High Voltage Kids Ministry Surviving the Storm Curriculum Download
This series deals with the story of Noah and his family as God destroys the earth with a massive flood. Each lesson includes weekly puppet skits, theme games, illustrated sermons, video segments, and review questions. This package also includes:
- DVD - contains Lesson Intro video segments hosted by the crazy weatherman, Rusty Nimrod, and his reporter, Cindy Prescott. Together they interview Noah's family and the animals as they try to disprove the idea that there is a coming flood. Each intro video introduces the topic to be discussed and the BIG IDEA for the lesson. Also contains "Rap It Up" videos hosted by Skittles, and a themed countdown video to begin the service.
- Data CD - contains graphic art for promo, PowerPoint games, puppet skits, and PowerPoint slides used for Power Verse, the Big Idea, and illustrated messages. Also contains Adobe .PDF and Microsoft Publisher files of the entire Leader's Manual to personalize each lesson to your service's needs.
- Music CD - contains weekly sound effects, "Offering Time" song, instrumental songs for game time, and bonus song performed by "Skittles".
Lessons Include:- Living For God In A Wicked World - Noah Is Chosen To Build The Ark
- Don't Miss The Boat - Noah And His Family Are Saved
- After The Rain - God Sends A Rainbow And A Promise
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