ZonesOrangeWatch 2008

OrangeWatch 2008

Membership Level Guest

Author/Source: Steve Tanner

Topic: Conferences

An archive of the OrangeWatch beta, which featured a live feed of Kidology member-participating blogs and Twitter updates from the Orange Conference in Atlanta, GA (April 28-30, 2008).
During the Orange Conference 2008, introduced the OrangeWatch beta, an aggregation of feeds from member-participating blogs and Twitter updates.

This created a live reporting experience from the event in Atlanta, often including messages shared during sessions and workshops, with recap blog posts wrapping up at the end of each day.

We'd like to thank the following Kidology members for their timely contributions to the OrangeWatch:Here's an archive of the OrangeWatch updates, sorted as they appeared during the event, with the most recent at the top of the list and then descending backwards in time.

Note: Kidology is not responsible for titles and content submitted via contributors

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