KickRickulum <i>Names of God 2</i> Curriculum Download
KickRickulum Names of God 2 Curriculum Download

This download is Packed Out! It contains PowerPoints and lessons in both Word format and PDF. Bible Object lessons and other visuals are used throughout the lessons. Other features include PowerPoints, lesson reinforcing breakout activities, games, and small groups. Introduction skits and quick skits between the teacher, students and special characters are both effective and entertaining. Children stay captivated and involved through each of the lesson components.

Included with this download are the following Packs:

Take a look at these Lesson titles:
  1. A Banner Day
    Jehovah - Nissi, The Lord My Banner
  2. And Above All...
    El Elyon - Most High God
  3. You Got It!
    Jehovah - Jireh, The Lord My Provider
  4. The Smite of Me
    Jehovah - Mekkah, The Lord Who Molds (Smites) Me
  5. Name Game Review
Lesson Components - Do some or do them all!
(based on skateboard terminology)Plus as part of the Packed Out version you will receive the following additional lesson component Packs (see sample lesson for details)Check out this sample:

Names of God Lesson 4 Sample

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