the summer!

All Access Robot Offering Contest

Robot offering contest idea

All Access Run-On Story

A fun activity that also shows how amazing God's word is - being written by over 40 authors and making perfect sense!

All Access Sock Puppet Beauty Pageant

Kids can experience the story of Esther in a different way!

All Access Sprinkler freeze

A fun variation on 'running through a splinker'

Water War Idea
All Access Stewardship Teaching Ideas

Teaching on stewardship or money? Here are some ideas for you...

Free StorySticks Demo Video

Watch as Karl performs a Story Sticks demo of the Story of the Paralytic Man. 

StorySticks Demo
All Access Sword Awards

Our Children's Ministries tries to teach at a very young age the importance of using the Bible (the Sword). To reward children for remembering to bring their Bibles to class...

All Access The Secret Church

Graphics, in a PowerPoint presentation, that are adaptable for many mission presentations.

All Access Tin Foil Mirrors

Craft for theme 'being made in the image of God.

Image of God
All Access Transition Time Ideas

A bunch of ideas for ways to fill those awkward transition times!

Transition Times
All Access Tropical Room

see submission

Decorating Idea
All Access Two Lost Things

This is a script for a narrator and two others....doing a tandem telling of these two parables!

Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
All Access VBS Camp

3 Day VBS outline for using a 5 day material

Starter Veggie Themed Thank You Note

Thank you note with "Veggie" theme.

Thank you note
All Access Welcome Back Signs

Just some fun friendly signs you can use to welcome folks back to church!

Covid-19 Reopen Resource
All Access Who's Room Is It Anyway?

Video tape kids rooms to show in children's church.

Creative Opening
All Access Recruiting Tool: NEW YEAR Flyer

A fun flyer to invite folks to consider the ONE New Years Resolution that will take care of all of them: Serving in kids ministry!

New Year Recruiting Flyer
All Access The Gospel Colors Download Page

A FUN, new, simple way to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus using just 8 colors!

Gospel Presentation
All Access The POP QUIZ

What if Jesus took a Pop Quiz on Life and His results were counted as yours? That's the meaning of atonement! Jesus score is placed on top of yours!

Gospel Presentation
All Access Balloon Feet Guest Resource

These super fun balloon feet are a fun way to celebrate guests. Kids love them!

Welcoming Guests
Starter Never Ending Ticket!

A SUPER COOL Gospel Presentation that the kids will love - lots of audience participation!

Gospel Presentation
All Access Recruiting Tool: Valentine's Cards

Send home Valentine's that are also recruiting cards that invite folks to join the children's ministry in sharing God's love with children.

All Access Ticket to Heaven Game

A FUN interactive game by Karl Bastian that visually illustrates the eternal impact of sharing your faith. Includes a complete video of the game in action!

The Gospel
All Access Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 1: Basics

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
All Access Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 10: Penguin

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
All Access Balloon Sculpting with Pastor Brett - Part 11: Goliath's Sword

Pastor Brett Belleque will be presenting a series to help children's workers learn how to sculpt FUN with balloons!

Balloon Training
Best Christmas Pageant Ever Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck YouthCheck Guitar FUNtastic Bible Activity Book U-Turn Cards Gospel Presentation Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 15 - Respect Order of the Ancient Kidmin Talk Podcast
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Kidology's 3-Year Curriculum

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