Order of the Ancient Novel
Order of the Ancient Novel

From the Back Cover:
Sometime in the not so distance future... There is One Government. One Religion.

Somewhere in the midst of this new world order, full of high tech gadgets and hover vehicles, eleven year old Brent Camden is on a quest for answers. After finally passing the Unified History Test to become a Netizen of the World Network of Communities (WNC), Brent heads to the Academy, but mysterious events lead him to discover that the world is not as perfect as it seems.

Something is missing.

What Brent discovers will change his life forever, and the life of every person who is willing to face and accept the Truth. During the day Brent studies at the Academy, but his evenings are spent as part of a secret group of people who call themselves the Remnant. Trained in the ways of their leader, known only as the Redeemer, Brent soon finds himself sent on a mission to infiltrate a high security facility to recover a treasured Book of Books that will restore hope to those who are the guardians of the Truth. Empowered by the Sovereign, guided by the Counselor, and in pursuit of the Name of the Redeemer, Brent's adventures will keep you reading into the night.

These are the Chronicles of the Remnant, the Order of the Ancient.

About the Author:
Karl Bastian is a full time children's pastor at the Village Church of Barrington in Illinois, and the founder of Kidology.org.

His mission statement is: To Reach and Teach as many children as possible with the Good News of God's Love, and in the process to Enlist, Equip, and Encourage others to do the same.

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