Don't Wake The Mummy - PowerPoint Game
Don't Wake The Mummy - PowerPoint Game

This is a FUN game for helping kids to discover an important lesson phrase. YES, you can customize and even make your own playing screens. FULL DETAILS are included.

DESCRIPTION:This game was written to be used for a unit on the life of Joseph. However, it can be used any time you want to help children discover an important lesson phrase in a fun way. The game allows kids to have fun while focusing over and over on the phrase you want to emphasize.

GAME PLAY: Two to four kids are chosen from the audience to play. Kids in the audience should choose someone they think will win. (This keeps them engaged.) The game basically is a jazzed-up fill-in-the-blank game or 'hang man' where the kids get 'hints' instead of guessing letters themselves (which takes way too long).

NEEDED: PowerPoint, Computer, ability to project either to a television or screen. Because equipment varies so much and we are not 'on location', Kidology cannot provide technical support for PowerPoint games.

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