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6 Pitfalls Every New Children's Pastor Should Avoid
6 Pitfalls Every New Children's Pastor Should Avoid
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Author/Source: Roger Fields
Topic: Pastor Pitfalls
Avoid these pitfalls that new pastors make.

Be careful, new children’s pastor, where you step. There are potholes and pitfalls out there. Here are some.

Don’t make any changes too fast. That will make the people around you insecure. Build relationships first.
Don’t make high-impact decisions without listening to the input of others who will be affected by your decisions. They will resent your leadership style if you make decisions in a vacuum.
Don’t make changes without clearly communicating the reasons for the changes. It makes you appear arbitrary, as though you like throwing your authority around.
Don’t do everything yourself. That sends a message you don’t need anyone else.
Don’t speak poorly of any staff member. It makes you look bitter. Keep your criticisms to yourself.
Don’t try to prove yourself by telling what you did in the past. It makes you look insecure and nobody cares anyway.
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